151. Models of Personality Disorders and Predictors of Self-injurious Thoughts and Behaviors Open Access Author: Burns, Rebecca Title: Models of Personality Disorders and Predictors of Self-injurious Thoughts and Behaviors Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: PersonalityLPFSMSISelf-harmSuicideNon-suicidal Self-injuryClinical Psychology File: Download SHC_Thesis_Title_Revised.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kenneth N. Levy, Thesis SupervisorKenneth N. Levy, Thesis Honors Advisor
152. Second Language Listeners’ Comprehension of Accented Speech in Quiet and Noisy Environments Open Access Author: Costanzo, Gregory Title: Second Language Listeners’ Comprehension of Accented Speech in Quiet and Noisy Environments Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: PsychologyLinguisticsCognitionAccentsLanguage Acquisition File: Download ThesisFinal_GregoryCostanzo.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Janet Van Hell, Thesis SupervisorFrank Gerard Hillary, Thesis Honors Advisor
153. Racial Bias in Perceptions of Sexual Violence Open Access Author: Renee, Teara Title: Racial Bias in Perceptions of Sexual Violence Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: sexual violencesexual harassmentintersectionalitydehumanizationracial biassexualizationSexual ViolenceSexual HarassmentIntersectionalityDehumanizationRacial BiasSexualization File: Download ReneeFinal_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Theresa K Vescio, Thesis SupervisorJeff M Love, Thesis Honors Advisor
154. Purpose in Life Mediates the Relationship Between Religiosity/Spirituality and Depression and Anxiety Open Access Author: Shank, Emily Title: Purpose in Life Mediates the Relationship Between Religiosity/Spirituality and Depression and Anxiety Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: psychologydepressionanxietyreligionspiritualitypurpose in lifemediation File: Download Emily_Shank_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michelle Gayle Newman, Thesis SupervisorSarah Myruski, Thesis Honors Advisor
155. Understanding emotion in different languages: Emotional prosody recognition in bilinguals and the impact of background noise Open Access Author: Stokes, Gabrielle Title: Understanding emotion in different languages: Emotional prosody recognition in bilinguals and the impact of background noise Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: BilingualL2-processingBackground NoiseEmotional Prosody File: Download Stokes_Thesis_Final_copy.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michele Diaz, Thesis SupervisorFrank Gerard Hillary, Thesis Honors AdvisorJanet Van Hell, Thesis Supervisor
156. Empathy Through Satire: How Empathy in Satire May Catalyze More Persuasion, Enjoyment, and Understanding Open Access Author: Wilcox, Gordon Title: Empathy Through Satire: How Empathy in Satire May Catalyze More Persuasion, Enjoyment, and Understanding Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: SatireEmpathyhumor File: Download Gordon_Wilcox_correcthesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Reg Adams, Thesis SupervisorSusan Simkins, Thesis Honors Advisor
157. Trait-level Perceived Job Discrimination Mediates Lower Coworker and Supervisor Support Predicting Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder 18 Years Later. Open Access Author: Yan, Rebecca Title: Trait-level Perceived Job Discrimination Mediates Lower Coworker and Supervisor Support Predicting Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder 18 Years Later. Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: coworker supportsupervisor supportanxietydepressionworkplace discriminationlongitudinal File: Download rythesis2024.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michelle Gayle Newman, Thesis SupervisorSusan Simkins, Thesis Honors Advisor
158. Adult Attachment and the Perception of Interpersonal Dynamics Open Access Author: Hieber, Maggie Title: Adult Attachment and the Perception of Interpersonal Dynamics Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: Attachment theoryContemporary Integrative Interpersonal TheoryContinuous Assessment of Interpersonal DynamicsInterpersonal perception File: Download M_Hieber_Thesis_Revised.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Aaron Lee Pincus, Thesis SupervisorKenneth N. Levy, Thesis Honors Advisor
159. The Association of Marital Conflict on Kindergarten Externalizing Problems in the Context of Fathers' Alcohol Use Disorder Open Access Author: Evans, Kelsey Title: The Association of Marital Conflict on Kindergarten Externalizing Problems in the Context of Fathers' Alcohol Use Disorder Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: fathers' alcohol problemsmarital conflictmaternal warmth/sensitivitychild biological sexaggressive behaviorsfathers' alcohol problemsmarital conflictmaternal warmth/sensitivitychild biological sexaggressive behaviors File: Download Evans_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rina Das Eiden, Thesis SupervisorSarah Myruski, Thesis Honors Advisor