Relationships between microfinance, solidarity groups, and informal lending in developing countries: the importance of trust and social capital and the WishVast potential
James Alan Miles, Thesis Supervisor James Alan Miles, Thesis Honors Advisor James Alan Miles, Thesis Supervisor Khanjan Mehta, Thesis Supervisor William Kracaw, Faculty Reader
Blair Hedges, Thesis Supervisor Dr. Stephen Blair Hedges, Thesis Supervisor Dr. Stephen Wade Schaeffer, Faculty Reader Dr. Stephen Blair Hedges, Thesis Honors Advisor
Venky Shankar And Madis Pihlak, Thesis Supervisor Venkataraman Shankar, Thesis Supervisor Madis Pihlak, Thesis Supervisor Patrick Reed, Thesis Honors Advisor Scott W Wing, Thesis Honors Advisor Peggy Ann Johnson, Faculty Reader
Jennifer Elizabeth Graham, Thesis Supervisor Jennifer Elise Graham Engeland, Thesis Supervisor Subhashinie Kariyawasam, Faculty Reader David John Vandenbergh, Thesis Honors Advisor
Seong Kim, Thesis Supervisor Dr. Seong Han Kim, Thesis Supervisor Christine Masters, Thesis Honors Advisor Dr. Themis Matsoukas, Thesis Honors Advisor Judith A Todd Copley, Faculty Reader
Matthew Edward Poehner, Thesis Supervisor Matthew Edward Poehner, Thesis Supervisor Matthew Edward Poehner, Thesis Honors Advisor Angiline Louisa Whitney, Faculty Reader
Sarah Mary Assmann, Thesis Supervisor Abdelali Barakat, Thesis Supervisor John Edward Carlson, Thesis Supervisor Sarah Mary Assmann, Thesis Honors Advisor
Barbara A. Shaw, Thesis Supervisor Barbara A. Shaw, Thesis Supervisor Dr. Charles E. Bakis, Thesis Honors Advisor Judith A Todd Copley, Faculty Reader Elizabeth Sikora, Faculty Reader
Professor Miles, Thesis Supervisor James Alan Miles, Thesis Supervisor James Alan Miles, Thesis Honors Advisor Dr. Joseph Randall Woolridge, Faculty Reader
Dr. Wayne Roger Curtis, Thesis Supervisor Dr. Wayne Roger Curtis, Thesis Supervisor Darrell Velegol, Thesis Honors Advisor Philip Warren Mohr, Thesis Honors Advisor Andrew Zydney, Faculty Reader
Dr. Anne Milasincic Andrews, Ph D, Thesis Supervisor Dr. Anne Milasincic Andrews, Ph D, Thesis Supervisor Dr. Lester C Griel Jr., Thesis Honors Advisor
Dr. Cynthia J Bartok, Thesis Supervisor Dr. Cynthia J Bartok, Thesis Supervisor Stephen Jacob Piazza, Thesis Honors Advisor Jonathan Robert Olson, Faculty Reader