5171. Does a Market Reaction Occur as a Result of Companies Accepting Cryptocurrency as Payment? Open Access Author: Brenc, Jane Title: Does a Market Reaction Occur as a Result of Companies Accepting Cryptocurrency as Payment? Area of Honors: Finance (Behrend) Keywords: CryptocurrencyMarket ReactionAbnormal ReturnsAcceptance of CryptocurrencyForm of Paymentstock market File: Download Jane_Brenc_Thesis_Final_Submission.pdfDownload Jane_Brenc_Thesis_2nd_Draft_of_Final_Submission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Xin Jessica Zhao, Thesis SupervisorXin Jessica Zhao, Thesis Honors AdvisorGreg Filbeck, Faculty Reader
5172. Johnson & Johnson: Social media and an organization’s response to scandal Open Access Author: Johnson, Sharnakae Title: Johnson & Johnson: Social media and an organization’s response to scandal Area of Honors: Management Keywords: Johnson and Johnsonscandalsocial mediaTylenol casetalcum powder case File: Download Sharnakae_Johnson_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jennifer Lynn Eury, Thesis SupervisorForrest Briscoe, Thesis Honors Advisor
5173. The Effectiveness of a Social Insurance Program for catastrophic disasters and its financial implications Open Access Author: Asprer, Jared Title: The Effectiveness of a Social Insurance Program for catastrophic disasters and its financial implications Area of Honors: Actuarial Science Keywords: displacementactuarial File: Download Asprer_Thesis_Final_1.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Amanda W Hammell, Thesis SupervisorAmanda W Hammell, Thesis Honors AdvisorZhongyi Yuan, Faculty Reader
5174. Efficient Solving of POMDPs using Circulant Matrices Open Access Author: Gudipaty, Akhil Title: Efficient Solving of POMDPs using Circulant Matrices Area of Honors: Computer Science Keywords: POMDPsCirculant MatricesPolicy evaluation File: Download Akhil_thesis_final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kenneth D. Czuprynski, Thesis SupervisorJohn Joseph Hannan, Thesis Honors Advisor
5175. Exploring Consumer Attitudes Towards Social Media Data Minimization Open Access Author: Burke, Michael Title: Exploring Consumer Attitudes Towards Social Media Data Minimization Area of Honors: Management Information Systems Keywords: data minimizationsocial mediaconsumer trustdata privacy File: Download Exploring_Consumer_Attitudes_Towards_Social_Media_Data_Minimization.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert Alexander Novack, Thesis SupervisorJohn C Spychalski, Thesis Honors Advisor
5176. Comparing Efficacy of Secondary School Bell Schedules at Mitigating Infectious Diseases Open Access Author: Sim, Julian Title: Comparing Efficacy of Secondary School Bell Schedules at Mitigating Infectious Diseases Area of Honors: Statistics Keywords: StatisticsInfectious DiseaseNetworksERGMEpidemiologyGraph TheoryEpiModel File: Download Sim_Julian_Comparing_Efficacy_Of_Secondary_School_Bell_Schedules_At_Mitigating_Infectious_Diseases.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David Hunter, Thesis SupervisorMatthew D Beckman, Thesis Honors Advisor
5177. SeleHiTANet: Boosting Health Risk Prediction via Data Selection on Hierarchical Time-aware Attention Networks Open Access Author: Qi, Sirui Title: SeleHiTANet: Boosting Health Risk Prediction via Data Selection on Hierarchical Time-aware Attention Networks Area of Honors: Information Sciences and Technology Keywords: healthcare informaticsattention mechanismtransformerdenoising algorithmRisk prediction File: Download honor_thesis_final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Fenglong Ma, Thesis SupervisorNick Giacobe, Thesis Honors Advisor
5178. Effects of Smooth Pursuit and Saccadic Eye Movements on Whole Body Postural Responses During Upright Perturbed Reaching Movements Open Access Author: Albenze, Eliza Title: Effects of Smooth Pursuit and Saccadic Eye Movements on Whole Body Postural Responses During Upright Perturbed Reaching Movements Area of Honors: Kinesiology Keywords: motor controlEMGvisuomotorposture stability File: Download Albenze_Final_Thesis_Spring_2023.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Tarkeshwar Singh, Thesis SupervisorLacy Marie Alexander, Thesis Honors Advisor
5179. Determining Complexity's Role In The M&A Market Open Access Author: Seibert, Sean Title: Determining Complexity's Role In The M&A Market Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: M&AMeasuring ComplexityBid Premium File: Download Sean_Seibert-_Fin494_Final_Draft.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Stefan M Lewellen, Thesis SupervisorBrian Spangler Davis, Thesis Honors Advisor
5180. Effect of Over-The-Counter Drugs on DNA Analysis of Blood Ingested by Medicinal Leeches Open Access Author: Patel, Dipesh Title: Effect of Over-The-Counter Drugs on DNA Analysis of Blood Ingested by Medicinal Leeches Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: DrugsDNA AnalysisLeechesAspirinIbuprofenCaffeineHPLCDNA ExtractionDNA Quantification File: Download Patel_Dipesh_Effect_of_Over-The-Counter_Drugs_on_DNA_Analysis_of_Blood_Ingested_by_Medicinal_Leeches.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Reena Roy, Thesis SupervisorCharles T Anderson, Thesis Honors Advisor