1. THE EFFECTS OF PERSONALITY ON CONCUSSION RATES Open Access Author: Petusky, Mark Edward Title: THE EFFECTS OF PERSONALITY ON CONCUSSION RATES Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: ConcussionPersonalitySportsPsychology File: Download Mark_PetuskyThesis_Final_Draft.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Peter Andrew Arnett, Thesis SupervisorRick R Jacobs, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Personality Differences Among the Big Four Professional Service Firms:examining the Big Four Through the "big Five" Open Access Author: Silver, Caitlin Ann Title: Personality Differences Among the Big Four Professional Service Firms:examining the Big Four Through the "big Five" Area of Honors: Accounting Keywords: AccountingFirmsBig FourPersonalityNEO Five Factor Model File: Download Thesis_V2.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mark William Dirsmith, Thesis SupervisorOrie Edwin Barron, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. A Study of Self-assessment Accuracy and Personality Open Access Author: Jeffer, Stephanie Nicole Title: A Study of Self-assessment Accuracy and Personality Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: Assessment centerSelf-AssessmentSelf-InsightCollege MajorPersonalityGender File: Download Jeffer_AStudyofSelfAssessmentAccuracyandPersonality.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rick R Jacobs, Thesis SupervisorRick R Jacobs, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Samuel Todd Hunter, Faculty Reader
4. Analysis of Commercial Construction Methods for a Multi-family Residential Building with Personality Characteristics of Construction Teams Open Access Author: Sommer, Rachel Mary Title: Analysis of Commercial Construction Methods for a Multi-family Residential Building with Personality Characteristics of Construction Teams Area of Honors: Architectural Engineering Keywords: Construction ManagementArchitectural EngineeringProject DeliveryPersonalityIPD File: Download Sommer_Rachel_PlazaBuilding.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Robert Michael Leicht, Thesis SupervisorRichard George Mistrick, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. An Exploration of Brand Personality Typology Open Access Author: Romeo, Gabrielle Faith Title: An Exploration of Brand Personality Typology Area of Honors: Marketing Keywords: BrandPersonalityTypologyAakerArchetypes File: Download RomeoGabrielleThesisFinal.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jennifer Chang Coupland, Thesis SupervisorJennifer Chang Coupland, Thesis Honors AdvisorJohann Baumgartner, Faculty Reader
6. Maternal Personality Predicts Infant Regulation of Fear and Frustration Open Access Author: Phillips, Jennifer Julia Title: Maternal Personality Predicts Infant Regulation of Fear and Frustration Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: Emotion RegulationMaternal FactorsPersonalityDevelopmental PsychopathologyRespiratory Sinus ArrhythmiaPsychobiology File: Download JPhillips_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Kristin Ann Buss, Thesis SupervisorKenneth N. Levy, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Koraly Elisa Pérez-Edgar, Faculty Reader
7. A Comparison of the Motive to Aggress Across Military and Nonmilitary Samples Open Access Author: Solomon, Dana Title: A Comparison of the Motive to Aggress Across Military and Nonmilitary Samples Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: AggressionMilitaryPersonality File: Download Dana_Solomon_Official_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: James Marshall Lebreton, Thesis SupervisorKenneth Levy, Thesis Honors AdvisorGreg Edward Loviscky, Faculty Reader
8. What lies beneath? A first look beyond global traits and shedding light on the differential intercorrelation between dark triad sub-factors and various intimate relationship variables. Open Access Author: Hauch, Benjamin Title: What lies beneath? A first look beyond global traits and shedding light on the differential intercorrelation between dark triad sub-factors and various intimate relationship variables. Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: PersonalityDark TriadNarcissismMachiavellianismPsychopathyIntimate RelationshipsMating StrategiesSub-factor File: Download B._Hauch_Latest_Revised_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: James Marshall Lebreton, Thesis SupervisorGreg Edward Loviscky, Thesis Honors Advisor
9. Examining Subgroup Differences in Personality Scores: A Predictive Sample Approach Open Access Author: Dobbs, Mitchell Title: Examining Subgroup Differences in Personality Scores: A Predictive Sample Approach Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: PersonalityAdverse ImpactBig FiveSubgroup DifferencesPredictive Sample File: Download 00_THESIS_RESUBMIT.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rustin David Meyer, Thesis SupervisorSusan Mohammed, Thesis Honors Advisor
10. The Effect of the Big Five Personality Traits on Support for Mask Mandates Open Access Author: Hunter, Michael Title: The Effect of the Big Five Personality Traits on Support for Mask Mandates Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: PersonalityMask MandatesPolitical PsychologySurvey File: Download Thesis_Draft_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Amy Sentementes, Thesis SupervisorMichael Barth Berkman, Thesis Honors Advisor