1. Disaster Relief: A Psychological Approach to Temporary Shelter Open Access Author: McDonough, Colleen Marie Title: Disaster Relief: A Psychological Approach to Temporary Shelter Area of Honors: Architecture Keywords: ArchitectureDisaster ReliefPsychology File: Download McDonough_Colleen_disasterreliefshelter.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Christine Lee Gorby, Thesis SupervisorChristine Lee Gorby, Thesis Honors AdvisorKatsuhiko Muramoto, Faculty Reader
2. The Effects of Personality and Modeling of Behaviors in Malevolent Forms of Creativity Open Access Author: Tripi, Christin Marie Title: The Effects of Personality and Modeling of Behaviors in Malevolent Forms of Creativity Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: PsychologyCreativityMalevolence File: Download MalC_Final_Submission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Samuel Todd Hunter, Thesis SupervisorMelvin Michael Mark, Faculty ReaderDr. Richard Alan Carlson, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Samuel Todd Hunter, Thesis Supervisor
3. Material and Immaterial: Designing an Architecture of Cognitive Systems Open Access Author: Graham, Matthew Robert Title: Material and Immaterial: Designing an Architecture of Cognitive Systems Area of Honors: Architecture Keywords: ArchitecturePenn StationNew YorkCognitivePsychologysystemssystem theorynetwork theorycognitive architecturema File: Download Graham_Matthew_SHC_2012.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Darla V Lindberg, Thesis SupervisorChristine Lee Gorby, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. THE EFFECTS OF PERSONALITY ON CONCUSSION RATES Open Access Author: Petusky, Mark Edward Title: THE EFFECTS OF PERSONALITY ON CONCUSSION RATES Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: ConcussionPersonalitySportsPsychology File: Download Mark_PetuskyThesis_Final_Draft.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Peter Andrew Arnett, Thesis SupervisorRick R Jacobs, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. How and Why Products Go Viral Open Access Author: Kelner, Nicole Title: How and Why Products Go Viral Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: ViralEntrepreneurshipMarketingPsychology File: Download Final_Thesis_1_6.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Elizabeth Cunningham Kisenwether, Thesis SupervisorRobert James Beaury, Faculty ReaderDr. Susan Mary Strohm, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. The Effect of Chronic Sleep Deprivation and Circadian Rhythm on Change Blindness and General Arousal Open Access Author: Khalid, Humza Title: The Effect of Chronic Sleep Deprivation and Circadian Rhythm on Change Blindness and General Arousal Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: PsychologyPartial Sleep DeprivationCircadian RhythmGeneral ArousalPVTChange Blindness File: Download Khalid_Humza_The_Effects_of_Chronic_Sleep_Deprivation_and_Circadian_Rhythm_on_Change_Blindness_and_General_Arousal_Measurements_FINAL_Submission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Frederick Martin Brown, Thesis SupervisorDr. Jeffrey M Love, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. Increasing Children And Adults’ Positive Connection To, Knowledge Of, And Orientation Toward Nature Through Environmental Education Programs Open Access Author: San Jose, Alyssa Leilani Title: Increasing Children And Adults’ Positive Connection To, Knowledge Of, And Orientation Toward Nature Through Environmental Education Programs Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: PsychologyOutdoor SchoolEnvironmental EducationNatureEnvironmental Stewardship File: Download SanJose_ConnectiontoNature.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Keith E Nelson, Thesis SupervisorDr. Jeffrey M Love, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Jeffrey M Love, Faculty Reader
8. Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis: A Multifaceted Approach Open Access Author: Mc Nett, Sienna Title: Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis: A Multifaceted Approach Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: FatigueDepressionMultiple SclerosisMSAutoimmuneNeuropsychologyBiologyNeuroimagingPsychologyChronic DiseaseClinicalResponse Time VarianceCognitive Fatigue File: Download McNett_Sienna_FatigueMS_fin.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Peter Andrew Arnett, Thesis SupervisorRichard W Ordway, Thesis Honors Advisor
9. Analyzing "Detreimental Psychological Harm": Social Science Evidence and Segregation in the Supreme Court Post-1950 Open Access Author: McKenna, Sarah Ann Title: Analyzing "Detreimental Psychological Harm": Social Science Evidence and Segregation in the Supreme Court Post-1950 Area of Honors: History Keywords: US Supreme CourtPsychologyConstitutional HistoryPsychological HarmSegregationAmicus BriefsNAACPSocial Science EvidenceTwentieth CenturyTwenty-First CenturyVinson CourtWarren CourtRoberts Court File: Download McKenna_Sarah_AnalyzingPsychHarm.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Michael James Milligan, Thesis SupervisorDr. Cathleen Denise Cahill, Thesis Honors Advisor
10. THE GENETIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES ON CHILD ANXIETY AND SCHOOL PERFORMANCE Open Access Author: Dewoody, Melissa Title: THE GENETIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES ON CHILD ANXIETY AND SCHOOL PERFORMANCE Area of Honors: Mathematics Keywords: MathematicsPsychologyAnxietySchool Performance File: Download DeWoody_-Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jenae Marie Neiderhiser, Thesis SupervisorDr. Diane Marie Henderson, Thesis Honors Advisor