51. Circannual Changes in the Liver and Retina of the Long Distance Migrant, Sylvia atricapilla Open Access Author: Herestofa, Alexandra Shay Title: Circannual Changes in the Liver and Retina of the Long Distance Migrant, Sylvia atricapilla Area of Honors: Animal Sciences Keywords: circadiancircannualmetabolismmigration File: Download Herestofa_FINAL_Thesis_2013.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Paul Allen Bartell, Thesis SupervisorWilliam Staniar, Thesis Honors Advisor
52. Contact Doping For Organic Photovoltaics Open Access Author: Woltermann, Megumi K Title: Contact Doping For Organic Photovoltaics Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: polymer solar cellsorganic photovoltaicOPVSPSdopant layer File: Download Megumi_Woltermann_Thesis2013.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Enrique Daniel Gomez, Thesis SupervisorDr. Wayne Roger Curtis, Thesis Honors Advisor
53. Regulatory and Political Economic Perspectives on Internet Intellectual Property Open Access Author: Bender, Alyssa Myree Title: Regulatory and Political Economic Perspectives on Internet Intellectual Property Area of Honors: Media Studies Keywords: copyrightintellectual propertypolitical economyInternet law File: Download Bender_Alyssa_internetintellectualpropertyfinal.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ronald V Bettig, Thesis SupervisorRonald V Bettig, Thesis Honors AdvisorMatthew Jackson, Faculty Reader
54. A Study of the Effectiveness of Opioid Treatment between Workers' Compensated Patients and Non-workers' Compensated Patients with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Open Access Author: Kammerman, Jacob S Title: A Study of the Effectiveness of Opioid Treatment between Workers' Compensated Patients and Non-workers' Compensated Patients with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: opioidtreatmentworkman's compensationVASmusculoskeletal File: Download Kammerman_Jacob_opioidsworkerscompensation.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Frank Martin Ahern, Thesis SupervisorDr. Lori Anne Francis, Faculty ReaderHenriette Evans, Thesis Honors Advisor
55. The Burden That Inflation Imposes On Society: The Case Of Argentina Open Access Author: Perrotta, Fernanda Analia Title: The Burden That Inflation Imposes On Society: The Case Of Argentina Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: SeigniorageConvertibility PlanArgentinaHyperinflationLaffer CurveGini IndexLorenz Curve File: Download Perrotta.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Russell Paul Chuderewicz, Thesis SupervisorDavid Shapiro, Thesis Honors Advisor
56. Hub and Spoke Versus Low-cost Carriers: How Southwest Achieved Success in a Market Dominated by Network Airlines Open Access Author: Joyce, Lindsey Marie Title: Hub and Spoke Versus Low-cost Carriers: How Southwest Achieved Success in a Market Dominated by Network Airlines Area of Honors: Supply Chain and Information Systems Keywords: airlinesSouthwestUSAirwayslow-costhub and spokenetwork structure File: Download L.Joyce_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Robert Alexander Novack, Thesis SupervisorDr. John C. Spychalski, Thesis Honors Advisor
57. Behavioral Responses of Cotton-top Tamarins (saguinus oedipus) to Video Recordings of the Self and Conspecifics Open Access Author: Groner, Ricky David Title: Behavioral Responses of Cotton-top Tamarins (saguinus oedipus) to Video Recordings of the Self and Conspecifics Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: self-recognitionself-awarenessmirrorprimatescotton-top tamarinsaguinus oedipusvideokinesthetic-visual matching File: Download Ricky_Groner_Behavioral_Responses_of_Cotton_top_Tamarins.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Daniel J. Weiss, Thesis SupervisorKenneth N. Levy, Thesis Honors Advisor
58. The Effects of Leptin Treatment on STAT/AKT/ERK Signaling Pathways in CRL2091 Fibroblast and HT1080 Fibrosarcoma Cells Open Access Author: Gharib, Niloufar Title: The Effects of Leptin Treatment on STAT/AKT/ERK Signaling Pathways in CRL2091 Fibroblast and HT1080 Fibrosarcoma Cells Area of Honors: Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences Keywords: LeptinobesitycancerObRbSTATAktERKSTAT3ERK1/2AKT1/2/3signalingleptin receptorfibroblastfibrosarcoma File: Download 1-Gharib_Niloufar_EffectsofLeptinTreatment.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Sagarika Kanjilal, Thesis SupervisorDr. Lester C Griel Jr., Thesis Honors Advisor
59. Fast and Accurate Numerical Modeling of Non-stationary Corona Discharges Based on Implicit Time Integration on Non-uniform Grid Open Access Author: Tucker, Joseph Patrick Title: Fast and Accurate Numerical Modeling of Non-stationary Corona Discharges Based on Implicit Time Integration on Non-uniform Grid Area of Honors: Electrical Engineering Keywords: lightningcoronathundercloud File: Download Tucker_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Victor P Pasko, Thesis SupervisorDr. Timothy Joseph Kane, Thesis Honors Advisor
60. HEART ATTACK AND STROKE DISPARITIES AMONG RURAL WOMEN IN THE UNITED STATES Open Access Author: Hoffman, Lindsay Marie Title: HEART ATTACK AND STROKE DISPARITIES AMONG RURAL WOMEN IN THE UNITED STATES Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: Rural WomenStrokeHeart AttackCardiovascular Disease File: Download Hoffman_Lindsay_RuralWomenHeartAttackandStroke.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Frank Martin Ahern, Thesis SupervisorDr. Lori Anne Francis, Thesis Honors Advisor