Search Results
5. Analogies in Linear Algebra and Group Theory

Open Access
11. Spatialization in Selected Works of Iannis Xenakis

Open Access
15. Microstructural Evolution of Inconel 617

Open Access
16. The Effectiveness of the CHAI Curriculum

Open Access
17. Unconventional Monetary Policy and Beyond

Open Access
19. Fabrication of PZT-based Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Transducers

Open Access
20. Semi-autonomous Line Following Domino Dispensor

Open Access
23. Deviance as Revealed in the Nonfiction Novel

Open Access
25. Heart Failure Patients' Experiences of Living with Heart Failure

Open Access
32. Black Swans, Broccoli, and Barbells

Open Access
33. Reevaluation of the Steelstacks Performing Arts Center

Open Access
34. District Energy Systems in the United States Infrastructure

Open Access
36. Eph Receptor and Ephrin Cross-class Binding Activities

Open Access
37. Illumination

Open Access
39. R&D Elasticity and Firm Performance: An Empirical Analysis

Open Access
48. Marijuana Use and Motor Vehicle Crahses

Open Access
52. Contact Doping For Organic Photovoltaics

Open Access
63. 3D Medical Image Processing Toolbox

Open Access
64. Corporate Reputation vs Marginal Cost: An Empirical Analysis

Open Access
65. Analysis of Corporate Efficiency and Shareholder Return

Open Access
67. Evaluating the Relative Merits of Commercial Tax Software

Open Access
69. A Cultural Study of 'ukulele in the Music Classroom

Open Access
74. Effects of the Euro Crisis on Multinational Business Sales

Open Access
76. Leader Recovery From Task and Relationship Oriented Mistakes

Open Access
83. The Role of Language in Emotion Regulation

Open Access
91. ID INCUBATOR: Activating Growth from Within

Open Access
93. What is Dance Fusion?

Open Access
94. Evaluating Microcredit Using Randomized Controlled Experiments

Open Access
98. Frontera Revisada: Placing the Us-mexico Border

Open Access
99. The Effects of Bronchoconstriction and Anxiety on Lung Fuction

Open Access