7461. A Microscope Camera System for Producing High-Quality Insect Datasets Open Access Author: Xu, Yao Title: A Microscope Camera System for Producing High-Quality Insect Datasets Area of Honors: Computer Engineering Keywords: focus stackinginsect datasetsdigital microscope camera File: Download Yao_xu_honors_thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Vijaykrishnan Narayanan, Thesis SupervisorVijaykrishnan Narayanan, Thesis Honors AdvisorAbhronil Sengupta, Faculty Reader
7462. Predicting Volatility of Stocks Using Time Series Models Open Access Author: Song, Zitao Title: Predicting Volatility of Stocks Using Time Series Models Area of Honors: Mathematics Keywords: GARCHVolatilityTime SeriesStock File: Download honor_thesis_zitao.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mauricio Fernandes Nascimento, Jr., Thesis SupervisorSergei Tabachnikov, Thesis Honors Advisor
7463. Mechanical Testing of Zinc Specimens made from Laser Powder Bed Fusion for Use as Biodegradable Implants Open Access Author: Molnar, Thomas Title: Mechanical Testing of Zinc Specimens made from Laser Powder Bed Fusion for Use as Biodegradable Implants Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Laser Powder Bed FusionZincTensile StrengthOsteogenic MaterialBiodegradable Implant File: Download Schreyers_Thesis_Molnar.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Guhaprasanna Manogharan, Thesis SupervisorJean-Michel Mongeau, Thesis Honors Advisor
7464. Ethical and Societal Ramifications in Human-AI use Patterns Open Access Author: Liu, Sharon Title: Ethical and Societal Ramifications in Human-AI use Patterns Area of Honors: Computer Science Keywords: artificial intelligencedisaster managementflood responsesocial equitymarginalized communitiesethical frameworksartificial intelligencedisaster managementflood responsesocial equitymarginalized communitiesethical frameworksHuman-AI interaction File: Download LIU_SHARON_Ethical_and_Societal_Ramifications_in_Human-AI_use_Patterns.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Christopher Dancy, Thesis SupervisorMohamed Khaled Almekkawy, Thesis Honors Advisor
7465. Inventory Stocking Policies, Transportation Costs and Order Fill Rates Open Access Author: Moyer, Grace Title: Inventory Stocking Policies, Transportation Costs and Order Fill Rates Area of Honors: Supply Chain and Information Systems Keywords: supply chaininventoryecommerceorder filldata miningmarket basket analysis File: Download thesis_gracemoyer.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert Alexander Novack, Thesis SupervisorKevin Linderman, Thesis Honors Advisor
7466. Investigating the Role of Endocytosis in Neuron Injury Response Open Access Author: Mirshahi, Hannah Sophia Title: Investigating the Role of Endocytosis in Neuron Injury Response Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: endocytosismicrotubulesneuron injury recoveryneuroprotectionneurobiologyneurodegenerative disease File: Download HSM_THESIS_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Melissa Rolls, Thesis SupervisorLorraine C Santy, Thesis Honors Advisor
7467. Imposing Worlds: On the Magic-Inflected Forms of Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Kiran Desai Open Access Author: Malik, Huzaifa Title: Imposing Worlds: On the Magic-Inflected Forms of Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Kiran Desai Area of Honors: Comparative Literature Keywords: Latin American LiteratureSouth Asian LiteratureLiterary FormsMagical RealismGabriel García MárquezKiran DesaiWatery SpacesMetaphor File: Download MALIK_HUZAIFA_IMPOSING_WORLDS.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Magali Armillas-Tiseyra, Thesis SupervisorLinda Istanbulli, Thesis Honors Advisor
7468. Examining Stock Market Reaction to Water Management Information Open Access Author: Martinelli, Michael Title: Examining Stock Market Reaction to Water Management Information Area of Honors: Accounting Keywords: water managementESGcumulative abnormal returnsstock market reactionevent studynewsmediaRepRiskSustainalyticsSASB File: Download Thesis_Final_Martinelli.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Brent Schmidt, Thesis SupervisorSamuel Burton Bonsall, IV, Thesis Honors Advisor
7469. Towards a Theory of Haptic Design Open Access Author: Gehman, Noah Title: Towards a Theory of Haptic Design Area of Honors: Human-Centered Design and Development Keywords: HapticsHaptic DesignUser-Centered Design File: Download Gehman_Noah_Towards_a_Theory_of_Haptic_Design.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Fred Fonseca, Thesis SupervisorDan Welch, Thesis Honors Advisor
7470. Challenging the Canon: A Thematic Exploration of Underrepresented Composers in Music Theory Pedagogy Open Access Author: Neely, Emma Title: Challenging the Canon: A Thematic Exploration of Underrepresented Composers in Music Theory Pedagogy Area of Honors: Music Education Keywords: musicmusic educationmusic theorytheory pedagogywomen composerswomen in musicdiversityinclusion File: Download NeelyDatabaseLink.pdfDownload emmaneelythesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Eric John Mckee, Thesis SupervisorLinda Carol Porter Thornton, Thesis Honors AdvisorTaylor Aitken Greer, Faculty Reader