7471. The Impact of Prenatal and Postpartum Vitamin D Supplementation on Cholecalciferol Concentrations in Breast Milk Open Access Author: Scott, Sarah Title: The Impact of Prenatal and Postpartum Vitamin D Supplementation on Cholecalciferol Concentrations in Breast Milk Area of Honors: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: cholecalciferolvitamin D supplementationpregnancylactationmaternalinfantBangladesh File: Download SScottThesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Alison D Gernand, Thesis SupervisorAlison D Gernand, Thesis Honors AdvisorGregory C Shearer, Faculty Reader
7472. Comparison of RNA Reconstruction Assemblers for Long-Read RNA Sequences Open Access Author: Rao, Saadya Title: Comparison of RNA Reconstruction Assemblers for Long-Read RNA Sequences Area of Honors: Computer Science Keywords: RNA Transcript AssemblyLong-read RNA SequencingStringTieStringTie2ScallopScallop2PsiCLASSIsoQuant File: Download Rao_Saadya_Comparison_of_RNA_Reconstruction_Assemblers_for_Long-Read_RNA_Sequences.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mingfu Shao, Thesis SupervisorTing He, Thesis Honors Advisor
7473. What’s Not Working? The Criminalization of Addiction in the United States Compared to the Decriminalization of Addiction in Portugal Open Access Author: Robinson, Sydney Title: What’s Not Working? The Criminalization of Addiction in the United States Compared to the Decriminalization of Addiction in Portugal Area of Honors: Global and International Studies Keywords: addictionwar on drugsopioid epidemicdrug criminalizationdrug decriminalization File: Download Sydney_Robinson-Thesis_3.0.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Efraín Marimón, Thesis SupervisorKrista Brune, Thesis Honors Advisor
7474. Size Effects on Gold Nanoparticle Electronic Density of States Open Access Author: Priller, Hannah Title: Size Effects on Gold Nanoparticle Electronic Density of States Area of Honors: Chemistry Keywords: gold nanoparticleschemistryelectronic propertieselectronic density of statessynthesisgoldnanoparticles File: Download Hannah_Priller_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Benjamin James Lear, Thesis SupervisorStewart Mallory, Thesis Honors AdvisorRaymond Edward Schaak, Faculty Reader
7475. Accurate Arithmetic Methods with Matrix Applications in Real Floating-Point Arithmetic Open Access Author: Murarik, Nathan Title: Accurate Arithmetic Methods with Matrix Applications in Real Floating-Point Arithmetic Area of Honors: Mathematics Keywords: Accurate ArithmeticK-Fold AccuracyError AnalysisPerturbation TheoryNumerical Analysis File: Download Accurate_Arithmetic_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Thomas Robert Cameron, Thesis SupervisorDaniel Joseph Galiffa, Thesis Honors AdvisorDerek William Hanely, Faculty Reader
7476. Do Longer Auditor-Client Relationships Lead to Limited Issues? The Impact of Auditor Tenure on Financial Restatements Open Access Author: Nybro, Natasha Title: Do Longer Auditor-Client Relationships Lead to Limited Issues? The Impact of Auditor Tenure on Financial Restatements Area of Honors: Accounting Keywords: AccountingAuditing File: Download HonorsThesis_NatashaNybro.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Samuel Burton Bonsall, IV, Thesis SupervisorSamuel Burton Bonsall, IV, Thesis Honors AdvisorBrent Schmidt, Faculty Reader
7477. Effective Utilization of Compile Time in Compute Graph Optimization for Object Detection Open Access Author: Sedan, Tomer Title: Effective Utilization of Compile Time in Compute Graph Optimization for Object Detection Area of Honors: Computer Science Keywords: Compute GraphsGraph CompilersONNX RuntimeYOLOv8GoogLeNetResNetcuDNNMachine LearningOptimization File: Download Sedan_Tomer_Effective_Utilization_of_Compile_Time_in_Compute_Graph_Optimization_for_Object_Detection.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mahmut Taylan Kandemir, Thesis SupervisorMartin Fürer, Thesis Honors Advisor
7478. Hair Cortisol as a Reflection of Metabolic, Physical, and Psychological Stress in Male and Female Collegiate Athletes at Different Phases of a Competitive Season Open Access Author: Tooke, Anna Title: Hair Cortisol as a Reflection of Metabolic, Physical, and Psychological Stress in Male and Female Collegiate Athletes at Different Phases of a Competitive Season Area of Honors: Kinesiology Keywords: CortisolStressEnergy DeficiencyMetabolismTraining loadpsychological stresshair cortisol File: Download Tooke_Anna_Hair_Cortisol_Thesis_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Nancy Williams, Thesis SupervisorMark Dyreson, Thesis Honors Advisor
7479. Dynamic Characterization of Force Transducers for Wind Tunnel Measurements Open Access Author: Trowbridge, Garrett Title: Dynamic Characterization of Force Transducers for Wind Tunnel Measurements Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: DynamicsWind TunnelsForce ReconstructionHypersonics File: Download DYNAMIC_CHARACTERIZATION_OF_FORCE_TRANSDUCERS_FOR_WIND_TUNNEL_MEASUREMENTS.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Nicholas A Vlajic, Thesis SupervisorSven Schmitz, Thesis Honors Advisor
7480. The Role of Orexin in Avian Migration Open Access Author: Wiederer, Mc Rae Title: The Role of Orexin in Avian Migration Area of Honors: Animal Sciences Keywords: white-throated sparrownocturnal migrationorexinimmunohistochemistry File: Download McRaeW_FinalThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Paul Allen Bartell, Thesis SupervisorWilliam Burton Staniar, Thesis Honors AdvisorRobert John Vansaun, Faculty Reader