1. On Cloud Security and Usability: How Do We Make Security Usable? Open Access Author: Aiken, William V Title: On Cloud Security and Usability: How Do We Make Security Usable? Area of Honors: Security and Risk Analysis Keywords: cloud computingsoftware engineeringdata sharingsoftware architectureencryptionsecurityusability File: Download William_Aiken_oncloudsecurityandusability.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jungwoo Ryoo, Thesis SupervisorDavid R M Barnes, Faculty ReaderDr. Laura Rotunno, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Understanding the Sociological Factors that Impact POC in Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking: A Risk Assessment Proposal Open Access Author: Gil Sanhueza, Vanessa Title: Understanding the Sociological Factors that Impact POC in Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking: A Risk Assessment Proposal Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in Security and Risk Analysis and Sociology Keywords: human traffickingdomestic minor sex traffickingracismstereotypesdisparitiessexual colonizationhistorical traumariskrisk frameworkrisk assessmentproposalrisk factorsvulnerabilitysocial conditions File: Download Final_Thesis_Submission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Laura Rotunno, Thesis Honors AdvisorDavid R M Barnes, Thesis SupervisorKaryn Mckinney Marvasti, Thesis Supervisor