1. Self-folding PDMS polymer films in response to capillary forces Open Access Author: Stokes, Sean M Title: Self-folding PDMS polymer films in response to capillary forces Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: PDMSself-foldingcapillary forcesPPXmicrofabricationthin filmspolymer filmsdirectional foldinganisotropic folding File: Download Self-folding_PDMS_Polymer_Films_In_Response_to_Capillary_Forces_Schreyer.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Melik C Demirel, Thesis SupervisorMelik C Demirel, Thesis SupervisorDr. Gary L Gray, Thesis Honors AdvisorJudith A Todd Copley, Faculty Reader
2. The effects of active area geometry on laminated piezoelectric actuator performance Open Access Author: Giordano, Joseph Anthony Title: The effects of active area geometry on laminated piezoelectric actuator performance Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: laminatedpiezoelectricbeamactuatorhaptics File: Download Giordano_Joseph_PiezoActuatorPerformance.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Joseph Paul Cusumano, Thesis SupervisorDr. Gary L Gray, Thesis Honors AdvisorJudith A Todd Copley, Faculty Reader
3. A Study of Cadmium Telluride Solar Cell Architecture Optimization and Fabrication Using Highly Order Nano-dome Arrays Open Access Author: Waggoner, Shawn Allen Title: A Study of Cadmium Telluride Solar Cell Architecture Optimization and Fabrication Using Highly Order Nano-dome Arrays Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: solar cell architecturesolarLCCMCdTecadmiumtelluridenumerical modelingengineeringengineering science File: Download saw5357_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Wook Jun Nam, Thesis SupervisorDr. Gary L Gray, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Defect Detection In Carbon Fiber Composites by Partially Embedded Magnetostrictive Transducers Open Access Author: Dickerson, Clayton Joseph Title: Defect Detection In Carbon Fiber Composites by Partially Embedded Magnetostrictive Transducers Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: Carbon FiberCompositesMagnetostrictiveTransducers File: Download Dickerson_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Clifford Jesse Lissenden III, Thesis SupervisorDr. Gary L Gray, Thesis Honors AdvisorThomas David Juska, Thesis SupervisorJudith A Todd Copley, Faculty Reader
5. Steam Turbine Performance Modeling Via MATLAB Simulation Programming with Emphasis on Low Exhaust Pressure Conditions Open Access Author: Meyer, Zechariah Daniel Title: Steam Turbine Performance Modeling Via MATLAB Simulation Programming with Emphasis on Low Exhaust Pressure Conditions Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: RankineTurbineMATLABModeling File: Download MEYER_ZECHARIAH_STEAMTURBINEPERFORMANCEMODELINGVIAMATLABSIMULATIONPROGRAMMINGWITHEMPHASISONLOWEXHAUSTPRESSURECONDITIONS.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Eric Robert White, Thesis SupervisorDr. Gary L Gray, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Ferroelectric Field Effect Transistors: negative Capacitance for Efficient Switching Open Access Author: Chen, Victoria L Title: Ferroelectric Field Effect Transistors: negative Capacitance for Efficient Switching Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: ferroelectricfield effect transistorsnegative capacitanceLandau-Devonshire theory File: Download Chen_Victoria_thesis_FerroFETs.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Suman Datta, Thesis SupervisorDr. Gary L Gray, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. FLUORESCENT ACTIVATED ACOUSTIC CELL SORTING STRATEGIES Open Access Author: Zhao, Shixin Title: FLUORESCENT ACTIVATED ACOUSTIC CELL SORTING STRATEGIES Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: Acoustic Cell SorterFluorescent ActivatedHigh Throughput RateFlow cytometry File: Download Shixin_Zhao__Senior_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jun Huang, Thesis SupervisorDr. Gary L Gray, Thesis Honors AdvisorJudith A Todd Copley, Faculty Reader
8. DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF 5 DEGREE OF FREEDOM BIOPRINTING MOTION STAGE, CONTROL SOFTWARE AND TOOLPATH GENERATION ALGORITHMS. Open Access Author: Povilianskas, Adomas Title: DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF 5 DEGREE OF FREEDOM BIOPRINTING MOTION STAGE, CONTROL SOFTWARE AND TOOLPATH GENERATION ALGORITHMS. Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: bioprinting5dofmotion stage3D printing File: Download FormatedThesisOzbolatSubmissionFinal.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Ibrahim Tarik Ozbolat, Thesis SupervisorDr. Gary L Gray, Thesis Honors Advisor
9. USING COMPUTATIONAL NARRATOLOGY TO ADDRESS THE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE VALUE ALIGNMENT PROBLEM Open Access Author: Kennedy, Alayna A Title: USING COMPUTATIONAL NARRATOLOGY TO ADDRESS THE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE VALUE ALIGNMENT PROBLEM Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: Artificial intelligenceAI Safetyvalue alignment problemcomputational narratologynarrative information extractionnarrative analysiscomputational linguisticsintelligent narrative technologiescomputational models of narrativeemotional arcsnatural language processinginverse reinforcement learning File: Download Thesis_-_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Lucas Jay Passmore, Thesis SupervisorDr. Gary L Gray, Thesis Honors Advisor
10. A STUDY OF THE SPIN-DICKE EFFECT WITHIN INORGANIC SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES Open Access Author: Donaher, Nathaniel Title: A STUDY OF THE SPIN-DICKE EFFECT WITHIN INORGANIC SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: Magnetic ResonanceSemiconductorElectron SpinMagnetoresistanceSpin-DickeInorganic Semiconductor DevicesEDMR File: Download Donaher_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Patrick M Lenahan, Thesis SupervisorDr. Gary L Gray, Thesis Honors Advisor