21. Removal of Model Microbes Using Moringa Oleifera Protein Covered Sand Open Access Author: Thomas, Jenna Title: Removal of Model Microbes Using Moringa Oleifera Protein Covered Sand Area of Honors: Environmental Engineering Keywords: Moringawater filterwater treatment File: Download Thomas_Jenna_Moringa.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Stephanie Butler Velegol, Thesis SupervisorEric Todd Donnell, Thesis Honors Advisor
22. An Analysis of the Dynamic Response of Suspension Footbridges Measured Against Human Comfort Criteria Open Access Author: Kearney, Jennifer A Title: An Analysis of the Dynamic Response of Suspension Footbridges Measured Against Human Comfort Criteria Area of Honors: Civil Engineering Keywords: footbridgesserviceabilitydynamic analysis File: Download Kearney_Thesis_Schreyer.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jeffrey A Laman, Thesis SupervisorEric Todd Donnell, Thesis Honors Advisor
23. Comparative Study On Energy Performance Of Different Commercial Building Wall Systems Open Access Author: Xiao, Yiang Title: Comparative Study On Energy Performance Of Different Commercial Building Wall Systems Area of Honors: Civil Engineering Keywords: commercial buildingwall systemsembodied energycarbon emissionlife cycle assessmentsustainability File: Download XIAO_SHC_THESIS_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ali M Memari, Thesis SupervisorEric Todd Donnell, Thesis Honors Advisor
24. Evaluation of Current Shear and Flexural Design Equations for FRP Reinforced Concrete Beams Open Access Author: Brumbaugh, Mark Andrew Title: Evaluation of Current Shear and Flexural Design Equations for FRP Reinforced Concrete Beams Area of Honors: Civil Engineering Keywords: FRP reinforcementreinforced concrete beamsdesign standards File: Download Mark_Brumbaugh_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Hassan El Chabib, Thesis SupervisorEric Todd Donnell, Thesis Honors Advisor
25. A Review of the Nrcs Curve Number Method and Its Various Methods Open Access Author: Chiang, Andrew Wenjie Title: A Review of the Nrcs Curve Number Method and Its Various Methods Area of Honors: Civil Engineering Keywords: initial abstractionmaximum potential storageCurve Numberantecedent moisture content File: Download Andrew_Chiang_A_Review_of_the_NRCS_CN_Method_and_Its_Various_Modifications.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Alfonso Ignacio Mejia, Thesis SupervisorEric Todd Donnell, Thesis Honors Advisor
26. Analysis of the Effects of Tuned Mass Damping on the Dynamic Response of Pedestrian Suspension Bridges Open Access Author: Takemori, Cameron Kirk Title: Analysis of the Effects of Tuned Mass Damping on the Dynamic Response of Pedestrian Suspension Bridges Area of Honors: Civil Engineering Keywords: Structural EngineeringCivil EngineeringTuned Mass DampingPedestrian Suspension BridgesDynamics File: Download Cameron_Takemori_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jeffrey A Laman, Thesis SupervisorEric Todd Donnell, Thesis Honors Advisor
27. Quantification and Analysis of Microplastics in Penn State Wastewater Systems Open Access Author: Jackson, Andrew David Title: Quantification and Analysis of Microplastics in Penn State Wastewater Systems Area of Honors: Civil Engineering Keywords: MicroplasticsCosmetic MicrobeadsPenn State Wastewater File: Download adj5125_HonorsThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rachel Alice Brennan, Thesis SupervisorEric Todd Donnell, Thesis Honors Advisor
28. Cross Laminated Timber: A Sustainable Option in the World of Construction Open Access Author: Searles, Laura Kathryn Winifred Title: Cross Laminated Timber: A Sustainable Option in the World of Construction Area of Honors: Civil Engineering Keywords: woodsustainableAmerican Wood Councilenvironmental impacts of woodcross laminated timbercltnltglulamglued laminated timberwood vs concretewood vs steelLaura SearlesStadthausCrossroadsEarth Sciences Buildingforterenewablewood in constructionhigh-risehigh-rise timberseismic performance of CLTfire codesseismic loadseconomics of cltmass timbertimberengineered timbercarbon sequestrationFEMA P695ASCE File: Download Searles_FinalThesis_Schreyer_b.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ali M Memari, Thesis SupervisorEric Todd Donnell, Thesis Honors Advisor
29. Mitigation of Shrinkage Cracking in Ordinary Portland Cement Concrete with Magnesium Oxide Admixture Open Access Author: Bechtold, Andrew M Title: Mitigation of Shrinkage Cracking in Ordinary Portland Cement Concrete with Magnesium Oxide Admixture Area of Honors: Civil Engineering Keywords: Magnesium OxideConcreteCementShrinkage File: Download Bechtold_Andrew_ConcShrink.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Aleksandra Radlinska, Thesis SupervisorEric Todd Donnell, Thesis Honors Advisor
30. PUBLIC OPINION REGARDING AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE PRIVACY AND SECURITY Open Access Author: Berman, Danielle Hope Title: PUBLIC OPINION REGARDING AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE PRIVACY AND SECURITY Area of Honors: Civil Engineering Keywords: Autonomous Vehiclesprivacypublic opinioncybersecuritysurvey File: Download Berman_SchreyerThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Martin Pietrucha, Thesis SupervisorEric Todd Donnell, Thesis Honors Advisor
31. Can Meta-Soil Attenuate Seismic Waves? Open Access Author: Gawelko, Lexi Title: Can Meta-Soil Attenuate Seismic Waves? Area of Honors: Civil Engineering Keywords: metamaterialearthquakecivil engineeringresonator File: Download Gawelko_SchreyerThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Parisa Shokouhi, Thesis SupervisorEric Todd Donnell, Thesis Honors Advisor