1. Exploration of Polymer Entanglement Open Access Author: Bisbee, Windsor Kenneth Title: Exploration of Polymer Entanglement Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: primitive pathtubesimulationpolymer meltisoconfigurational ensemble File: Download WBisbee_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Scott Thomas Milner, Thesis SupervisorScott Thomas Milner, Thesis SupervisorDr. Michael John Janik, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Theory and methods toward an understanding of flow-induced crystallization of isotactic polypropylene Open Access Author: Howard, Michael Patrick Title: Theory and methods toward an understanding of flow-induced crystallization of isotactic polypropylene Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: crystallizationpolypropylenenucleationshear flow File: Download 1-Howard_Michael_Theory_and_Methods_for_FIC.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Scott Thomas Milner, Thesis SupervisorAli Borhan, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Determination of Micelle Size Through Micelle Formation Energies Open Access Author: Dipaolo, Timothy Haines Title: Determination of Micelle Size Through Micelle Formation Energies Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: micelleSDSequilibriumformation energy File: Download DiPaolo_Thesis_SP15.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Scott Thomas Milner, Thesis SupervisorAli Borhan, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Predicting the Flory-huggins χ Parameter for Polymers with Stiffness Mismatch from Molecular Dynamics Simulation Open Access Author: Kozuch, Daniel J Title: Predicting the Flory-huggins χ Parameter for Polymers with Stiffness Mismatch from Molecular Dynamics Simulation Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: PolymersBlendsSimulationMolecular DynamicsFlory-Huggins File: Download Daniel_Kozuch_Schreyer_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Scott Thomas Milner, Thesis SupervisorDarrell Velegol, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Electron Transfer Through Photosystem I Membrane Proteins With Block Copolymer Interfaces Open Access Author: Conte, Emelia E Title: Electron Transfer Through Photosystem I Membrane Proteins With Block Copolymer Interfaces Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: Block Co-polymerPhotosystem IConjugated OligoelectrolyteDSSN+Organic PhotovoltaicPhotovoltaic File: Download Emelia_Conte-Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Manish Kumar, Thesis SupervisorScott Thomas Milner, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Diverse Local Structures in Simulated Amorphous SiO2 Open Access Author: Dormier, Adam Matthew Title: Diverse Local Structures in Simulated Amorphous SiO2 Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: silicaglassessimulationcomputationalmolecular dynamicslocal structureSiO2 File: Download Dormier_Adam.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Scott Thomas Milner, Thesis SupervisorDarrell Velegol, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. DEVELOPMENT AND COMPARISON OF POTENTIAL HIV-TRANSMISSION PREVENTION PROTEINS NATIVE TO FRESHWATER CYANOBACTERIA Open Access Author: Jones, Ryan Joseph Title: DEVELOPMENT AND COMPARISON OF POTENTIAL HIV-TRANSMISSION PREVENTION PROTEINS NATIVE TO FRESHWATER CYANOBACTERIA Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: HIVcyanobacteriacyanovirinmicrovirincyanobacteria transformationMicrocystis aeruginosaanti-retroviralmicrobicidemolecular cloningInteinSolubility tagFusion cloningCyanobacteria PCR File: Download RJ_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Wayne Roger Curtis, Thesis SupervisorScott Thomas Milner, Thesis Honors Advisor
8. Effects of Solution Concentration and Ionic Strength on the Ultrafiltration Behavior of Bacterial Polysaccharides in Varying Pore Size Membranes Open Access Author: Ledingham, Jessica Leigh Title: Effects of Solution Concentration and Ionic Strength on the Ultrafiltration Behavior of Bacterial Polysaccharides in Varying Pore Size Membranes Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: bacterial polysaccharidesultrafiltrationvaccines File: Download Ledingham_Jessica_ChEThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Andrew Zydney, Thesis SupervisorScott Thomas Milner, Thesis Honors Advisor
9. Flow-Induced Crystallization of Poly- (Ethylene Oxide) Open Access Author: Mack, Audrey Title: Flow-Induced Crystallization of Poly- (Ethylene Oxide) Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: RheologyCrystallizationRheometryFlow-Induced CrystallizationPoly (Ethylene Oxide)PEO File: Download Audrey_Mack.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ralph H Colby, Thesis SupervisorScott Thomas Milner, Thesis Honors Advisor
10. Catalyzed Degradation of Hydrogen Peroxide: A Review of Water Treatment Membrane Fouling, Concentration Polarization, and Proposed Solutions Open Access Author: Sommer, Christopher Title: Catalyzed Degradation of Hydrogen Peroxide: A Review of Water Treatment Membrane Fouling, Concentration Polarization, and Proposed Solutions Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: Water TreatmentMembranesFoulingConcentration PolarizationCatalaseNanoparticles File: Download Chris_Sommer_s_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Manish Kumar, Thesis SupervisorScott Thomas Milner, Thesis Honors Advisor
11. SYNTHESIS OF CONJUGATED POLYMERS VIA RANDOM COPOLYMERIZATION TO INVESTIGATE THERMAL PROPERTIES Open Access Author: Gill, Michael Title: SYNTHESIS OF CONJUGATED POLYMERS VIA RANDOM COPOLYMERIZATION TO INVESTIGATE THERMAL PROPERTIES Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: conjugated polymersorganic-photovoltaicsPPTBTPPT6BTPFTBTPFT6BTcopolymerscrystallinityliquid-crystallinedifferential scanning calorimetrysynthesisSuzuki polycondensation File: Download Gill_SHC_Thesis_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Enrique Daniel Gomez, Thesis SupervisorScott Thomas Milner, Thesis Honors Advisor
12. Polymerization-Induced Nanostructural Transitions in Diblock Copolymer Monomer Blends Open Access Author: Zofchak, Everett Title: Polymerization-Induced Nanostructural Transitions in Diblock Copolymer Monomer Blends Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: self-assemblydiblock copolymerspolymersSAXSnanotechnology File: Download Everett_Zofchak_SHC_Thesis_Final_041019.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert John Hickey, III, Thesis SupervisorScott Thomas Milner, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Manish Kumar, Faculty Reader
13. A study of solvation energy using molecular dynamics and density functional theory Open Access Author: Cai, Yusheng Title: A study of solvation energy using molecular dynamics and density functional theory Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: Molecular DynamicsDensity Functional TheorySolvation energyThermodynamic integrationGromacsprotonwater File: Download Senior_Thesis_4_8_2019.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Scott Thomas Milner, Thesis SupervisorDr. Wayne Roger Curtis, Thesis Honors Advisor
14. Hydrocarbon production of Botryococcus braunii race B under varying culture conditions Open Access Author: Lind, Michael Title: Hydrocarbon production of Botryococcus braunii race B under varying culture conditions Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: AlgaeBiofuelMethylationPARTriterpenesAxenic File: Download Lind_Michael_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Wayne Roger Curtis, Thesis SupervisorScott Thomas Milner, Thesis Honors Advisor
15. Using Osmotic Pressure Simulations to Test Potentials for Ions Open Access Author: Gillespie, Colin Title: Using Osmotic Pressure Simulations to Test Potentials for Ions Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: Osmotic PressureSimulationIonsPotentials File: Download Colin_Gillespie_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Scott Thomas Milner, Thesis SupervisorThemis Matsoukas, Thesis Honors Advisor
16. Effects of Solution Ionic Strength and Prefilter Characteristics on the Sterile Filtration of Glycoconjugate Vaccines Open Access Author: Dinse, Erica Joy Title: Effects of Solution Ionic Strength and Prefilter Characteristics on the Sterile Filtration of Glycoconjugate Vaccines Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: sterile filtrationprefiltrationglycoconjugatesvaccinesmembrane fouling File: Download Dinse_Erica_ChEThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Andrew Zydney, Thesis SupervisorScott Thomas Milner, Thesis Honors Advisor
17. Performance of Ceria Supported Monometallic and Bimetallic Single-atom Catalysts in Carbon Monoxide Oxidation Open Access Author: Pantelis II, Nicholas Title: Performance of Ceria Supported Monometallic and Bimetallic Single-atom Catalysts in Carbon Monoxide Oxidation Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: Heterogeneous catalysiscatalysissingle atomsceriapalladiumplatinumnickeladatomsoxidationkineticsbimetallicmonometalliccatalystDRIFTSArrheniusMars van Krevelenreaction orderICPnanoparticlesactivityspecific activity File: Download Thesis_Pantelis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert Rioux, Thesis SupervisorScott Thomas Milner, Thesis Honors Advisor
18. Novel Computational Method Used in the Development of Models Describing Charge Carrier Mobility Within Organic Semiconductors Open Access Author: Donaher, Shane Title: Novel Computational Method Used in the Development of Models Describing Charge Carrier Mobility Within Organic Semiconductors Area of Honors: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: Organic SemiconductorsSemiconducting PolymersCharge Carrier MobilityHopping Matrix ElementElectronic CouplingTransfer IntegralPoly(3-hexylthiophene)P3HT File: Download Novel_Computational_Method_Used_in_the_Development_of_Models_Describing_Charge_Carrier_Mobility_Within_Organic_Semiconductors.pdfDownload FrontierOrbitalNumericalProjectionMethod.tar.gz Thesis Supervisors: Scott Thomas Milner, Thesis SupervisorAmy Carol Robinson, Thesis Honors Advisor
19. Electrospun Polymeric Nanofibers: Processing, Properties, and Controlled-Release Applications Open Access Author: Metzger, Melissa Title: Electrospun Polymeric Nanofibers: Processing, Properties, and Controlled-Release Applications Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: polymerselectrospinningpolycaprolactonedrug releasecontrolled releasedrug deliverypeppasrhodamine brhodamine 6g File: Download metzger_thesis_finaldraftsubmission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Patrick Mather, Thesis SupervisorScott Thomas Milner, Thesis Honors Advisor
20. Pulling Simulations for Predicting the Interaction Properties Between Molecules Open Access Author: Mkandawire, Wezi Title: Pulling Simulations for Predicting the Interaction Properties Between Molecules Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: pulling simulationFlory-Hugginsmolecular dynamicsfree energymixing File: Download SeniorThesis_WeziMkandawire.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Scott Thomas Milner, Thesis SupervisorScott Thomas Milner, Thesis Honors AdvisorMichael John Janik, Faculty Reader
21. Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Specialty Plastics Open Access Author: Villacis, Bianca Title: Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Specialty Plastics Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: PLASTICPOLYMERSHTL File: Download UP4_bmv5157_HTL_OF_SPECIALTY_PLASTICS.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Phillip E Savage, Thesis SupervisorScott Thomas Milner, Thesis Honors Advisor
22. Design, Processing, and Properties of Anisotropic Electrospun Rubber/Rubber Microcomposites Open Access Author: Hoagland, Sophia Title: Design, Processing, and Properties of Anisotropic Electrospun Rubber/Rubber Microcomposites Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: polymermaterialthermoplastic polyurethanesiliconeanisotropiccompositeelectrospinningelectrospunrubberelastomerSEMDMAPellethaneSylgardtensilefiber File: Download Hoagland_Sophia_Thesis_Anisotropic_Electrospun_Microcomposites.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Patrick Mather, Thesis SupervisorScott Thomas Milner, Thesis Honors Advisor
23. A Handheld 3D Bioprinter for in situ Tissue Regeneration Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Hjaltason, Anton Title: A Handheld 3D Bioprinter for in situ Tissue Regeneration Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: Tissue EngineeringRegenerative MedicineHandheld 3D Bioprinting File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Amir Sheikhi, Thesis SupervisorScott Thomas Milner, Thesis Honors Advisor