11. Characterization of H2S as a vasodilator in human cutaneous vasculature Open Access Author: Davin, Marikah I Title: Characterization of H2S as a vasodilator in human cutaneous vasculature Area of Honors: Kinesiology Keywords: hydrogen sulfideskin blood flowvasodilation File: Download Davin_Marikah_hydrogensulfide.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Lacy Alexander Holowatz, Thesis SupervisorStephen Jacob Piazza, Thesis Honors AdvisorWilliam Lawrence Kenney Jr., Faculty Reader
12. The effect of strain and exercise on hypothalamic gene expression in C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice Open Access Author: Irizarry, Nicole Title: The effect of strain and exercise on hypothalamic gene expression in C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice Area of Honors: Kinesiology Keywords: hypothalamusexerciseinbred micegenetics File: Download Irizarry_Nicole_The_effect_of_strain.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Teresa Caroldean Lang, Thesis SupervisorStephen Jacob Piazza, Thesis Honors Advisor
13. The relationship of core endurance to dynamic balance and functional hop task performance under loaded and unloaded conditions. Open Access Author: Lopez, Sarah M Title: The relationship of core endurance to dynamic balance and functional hop task performance under loaded and unloaded conditions. Area of Honors: Kinesiology Keywords: core endurancefunctional performanceload File: Download THESIS_DRAFT_Sarah_M_Lopez.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Sayers John Miller III, Thesis SupervisorJinger S. Gottschall, Thesis Honors AdvisorGiampietro Luciano Vairo, Faculty ReaderStephen Jacob Piazza, Thesis Honors Advisor
14. Independent On-line Information Processing in Bimanual Coordinated Movements Open Access Author: Waltz, Lauren Ann Title: Independent On-line Information Processing in Bimanual Coordinated Movements Area of Honors: Bioengineering Keywords: motor controlbimanual coordination File: Download Waltz_Lauren_IndependentOnLineInformationProcessing.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert L Sainburg, Thesis SupervisorAndrzej Przybyla, Thesis SupervisorPeter J Butler, Thesis Honors AdvisorStephen Jacob Piazza, Faculty Reader
15. The Effects Of Alteration In Stride Frequency During Bouts Of Downhill Running: An Emg, Kinematic, And Metabolic Analysis Open Access Author: Lutz, Ryan William Title: The Effects Of Alteration In Stride Frequency During Bouts Of Downhill Running: An Emg, Kinematic, And Metabolic Analysis Area of Honors: Kinesiology Keywords: Stride FrequencyDownhill RunningEMG Kinematic Metabolic Downhill Running. File: Download Thesis_final_4.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jinger S. Gottschall, Thesis SupervisorJinger S. Gottschall, Thesis Honors AdvisorStephen Jacob Piazza, Faculty Reader