1. Diner Specials Open Access Author: Gruber, Elise M Title: Diner Specials Area of Honors: English Keywords: flash fictionfictionlyric essaybarnsChesapeake Bayteenagersfamilycars File: Download gruber-elise-dinerspecials.pdf Thesis Supervisors: William James Cobb, Thesis SupervisorLisa Ruth Sternlieb, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. What's In Your Bottle: A Multimedia Documentary Open Access Author: Paholsky, Jessica L Title: What's In Your Bottle: A Multimedia Documentary Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in Italian and Journalism Keywords: extra virgin olive oilinternational journalismItalianFontanaroCleo'sPacianoAnnapolis File: Download Paholsky_Thesis_final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Curtis William Chandler, Thesis SupervisorSteve Manuel, Thesis Honors AdvisorMaria Rosa Truglio, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Disabled Aesthetics of Charles Baudelaire and Lu Xun's Prose Poetry Open Access Author: Geng, Zhe Title: Disabled Aesthetics of Charles Baudelaire and Lu Xun's Prose Poetry Area of Honors: English Keywords: disability theoryprose poetryBaudelaireLu Xun File: Download Geng_Zhe_Prosepoetrydisabledaesthetics.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Janet Wynne Lyon, Thesis SupervisorLisa Ruth Sternlieb, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Fact and Fiction: George Orwell as Writer, Reporter, and Voice of the Masses Open Access Author: Decker, Emma C Title: Fact and Fiction: George Orwell as Writer, Reporter, and Voice of the Masses Area of Honors: English Keywords: OrwellSocial Awareness File: Download Decker_Emma_Fact_and_Fiction-_George_Orwell_as_Writer_Reporter_and_Voice_of_the_Masses.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michael Walter Anesko, Thesis SupervisorDr. Marcy Lynne North, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. History of Organic Farming in California and Pennsylvania Open Access Author: Roberts, Natalie Elisabeth Title: History of Organic Farming in California and Pennsylvania Area of Honors: History Keywords: organicfarmingagriculturePennsylvaniaCalifornia File: Download Roberts_Natalie_historyoforganicfarming.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Bryan Lee Mcdonald, Thesis SupervisorDr. Michael James Milligan, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. The Impact of Mindfulness in the Classroom Environment at the Conclusion of a Mindfulness Program Open Access Author: Southmayd, Jennifer Gayle Title: The Impact of Mindfulness in the Classroom Environment at the Conclusion of a Mindfulness Program Area of Honors: Elementary and Kindergarten Education (University College) Keywords: MindfulnessEducationElementaryClassroom EnvironmentProfessional Development School File: Download Southmayd_Jennifer_ImpactMindfulnessClassroom.pdf Thesis Supervisors: James F Nolan Jr., Thesis SupervisorJames F Nolan Jr., Thesis Honors AdvisorGwendolyn Monica Lloyd, Faculty Reader
7. Burrowing Inward--and Outward: Identity, Materiality, and the Body in the Journals of Sylvia Plath and Susan Sontag Open Access Author: Mccobin, Julianne Title: Burrowing Inward--and Outward: Identity, Materiality, and the Body in the Journals of Sylvia Plath and Susan Sontag Area of Honors: English Keywords: plathsontagjournalsgenre studiesidentitymaterialitybodygender File: Download McCobin_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: John Edmond Marsh, Thesis SupervisorLisa Ruth Sternlieb, Thesis Honors Advisor
8. Examining Shakespeare’s Heroines In A Modern Context Open Access Author: Smith, Natalie Joyce Title: Examining Shakespeare’s Heroines In A Modern Context Area of Honors: Theatre Keywords: Shakespearefeminismwomentheatre File: Download Examining_Shakespeares_Heroines_In_A_Modern_Context.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Susan B Russell, Thesis SupervisorSusan B Russell, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Annette Kay Mcgregor, Faculty Reader
9. Miss-represented: Female Representation in Politics Open Access Author: Barlow, Hannah Jayne Title: Miss-represented: Female Representation in Politics Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: PoliticsInternational PoliticsWomenGovernment File: Download Barlow_Hannah_Miss-Represented.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Susan Welch, Thesis SupervisorDr. Michael Barth Berkman, Thesis Honors Advisor
10. Is all publicity good publicity? An examination through the lens of the 1995 Calvin Klein child pornography ad controversy Open Access Author: Tennin, Casie Amanda Title: Is all publicity good publicity? An examination through the lens of the 1995 Calvin Klein child pornography ad controversy Area of Honors: Advertising/Public Relations Keywords: Calvin KleinCasie TenninPublicityGood PublicityBad PublicityAdvertisingPublic Relations File: Download Tennin_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Steve Manuel, Thesis SupervisorSteve Manuel, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Susan Mary Strohm, Faculty Reader
11. Crisis and Scandal on a College Campus: A Newspaper's Battle Open Access Author: Stoller, Kristin L Title: Crisis and Scandal on a College Campus: A Newspaper's Battle Area of Honors: Journalism Keywords: Collegiate newspapersJerry SanduskyVirginia TechshootingHarvardcheatingscandal File: Download KristinStoller.Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Russell Edgar Eshleman Jr., Thesis SupervisorMartin Halstuk, Thesis Honors Advisor
12. Viewing Trama: The Role Film Played in the Audience Healing their Trauma during the Great Depression and Vietnam War Open Access Author: Graham, Elizabeth Linley Title: Viewing Trama: The Role Film Played in the Audience Healing their Trauma during the Great Depression and Vietnam War Area of Honors: Media Studies Keywords: Great DepressionVietnam WarFilmHistorical TraumaComparingTrauma File: Download Elizabeth_Graham_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kevin J Hagopian, Thesis SupervisorMichelle Lyn Rodino Colocino, Thesis Honors Advisor
13. The Acquisition of Bilingual Gender in German-french Bilinguals Open Access Author: Pappas, Leah Joann Title: The Acquisition of Bilingual Gender in German-french Bilinguals Area of Honors: Linguistics Keywords: grammatical genderGermanFrenchlinguisticsbehavioral File: Download Final_Thesis_3.25_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Carrie Neal Jackson, Thesis SupervisorLisa A Reed, Thesis Honors AdvisorAdriana Van Hell, Faculty Reader
14. The Emergence of the Ideal Posthuman in the Xenogenesis Trilogy Open Access Author: Hadsell, Lili Q Title: The Emergence of the Ideal Posthuman in the Xenogenesis Trilogy Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in English and Women's Studies Keywords: Octavia ButlerXENOGENESISposthumanismessentialism File: Download WMNSTENGLThesisFINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Jennifer Ann Wagner-Lawlor, Thesis SupervisorDr. Jennifer Ann Wagner-Lawlor, Thesis Honors AdvisorMindy L Boffemmyer, Faculty ReaderLisa Ruth Sternlieb, Thesis Honors Advisor
15. Putting our Past in Danger: How States Protect, or Fail to Protect, Archaeological Material Open Access Author: Hagman, Cortlyn Ann Title: Putting our Past in Danger: How States Protect, or Fail to Protect, Archaeological Material Area of Honors: Anthropology Keywords: archaeologyfederal lawstate lawlootingcollectingburialprivate propertyownership File: Download Final_Draft.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Lee Ann Newsom, Thesis SupervisorTimothy Michael Ryan, Thesis Honors Advisor
16. A Critical Assessment of the Uses and Limits of Social Media in China Open Access Author: Kern, Julia Murdoch Title: A Critical Assessment of the Uses and Limits of Social Media in China Area of Honors: Journalism Keywords: Chinasocial mediaRenrenWeiboWeChatTencentAlibabaFacebookTwitter File: Download KernThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Curtis William Chandler, Thesis SupervisorMartin Halstuk, Thesis Honors Advisor
17. Isaic Worship in the Ancient Mediterranean: The Implications of Language and Cultural Barriers on Religious Transmission Open Access Author: Kincaid, Anna Title: Isaic Worship in the Ancient Mediterranean: The Implications of Language and Cultural Barriers on Religious Transmission Area of Honors: Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies Keywords: IsisEgyptAncient MediterraneanSyncretismReligionPhilaeIsidorus File: Download alk_thesis.pdfDownload 1-alk_thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Donald B Redford, Thesis SupervisorMary Lou Zimmerman Munn, Thesis Honors Advisor
18. Analysis of the Portrayal of Koreans in American News Media Open Access Author: Kim, Jenny Title: Analysis of the Portrayal of Koreans in American News Media Area of Honors: Journalism Keywords: KoreaNewsJournalismMisrepresentationSouth KoreaStereotypes File: Download Jenny_Kim_Final_Thesis_SHC.pdf Thesis Supervisors: John Philip Sanchez, Thesis SupervisorJohn Philip Sanchez, Thesis Honors AdvisorAnn Louise Kuskowski, Faculty Reader
19. Enchanting Deception of Text and Instant Messaging Open Access Author: Lee, Seung Won Title: Enchanting Deception of Text and Instant Messaging Area of Honors: Letters, Arts, and Sciences Keywords: textinstantmessagingWebertechnology File: Download Seung_Won_Lee_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Samar Farage, Thesis SupervisorDr. Jack L Selzer, Thesis Honors Advisor
20. Effects of Facebook and Texting on Social Relationships Open Access Author: Steinberg, Rachel E Title: Effects of Facebook and Texting on Social Relationships Area of Honors: Sociology Keywords: FacebookTextingDisordersLonelinessConnectionZuckerbergSmartphone File: Download FINAL_THESIS_FOR_SUBMISSION.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Samar Farage, Thesis SupervisorDr. Stacy Silver, Thesis Honors Advisor