1501. Individual Perceptions Versus Reality in Addressing Climate Change Open Access Author: Russek, Nathan Title: Individual Perceptions Versus Reality in Addressing Climate Change Area of Honors: International Politics Keywords: PerceptionRealityClimate ChangeClimate Change PolicyClimate RiskExperienceWorryHarmMisalignmentAdaptationMitigationClimate Change Opinions File: Download Russek_Thesis_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Cyanne Loyle, Thesis SupervisorSona N. Golder, Thesis Honors Advisor
1502. Prostitution and Rational Choice: Understanding the Relationship between Risk, Reward, and Involvement in Prostitution Open Access Author: Runkle, Sarah Title: Prostitution and Rational Choice: Understanding the Relationship between Risk, Reward, and Involvement in Prostitution Area of Honors: Criminology Keywords: ProstitutionRational Choice TheoryRational ChoiceSex workCriminologyDecision-MakingAgency File: Download Prostitution_and_Rational_Choice_-_Sarah_Runkle.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Holly Nguyen, Thesis SupervisorStacy Silver, Thesis Honors Advisor
1503. The Impact of Biases on the Reportorial and Editorial Processes in American Newsrooms Open Access Author: Swift, Megan Title: The Impact of Biases on the Reportorial and Editorial Processes in American Newsrooms Area of Honors: Journalism Keywords: JournalismBiasNew York TimesThe Daily CollegianEditor-in-ChiefStudent JournalistAmerican NewsroomsMedia BiasCase StudiesThe Tribune-ReviewCasper Star-TribuneHouston ChronicleChicago Sun-TimesIllinois Answers ProjectPartisan BiasPoliticsSource New MexicoNevada CurrentSports IllustratedPenn State File: Download Swift_Megan_TheImpactofBiasesontheReportorialandEditorialProcessesinAmericanNewsrooms.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Maggie Messitt, Thesis SupervisorJohn R Affleck, Thesis Honors Advisor
1504. Netflix Password Sharing: An Analysis of Consumer Attitudes Toward Stricter User Guidelines Open Access Author: Hall, Jessica Title: Netflix Password Sharing: An Analysis of Consumer Attitudes Toward Stricter User Guidelines Area of Honors: Advertising/Public Relations Keywords: trustcommitmentsatisfactionbusiness relationshipsattitudespublic relations File: Download Jessica_Hall___Final_Undergraduate_Honors_Thesis___Resubmission_via_SHC_Portal_on_4.11.2023.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Stephanie Madden, Thesis SupervisorDenise Sevick Bortree, Thesis Honors Advisor
1505. Assessing Changes in Perceived Confidence in the Courts and Legal System in America: An Analysis of Data from the General Social Survey Open Access Author: Carpenter, Graceanne Title: Assessing Changes in Perceived Confidence in the Courts and Legal System in America: An Analysis of Data from the General Social Survey Area of Honors: Criminology Keywords: ConfidenceCourtsLegal SystemRaceGeneral Social SurveyGSSChanges File: Download Assessing_Changes_Thesis_Graceanne_Carpenter.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Eric P Baumer, Thesis SupervisorStacy Silver, Thesis Honors Advisor
1506. How Socialist Era Chinese Economic Initiatives Affected Labor Relations in China Open Access Author: Cedeno, Nicholas Title: How Socialist Era Chinese Economic Initiatives Affected Labor Relations in China Area of Honors: Chinese Keywords: ChinaLabor RelationsUnions File: Download Cedeno_Thesis_Final_Draft.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Nicolai Martin Volland, Thesis SupervisorFlora Shao, Thesis Honors Advisor
1507. The Implications and Role of Gender in Organized Crime Open Access Author: Cykosky, Phoebe Title: The Implications and Role of Gender in Organized Crime Area of Honors: Criminology Keywords: Organized crimeWomenGender RolesRace/Ethnicity File: Download CykoskyHonorsThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Darrell J Steffensmeier, Thesis SupervisorStacy Silver, Thesis Honors Advisor
1508. Motivators and Barriers to Exercise in College Students Compared to Faculty/Staff Open Access Author: Moore, Eemonie Title: Motivators and Barriers to Exercise in College Students Compared to Faculty/Staff Area of Honors: Psychology (Altoona) Keywords: MotivatorsBarriersExercisePhysical activityStudentsFaculty/staffSelf-Determination Theory File: Download Eemonie_Moore_s_Honors_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Nicole Gilbertson, Thesis SupervisorLaura Rotunno, Thesis Honors AdvisorIrene Muir, Thesis Supervisor
1509. Water Cooler Talk & Beyond: Understanding and Improving Deliberation and Dialogue in the Modern American Workplace Open Access Author: Sanville, Jeremy Title: Water Cooler Talk & Beyond: Understanding and Improving Deliberation and Dialogue in the Modern American Workplace Area of Honors: Labor and Employment Relations Keywords: LeadershipShared leadershipManagementEmployee EngagementBurnoutQuiet QuittingEngagement MachineDemocracy MachineDeliberative DemocracyDemocratic DeliberationFeedback Loop File: Download Water-Cooler-Talk-and-Beyond.pdf Thesis Supervisors: John W Gastil, Thesis SupervisorChristopher Cody Stephens, Thesis Honors Advisor
1510. Metaphors of Enlightenment: Schrödinger and Quantum Metaphysics Open Access Author: Gluckman, Ari Title: Metaphors of Enlightenment: Schrödinger and Quantum Metaphysics Area of Honors: English Keywords: SchrödingerQuantum mechanicsmetaphysics File: Download Metaphors_of_enlightenment-_Schrödinger_and_quantum_metaphysics.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Richard Matthew Doyle, Thesis SupervisorClaire Mary Colebrook, Thesis Honors Advisor
1511. How The 24 Hour News Cycle Works and Works Against Us: Strategies for Better Journalism Education Open Access Author: Ogunbayo, Morayo Title: How The 24 Hour News Cycle Works and Works Against Us: Strategies for Better Journalism Education Area of Honors: Journalism Keywords: 24 hour news cycleinfotainmentcnnfox newsj school File: Download ogunbayo_thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Russell Frank, Thesis SupervisorJohn R Affleck, Thesis Honors Advisor
1512. Pennsylvania Residents' Perceptions and Support for Climate Change Policies Open Access Author: Axtman, Alison Title: Pennsylvania Residents' Perceptions and Support for Climate Change Policies Area of Honors: Global and International Studies Keywords: climate change policiesenvironmentalsocialindividual economicand business economic impacts File: Download Axtman_Ali_Pennsylvania_Residents__Perceptions_and_Support_for_Climate_Change_Policies__5_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Janet Kay Swim, Thesis SupervisorKrista Brune, Thesis Honors Advisor
1513. Texas v. Johnson: A Rhetorical Analysis Open Access Author: Babaian, David Title: Texas v. Johnson: A Rhetorical Analysis Area of Honors: Communication Arts and Sciences Keywords: RhetoricLawSupreme CourtFree Speech File: Download Babaian_David_TexasVJohnson.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Margaret M Michels, Thesis SupervisorMary High, Thesis Honors Advisor
1514. Playing God Open Access Author: Norton, Jodi Title: Playing God Area of Honors: Telecommunications Keywords: Short filmtelecommunicationsproductionfeminismpre-production File: Download Norton_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Catie Grant, Thesis SupervisorMatthew Jackson, Thesis Honors Advisor
1515. Analysis of Anti-Haitian Sentiments in the Dominican Republic Open Access Author: Murray, Lauren Title: Analysis of Anti-Haitian Sentiments in the Dominican Republic Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: Anti-HaitianismColorismDominican RepublicBateyes File: Download THESISFINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ashton Michael Verdery, Thesis SupervisorSona N. Golder, Thesis Honors Advisor
1516. How Hong Kong's History as a Globalized City Has Created Tensions with a Culturally Hegemonic China Open Access Author: Beckius, Evan Title: How Hong Kong's History as a Globalized City Has Created Tensions with a Culturally Hegemonic China Area of Honors: History Keywords: HongKongChinaCCPglobalizationHong Kong ProtestsHong KongAsiaglobalized cultureHistoryGlobalized City File: Download EVAN_BECKIUS_SHC_THESIS_2023.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kirwin Ray Shaffer, Thesis SupervisorSandy Feinstein, Thesis Honors Advisor
1517. The Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War on Key Global Commodities Open Access Author: Di Piazza, Benjamin Title: The Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War on Key Global Commodities Area of Honors: Supply Chain and Information Systems Keywords: Supply ChainRussia-Ukraine WarCommoditiesInternational RelationsHydrocarbonsAgricultureMetals and Minerals File: Download The_Impact_of_the_Russia-Ukraine_War_on_Key_Global_Commodities.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert Alexander Novack, Thesis SupervisorJohn C Spychalski, Thesis Honors Advisor
1518. How British Colonization Shaped Race Relations in Guyana's Politics Open Access Author: Mohan, Kaitlyn Title: How British Colonization Shaped Race Relations in Guyana's Politics Area of Honors: History Keywords: GuyanaBritish GuianaRaceEthnicityPolitical PartiesBritishColonizationRace RelationsCaribbean File: Download Final_Honors_Thesis-_Spring_2023.pdf Thesis Supervisors: J. Marlena Edwards, Thesis SupervisorCathleen Denise Cahill, Thesis Honors Advisor
1519. Contributing Factors in the Support for Conservation Efforts Open Access Author: Smeltz, Griffin Title: Contributing Factors in the Support for Conservation Efforts Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: Environmental ConservationPlace AttachmentPolitical ValuesFrequency of Outdoor RecreationEnvironmental Values File: Download Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Andrew Justin Mowen, Thesis SupervisorSona N. Golder, Thesis Honors Advisor
1520. Application of neural network in ordinary differential equation Open Access Author: Xia, Hongyi Title: Application of neural network in ordinary differential equation Area of Honors: Mathematics Keywords: ODENeural network File: Download HonorThesis_Hongyi_2023.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Qingguo Hong, Thesis SupervisorDiane Marie Henderson, Thesis Honors Advisor
1521. "Commune" Open Access Author: Winitsky, Ezekiel Title: "Commune" Area of Honors: Film Production Keywords: ScriptScreenplayfilmcommunismcorporationfarming File: Download EW_Schreyer_Thesis_Sp23_with_Reflection.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kevin J Hagopian, Thesis SupervisorMaura Shea, Thesis Honors Advisor
1522. Social media impact on college students during the COVID-19 pandemic in correlation to perceived motivation, productivity, and social media addiction Open Access Author: Bowerman, Zoe Title: Social media impact on college students during the COVID-19 pandemic in correlation to perceived motivation, productivity, and social media addiction Area of Honors: Advertising/Public Relations Keywords: Social MediaMotivationProductivitySocial Media AddictionCollege StudentsCovid-19Pandemic File: Download Zoe_Bowerman_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Heather Shoenberger, Thesis SupervisorMark Birschbach, Faculty Reader
1523. DATING VIOLENCE AMONGST COLLEGE STUDENTS AT THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY, UNIVERSITY PARK CAMPUS Open Access Author: Freundt, Paloma Title: DATING VIOLENCE AMONGST COLLEGE STUDENTS AT THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY, UNIVERSITY PARK CAMPUS Area of Honors: Criminology Keywords: Dating ViolenceIntimate Partner ViolenceDomestic AbusePrevalence of Dating Violence College Students File: Download Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Lecinda Marie Yevchak, Thesis SupervisorStacy Silver, Thesis Honors Advisor
1524. The Judeo-Christian Tradition: A Project of Discursive Invention and Exclusion Open Access Author: Suliman, Ladin Title: The Judeo-Christian Tradition: A Project of Discursive Invention and Exclusion Area of Honors: Philosophy Keywords: Judeo-Christian traditionChristianityJudaismIslamOrientalismSemiticsemiteantisemitism File: Download The_Judeo-Christian_Question.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Brady Bowman, Thesis SupervisorBrady Bowman, Thesis Honors AdvisorNicolas J De Warren, Thesis Supervisor
1525. What is Prison Reform in the United States? Open Access Author: Gaines, Michael Title: What is Prison Reform in the United States? Area of Honors: Journalism Keywords: prisonreformrecidivismcriminal justiceincarcerationrehabilitation File: Download Michael_Gaines_SHC_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Shaheen Pasha, Thesis SupervisorJohn R Affleck, Thesis Honors Advisor
1526. The Visibility of Indigenous American Culture in the United States Open Access Author: Heystek, Spencer Title: The Visibility of Indigenous American Culture in the United States Area of Honors: English Keywords: Indigenous StudiesAmerican Culture StudiesCultural AppropriationSecond AmendmentIndigenous CultureIndigenous Film Studies File: Download Thesis_Final_Draft_PDF.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jonathan Paul Eburne, Thesis SupervisorCarla J. Mulford, Thesis Honors Advisor
1527. Effective Communication and Short-Term Decision Makers: Effective Coach Communication Within the Coach/Official Dynamic in Athletic Competition Open Access Author: Lemler, Jake Title: Effective Communication and Short-Term Decision Makers: Effective Coach Communication Within the Coach/Official Dynamic in Athletic Competition Area of Honors: Communication Arts and Sciences Keywords: OfficialCoachSportsCommunicationEffective CommunicationUmpireReferee File: Download Lemler_Thesis_PDF.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Denise Haunani Solomon, Thesis SupervisorMary High, Thesis Honors AdvisorJames Dillard, Thesis Supervisor
1528. The Traveler's Recollections Open Access Author: Stromberg, Ryan Title: The Traveler's Recollections Area of Honors: English Keywords: The Traveler's RecollectionsAmericanaFictioncreativebeatYorkPennsylvania File: Download The_Traveler_s_Recollections.pdf Thesis Supervisors: William James Cobb, Thesis SupervisorCarla J. Mulford, Thesis Honors Advisor
1529. Rap Music on Trial: Should Rap Lyrics be Admissible in Court as Evidence? Open Access Author: Goldenberg, Jakob Title: Rap Music on Trial: Should Rap Lyrics be Admissible in Court as Evidence? Area of Honors: English Keywords: RapLegal File: Download Jakob_Goldenberg_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Aldon Lynn Nielsen, Thesis SupervisorClaire Mary Colebrook, Thesis Honors Advisor
1530. The Future Legal Status of The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act Open Access Author: Milliard, Mason Title: The Future Legal Status of The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act Area of Honors: Political Science (Behrend) Keywords: 2nd AmendmentPLCAAGun LawsFirearmsDomestic PolicyProtection of Lawful Commerce in Arms ActSandy HookFederal LegislationState LegislationLocal LegislationUnited States Supreme Court File: Download The_Future_Legal_Status_of_the_Protection_of_Lawful_Commerce_in_Arms_Act.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert W. Speel, Thesis SupervisorRobert W. Speel, Thesis Honors AdvisorJoseph Beilein Jr., Faculty Reader
1531. Presumption of Innocence Open Access Author: Taylor, Paige Title: Presumption of Innocence Area of Honors: Film Production Keywords: screenplayfeaturefilmtrue crimedramaciacyberintelligence File: Download PENNSYLVANIA_STATE_UNIVERSITY_-_PAIGE_TAYLOR_PRESUMPTION_OF_INNOCENCE_THESIS.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rod Bingaman, Thesis SupervisorMaura Shea, Thesis Honors Advisor
1532. Off to the Polls and then Down the Ballot: Are Union Members Less Likely to Roll-Off? Open Access Author: Carpenter, Ryan Title: Off to the Polls and then Down the Ballot: Are Union Members Less Likely to Roll-Off? Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: UnionsVotingRoll-offElection File: Download Carpenter_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dan Mallinson, Thesis SupervisorJuliette Tolay, Thesis Honors AdvisorGina Brelsford, Faculty Reader
1533. The Selective Use Of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act Open Access Author: Bijas, Joseph Title: The Selective Use Of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act Area of Honors: History Keywords: Sherman Anti-Trust ActSherman ActAmbiguityTrustSelective UseInternational HarvesterAmerican Tobacco File: Download Joseph_Bijas_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dan Letwin, Thesis SupervisorCathleen Denise Cahill, Thesis Honors Advisor
1534. Maya Resistance to Conquest Open Access Author: Escobar, Samantha Title: Maya Resistance to Conquest Area of Honors: History Keywords: MayaMexicohistoryIndigenousSpanish File: Download Escobar_Samantha_Maya_Resistance_To_Conquest.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Matthew Bennett Restall, Thesis SupervisorCathleen Denise Cahill, Thesis Honors Advisor
1535. The Effects of Legislative Ideological Polarization, Institutional Structures of State Legislatures, and State Supreme Courts on State Congressional Overrides, 2005-2018 Open Access Author: Ousey, Teresa Title: The Effects of Legislative Ideological Polarization, Institutional Structures of State Legislatures, and State Supreme Courts on State Congressional Overrides, 2005-2018 Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: Political Sciencestate politicsstate legislaturestate highest court of appealscongressional overridelegislative polarization File: Download Ousey__Teresa_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michael J Nelson, Thesis SupervisorDouglas Lemke, Thesis Honors Advisor
1536. A Post-Roe Society: An Analysis of Abortion-Related Ballot Measures and Voter Turnout Open Access Author: Tunis, Emily Title: A Post-Roe Society: An Analysis of Abortion-Related Ballot Measures and Voter Turnout Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: abortionballot measurevoter turnoutsupreme courtRoe v. Wadedirect democracymidterm elections File: Download Tunis_Thesis_Updated.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Suzanna Linn, Thesis SupervisorMichael Barth Berkman, Thesis Honors Advisor
1537. The Horror of Girlhood: Shirley Jackson’s ‘Hangsaman’ and the Female Gothic Open Access Author: Gauge, Celine Title: The Horror of Girlhood: Shirley Jackson’s ‘Hangsaman’ and the Female Gothic Area of Honors: English (Behrend) Keywords: GothicFemale GothicShirley JacksonUncannyWomanhoodGirlhood File: Download Celine_Gauge_The_Horror_of_Girlhood_Shirley_Jackson_s_Hangsaman_and_the_Female_Gothic.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Sarah Elizabeth Whitney, Thesis SupervisorCraig Andrew Warren, Thesis Honors Advisor
1538. The Tower that Can’t Be Completed: The Impact of Language Differences on Civil Conflict Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Aronson, Lillian Title: The Tower that Can’t Be Completed: The Impact of Language Differences on Civil Conflict Area of Honors: International Politics Keywords: civil conflictethnicityethnic differenceslanguagereligion File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Douglas Lemke, Thesis SupervisorMatthew Richard Golder, Thesis Honors Advisor
1539. Class of 18: A Feature Screenplay Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Forge, Lex Title: Class of 18: A Feature Screenplay Area of Honors: Film Production Keywords: ScreenplayFilmNarrativeScreenwritingFeatureHorrorComedySlasherMovie File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Rod Bingaman, Thesis SupervisorRod Bingaman, Thesis Honors AdvisorMaura Shea, Faculty Reader
1540. Identifying an MNase Sensitive Particle associated with Rap1 Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Pitts, Cass Title: Identifying an MNase Sensitive Particle associated with Rap1 Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: ChromatinNucleosome displacing factorsRap1SAGABudding yeastGene regulation File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Lu Bai, Thesis SupervisorJoseph C. Reese, Thesis Honors Advisor
1541. Democracy in Diverse Communities: Group Threat, Solidarity, and Political Participation Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Samarth, Taran Title: Democracy in Diverse Communities: Group Threat, Solidarity, and Political Participation Area of Honors: Sociology Keywords: group conflictdemocracyparticipationdiversitysolidarity File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Daniel Joseph Della Posta, Thesis SupervisorStacy Silver, Thesis Honors Advisor
1542. Cross River Diets: Wild Meat Diversity and Human Nutrition in a Nigerian Rainforest Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Petrick, Emma Title: Cross River Diets: Wild Meat Diversity and Human Nutrition in a Nigerian Rainforest Area of Honors: Anthropology Keywords: wild meatbushmeatnutritionCross River National ParkNigeriabiocultural anthropology File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Sagan Friant, Thesis SupervisorDouglas Bird, Thesis Honors Advisor
1543. A Woman's Touch: The Impact of Women's Participation and Positive Gender Ideology on Terrorist Organizations in Africa Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Howarth, Kate Title: A Woman's Touch: The Impact of Women's Participation and Positive Gender Ideology on Terrorist Organizations in Africa Area of Honors: International Politics Keywords: terrorismwomenfemale terrorismfemale participationgender ideologyterrorist organizationsAfricaforced recruitmentsuicide bombingideological recruitment File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: James A Piazza, Thesis SupervisorMatthew Richard Golder, Thesis Honors Advisor
1544. An Analysis of Theoretical Best Practices of Sexual Assault Prevention Campaigns in the United States and France Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Adetiba, Kay Title: An Analysis of Theoretical Best Practices of Sexual Assault Prevention Campaigns in the United States and France Area of Honors: Communication Arts and Sciences Keywords: rapeconsentpersuasion theorymedia dependency theoryRapeconsentpersuasion theorymedia dependency theory File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Tara Lurae Traeder, Thesis SupervisorMary High, Thesis Honors Advisor
1545. Understanding Racial Disparities in Female Body Weight Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Cramer, Helen Title: Understanding Racial Disparities in Female Body Weight Area of Honors: Sociology Keywords: racial/disparitiesobesitybody weightsocioeconomic statusracial disparitiesobesitybody weightsocioeconomic status File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Michelle Lynn Frisco, Thesis SupervisorStacy Silver, Thesis Honors Advisor
1546. Of the Heron, Of the Tern: Deep Mapping Colonial Waterbirds Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Fay, Nicolas Title: Of the Heron, Of the Tern: Deep Mapping Colonial Waterbirds Area of Honors: Professional Writing (Berks/Lehigh) Keywords: Great Blue HeronCommon TernCreative NonfictionField ScienceVisual Art File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Sandy Feinstein, Thesis SupervisorSandy Feinstein, Thesis Honors AdvisorBryan Wang, Faculty Reader
1547. Notifying the Local Community About the State College Food Bank's Upcoming Location Change Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Feldman, Julia Title: Notifying the Local Community About the State College Food Bank's Upcoming Location Change Area of Honors: Advertising/Public Relations Keywords: public relations campaigncommunication campaigncommunity resourcerelocationlocal communityState College Food Bank File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Holly Overton, Thesis SupervisorHolly Overton, Thesis Honors AdvisorTara Danz Wyckoff, Faculty Reader
1548. The Effects of Firearm Availability and Racial Demographics on Fatal Police Encounters Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Scott, Oscar Title: The Effects of Firearm Availability and Racial Demographics on Fatal Police Encounters Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: PolicingFirearmsCrimeRace File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Richard B Felson, Thesis SupervisorSona N. Golder, Thesis Honors Advisor
1549. Military Family Dynamic and Multicultural Identity of Korean American Children Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Rocker, Juntae Title: Military Family Dynamic and Multicultural Identity of Korean American Children Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in Asian Studies and Korean Keywords: U.S. MilitaryAsian AmericanKorean AmericanMulticultural IdentityMixed-Race File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Jooyeon Rhee, Thesis SupervisorJooyeon Rhee, Thesis Honors AdvisorRan Zwigenberg, Faculty ReaderSoo-Yong Byun, Faculty Reader
1550. Like We Belong Nowhere Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Dressler, Margaret Title: Like We Belong Nowhere Area of Honors: English Keywords: IdentityHomeSelfComing of AgeRootlessnessThird Culture KidNonfictionMemoir File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Julia Spicher Kasdorf, Thesis SupervisorClaire Mary Colebrook, Thesis Honors Advisor