1. Diet And Antibiotic Influences On Mice Induced With Dss Colitis And Their Gut Flora Open Access Author: Innes, Gabriel Keller Title: Diet And Antibiotic Influences On Mice Induced With Dss Colitis And Their Gut Flora Area of Honors: Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences Keywords: ColitisMicrofloraGutDSSFiberMiceDiet File: Download Gabriel_Innes_-_Honors_Thesis_2012_-_Diet_and_Antibiotic_Influences_on_Mice_Induced_with_DSS_Colitis_and_their_Gut_Flora.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Margherita Teresa-Anna Cantorna, Thesis SupervisorDr. Lester C Griel Jr., Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Diet and Habitat Comparison of Two Closely Related Darters (Percina bimaculata and Percina caprodes) Open Access Author: Stylianides, Antonios Title: Diet and Habitat Comparison of Two Closely Related Darters (Percina bimaculata and Percina caprodes) Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: DietMicrohabitatChesapeake LogperchCommon Logperch File: Download Stylianides_HonorsThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jay Richard Stauffer, Jr., Thesis SupervisorJames Harold Marden, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Resilience of the Symbiosis Between Vibrio fischeri and Euprymna scolopes Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Cook, Rachel Title: Resilience of the Symbiosis Between Vibrio fischeri and Euprymna scolopes Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: SymbiosisTransgenerational effectDietReproductionEuprymna scolopesVibrio fischeri File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Wendy Hanna-Rose, Thesis Honors AdvisorTimothy Iwao Miyashiro, Thesis Supervisor