11. COVID-19 Life Events Moderate the Relation Between Harsh and Neglectful Parenting and Child Behavior Problems Open Access Author: Lieberman, Reghan Title: COVID-19 Life Events Moderate the Relation Between Harsh and Neglectful Parenting and Child Behavior Problems Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: COVID-19Harsh ParentingChild Behavior ProblemsChildPsychology File: Download Lieberman_Reghan_FInalThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Erika Sell Lunkenheimer, Thesis SupervisorSarah Myruski, Thesis Honors Advisor
12. Understanding Undergraduates' Perceptions of Student Debt Visualizations: A Human-Centered Approach Open Access Author: Hubbard, Glenn Title: Understanding Undergraduates' Perceptions of Student Debt Visualizations: A Human-Centered Approach Area of Honors: Data Sciences Keywords: Data ScienceVisualizationDebtStudent DebtHuman-Computer InteractionHCIDSCSPythonExcelPsychologyInterpretivistGrounded TheoryUndergraduateStudyHuman-CenteredFinanceAmortizationChartGraphLine GraphBar GraphStacked Bar GraphPlotlyMortgageDebt CrisisDesign File: Download Hubbard_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Syed M. Billah, Thesis SupervisorJohn Yen, Thesis Honors Advisor
13. A Bidirectional Analysis of the Longitudinal Relationship Between Depression and Cognitive Impairment in a Sample of Adults Aged 50 and Older Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Ransom, Abigail Title: A Bidirectional Analysis of the Longitudinal Relationship Between Depression and Cognitive Impairment in a Sample of Adults Aged 50 and Older Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: PsychologyDepressionCognitive Impairment File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Michelle Gayle Newman, Thesis SupervisorKenneth N. Levy, Thesis Honors Advisor
14. The Overlap of Autism Spectrum Disorders and Borderline Personality Disorder: A Meta-Analytic Study Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Bevilacqua, Chloe Title: The Overlap of Autism Spectrum Disorders and Borderline Personality Disorder: A Meta-Analytic Study Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: AutismASDBPDDiagnosisPsychologyClinical PsychologyMeta-analysis File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Kenneth N. Levy, Thesis SupervisorSarah Myruski, Thesis Honors Advisor
15. Second Language Listeners’ Comprehension of Accented Speech in Quiet and Noisy Environments Open Access Author: Costanzo, Gregory Title: Second Language Listeners’ Comprehension of Accented Speech in Quiet and Noisy Environments Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: PsychologyLinguisticsCognitionAccentsLanguage Acquisition File: Download ThesisFinal_GregoryCostanzo.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Janet Van Hell, Thesis SupervisorFrank Gerard Hillary, Thesis Honors Advisor