61. A Visual Attention System and Natural Testbed Based on Modifications to the HMAX Model and LabelMe Database Open Access Author: Rolotti, Sebastian Victor Title: A Visual Attention System and Natural Testbed Based on Modifications to the HMAX Model and LabelMe Database Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: visual attentioncomputer visionobject recognitionroboticscomputational modelimage processingobject localization File: Download Rolotti_Sebastian_visualattentionsystem.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Bradley Paul Wyble, Thesis SupervisorDr. Richard Alan Carlson, Thesis Honors Advisor
62. Effects of daily hassles on couples' conflict resolution styles Open Access Author: Mengle, Emily Terese Title: Effects of daily hassles on couples' conflict resolution styles Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: stressdaily hasslesconflict resolutionmarital relationshipsrespiratory sinus arrhythmia File: Download EmilyFinalFormattedThesis1.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Alysia Yvonne Blandon, Thesis SupervisorCynthia L Huang Pollock, Thesis Honors Advisor
63. Social and Physical Comfort in Two-person Object Transfer Tasks Open Access Author: Robinson, Rachel Elise Title: Social and Physical Comfort in Two-person Object Transfer Tasks Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: joint-object manipulationphysical comfortsocial comfortpersonal space File: Download ROBINSON_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David A. Rosenbaum, Thesis SupervisorCynthia L Huang Pollock, Thesis Honors Advisor
64. Facial Emotion Recognition Abilities in Individuals with Characteristics of Borderline and Narcissistic Personality Disorders Open Access Author: Medved, Kevin Gregory Title: Facial Emotion Recognition Abilities in Individuals with Characteristics of Borderline and Narcissistic Personality Disorders Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: borderline personality disordernarcissistic personality disorderemotion recognitionmental state decoding File: Download Medved_-_Honors_Thesis_-_SHC_Format_-_V06.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kenneth N. Levy, Thesis SupervisorDr. Jeffrey M Love, Thesis Honors Advisor
65. Variability in reaction time as a measure of motivation in neuropsychological testing at baseline Open Access Author: Hauser, Briana Tayler Title: Variability in reaction time as a measure of motivation in neuropsychological testing at baseline Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: concussionsports-related concussionmTBIneuropsychologymotivationreaction timeVIGIL File: Download 1-Hauser_Briana_variabilityasmeasureofmotivation.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Peter Andrew Arnett, Thesis SupervisorDr. Richard Alan Carlson, Thesis Honors Advisor
66. The Adored Pet Effect: How men perceive women performing in stereotypically masculine domains Open Access Author: Dlugos, Kathryn Elizabeth Title: The Adored Pet Effect: How men perceive women performing in stereotypically masculine domains Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: Adored Pet Effectheterosexual masculinitymasculinity threatgender stereotypesperson perception File: Download Dlugos_Kathryn_AdoredPet_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Theresa K Vescio, Thesis SupervisorCynthia L Huang Pollock, Thesis Honors Advisor
67. Effects of Peer Relationships and Attitudes towards School on Academic Achievement within an ADHD Population Open Access Author: Moore, Whitney Elizabeth Title: Effects of Peer Relationships and Attitudes towards School on Academic Achievement within an ADHD Population Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: ADHDacademic achievementpeer relationshipsattitudes towards school File: Download Moore_Whitney_Effectsofpeerrelationshipsandattitudestowardsschoolonacademicachievementwithinanattentiondeficithyperactivitydisorderpopulation.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Cynthia L Huang Pollock, Thesis SupervisorRick R Jacobs, Thesis Honors Advisor
68. A Crumbling Foundation? The Relationship Between Instructional Delivery, Practicum Experiences and Academic Major to BA's Use of CUTs Open Access Author: Wilford, Heather Marie Title: A Crumbling Foundation? The Relationship Between Instructional Delivery, Practicum Experiences and Academic Major to BA's Use of CUTs Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: ABAASDAutismBCBATreatmentsDevelopmental DisabilitiesEthicsBehavior Analysis File: Download Completed_Thesis_for_Submission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kimberly Anne Schreck, Thesis SupervisorDr. Ronald Walker, Thesis Honors AdvisorGina Brelsford, Faculty Reader
69. The effects of virtual reality immersion on level of subject interest: Comparing desktop and head-mounted display conditions Open Access Author: Kutz, Nathan F Title: The effects of virtual reality immersion on level of subject interest: Comparing desktop and head-mounted display conditions Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: Virtual RealityimmersionHead-Mounted Display File: Download Nathan_Kutz_THE_EFFECTS_OF_VIRTUAL_REALITY_IMMERSION_ON_INTEREST_LEVEL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rick R Jacobs, Thesis SupervisorDr. Richard Alan Carlson, Thesis Honors Advisor
70. Power and conflict: A qualitative look at the the interactions of leader dyads Open Access Author: Niler, Ashley Anna Title: Power and conflict: A qualitative look at the the interactions of leader dyads Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: Dyadic leadershiplifecycleinnovationconflict File: Download Honors_Thesis_Niler_Ashley.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Samuel Todd Hunter, Thesis SupervisorRick R Jacobs, Thesis Honors Advisor
71. The Relationship between Articulation Speed and Academic Achievement in Children with and without Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Open Access Author: Lloyd, Anna Maria Title: The Relationship between Articulation Speed and Academic Achievement in Children with and without Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: ADHDArticulation SpeedAcademic Achievement File: Download Lloyd_Anna_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Cynthia L Huang Pollock, Thesis SupervisorDr. Jeffrey M Love, Thesis Honors Advisor
72. Anger stereotypes of Asian American women and men in the workplace: An intersectional perspective Open Access Author: Nguyen, Christina Trinh Title: Anger stereotypes of Asian American women and men in the workplace: An intersectional perspective Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: angernegotiationAsian Americanwomenbacklash File: Download CHRISTINA_TRINH_NGUYEN_FINAL_THESIS.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Stephanie A Shields, Thesis SupervisorRick R Jacobs, Thesis Honors Advisor
73. The Achievement Gap: The Relationship Between Borderline Personality Disorder, Childhood Trauma, and Academic Functioning Open Access Author: Ross, Ana-sophia M Title: The Achievement Gap: The Relationship Between Borderline Personality Disorder, Childhood Trauma, and Academic Functioning Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: Borderline Personality DisorderChildhood TraumaAcademic AchievementAcademic FunctioningLevel of Education Attained File: Download ROSS_ANA-SOPHIA_TheAchievementGap__TheRelationshipBetweenBorderlinePersonalityDisorderChildhoodTraumaandAcademicFunctioning_v5_7_17_15.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kenneth N. Levy, Thesis SupervisorKenneth N. Levy, Thesis Honors AdvisorKaren Linn Bierman, Faculty Reader
74. The relationship between temperament and anxiety: Maternal representations of infant distress as a moderator Open Access Author: Shaner, Julia Grace Title: The relationship between temperament and anxiety: Maternal representations of infant distress as a moderator Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: anxietytemperamentmaternal representationsinfant distress File: Download Shaner_Julia_ThesisFINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Jenae Marie Neiderhiser, Thesis SupervisorKenneth N. Levy, Thesis Honors Advisor
75. Maternal structuring of toddler self-regulation and its relation to later child task persistence Open Access Author: Wolf, Rachel Margaret Title: Maternal structuring of toddler self-regulation and its relation to later child task persistence Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: Maternal structuringtoddlersself-regulationtask persistence File: Download 1-Wolf_Final_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Pamela Marie Cole, Thesis SupervisorCynthia L Huang Pollock, Thesis Honors Advisor
76. Using the Emotion Word Fluency Test as a Means for Identifying and Predicting Depression in Collegiate Athletes Open Access Author: Yacovelli, Steven John Title: Using the Emotion Word Fluency Test as a Means for Identifying and Predicting Depression in Collegiate Athletes Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: Neuropsychologyconcussionsdepressionmild traumatic brain injuryemotion word fluency testaffective bias File: Download Steven_Yacovelli_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Peter Andrew Arnett, Thesis SupervisorPeter Andrew Arnett, Thesis Honors AdvisorRick R Jacobs, Faculty Reader
77. Examining the Neurological Mechanisms of Pathological Narcissism Through a Reward Paradigm Open Access Author: Churney, Aleece Gabrielle Title: Examining the Neurological Mechanisms of Pathological Narcissism Through a Reward Paradigm Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: fMRIneurosciencepersonalitypsychologynarcissismnarcissistic personality disorderreward paradigmPNI File: Download Aleece_Churney_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Stephen Jeffrey Wilson, Thesis SupervisorAaron Lee Pincus, Faculty ReaderDr. Jeffrey M Love, Thesis Honors Advisor
78. Mothers' expectations for emotions and behaviors in competent children: a cross-cultural perspective Open Access Author: Higgins, Robert Conor Title: Mothers' expectations for emotions and behaviors in competent children: a cross-cultural perspective Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: cultureemotionbehaviormaternal beliefssocializationself-construalchild competenceangeraggression File: Download Higgins_Robert_Conor_mothersexpectationsofchildcompetency.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Pamela Marie Cole, Thesis SupervisorDr. Richard Alan Carlson, Thesis Honors Advisor
79. The Effect of Chronic Sleep Deprivation and Circadian Rhythm on Change Blindness and General Arousal Open Access Author: Khalid, Humza Title: The Effect of Chronic Sleep Deprivation and Circadian Rhythm on Change Blindness and General Arousal Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: PsychologyPartial Sleep DeprivationCircadian RhythmGeneral ArousalPVTChange Blindness File: Download Khalid_Humza_The_Effects_of_Chronic_Sleep_Deprivation_and_Circadian_Rhythm_on_Change_Blindness_and_General_Arousal_Measurements_FINAL_Submission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Frederick Martin Brown, Thesis SupervisorDr. Jeffrey M Love, Thesis Honors Advisor
80. A Study of Self-assessment Accuracy and Personality Open Access Author: Jeffer, Stephanie Nicole Title: A Study of Self-assessment Accuracy and Personality Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: Assessment centerSelf-AssessmentSelf-InsightCollege MajorPersonalityGender File: Download Jeffer_AStudyofSelfAssessmentAccuracyandPersonality.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rick R Jacobs, Thesis SupervisorRick R Jacobs, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Samuel Todd Hunter, Faculty Reader