21. Humanitarian Aid, Disaster Relief, and the Supply Chain Open Access Author: Branigan, Tara Elizabeth Title: Humanitarian Aid, Disaster Relief, and the Supply Chain Area of Honors: Supply Chain and Information Systems Keywords: Supply ChainLogisitcsHumanitarian AidDisaster Relief File: Download Branigan_Tara_humanitarianaiddisasterrelief.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Robert Alexander Novack, Thesis SupervisorDr. John C. Spychalski, Thesis Honors Advisor
22. Preliminary Exploration of Diamond Formation at Atmospheric Pressure Using Laser Sustained Plasmas Open Access Author: Githens, Alan Stover Title: Preliminary Exploration of Diamond Formation at Atmospheric Pressure Using Laser Sustained Plasmas Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: diamondchemicalvapordepositionlasersustainedplasma File: Download Githens_Alan_preliminaryexplorationofdiamond.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Judith A Todd Copley, Thesis SupervisorClifford Jesse Lissenden III, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Vladimir Semak, Faculty Reader
23. The Control of Obsidian Blades at San Lorenzo Open Access Author: Edward, James Bernard Title: The Control of Obsidian Blades at San Lorenzo Area of Honors: Archaeological Science Keywords: ArchaeologyAnthropologyOlmecObsidianBladesFlakes File: Download Edward_James_TheControlofObsidianBladesatSanLorenzo.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kenneth Gale Hirth, Thesis SupervisorTimothy Michael Ryan, Thesis Honors Advisor
24. Intervention Programs’ Effectiveness on Appearance-based Tanning Beliefs Open Access Author: Manson, Jamie L Title: Intervention Programs’ Effectiveness on Appearance-based Tanning Beliefs Area of Honors: Psychology (Behrend) Keywords: AttractivenessTanningIntervention File: Download Manson_Final_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Victoria A Kazmerski, Thesis SupervisorVictoria A Kazmerski, Thesis Honors AdvisorCharisse Nixon, Faculty ReaderCarl Alfred Kallgren IV, Faculty Reader
25. Interventions to reduce gestational weight gain: A systematic review Open Access Author: McLaughlin, Kaela Marie Title: Interventions to reduce gestational weight gain: A systematic review Area of Honors: Nursing Keywords: gestational weight gainpregnancyweight gaindietexercise File: Download Mclaughlin_Kaela_Interventions_to_Reduce.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Kesha Avalon Baptiste Roberts, Thesis SupervisorDonna Marie Fick, Thesis Honors Advisor
26. An Investigation of the Electron Transport Mechanisms in Silicon Carbide for use as a Low-k Dielectric Open Access Author: Ebersole, Chad Martin Title: An Investigation of the Electron Transport Mechanisms in Silicon Carbide for use as a Low-k Dielectric Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: low-kdielectricsemiconductorelectron transportSiCsilicon carbide File: Download Chad_Ebersole_-_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Patrick M Lenahan, Thesis SupervisorDr. Patrick M Lenahan, Thesis Honors AdvisorChristine Masters, Faculty Reader
27. The Economic Impact of Charter Schools an Empirical Study Open Access Author: Eisenhut, Lindsay Anne Title: The Economic Impact of Charter Schools an Empirical Study Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: charter schoolsregression analysiseconomics File: Download Eisenhut_Lindsay_economicimpactofcharterschools.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Sung Jae Jun, Thesis SupervisorDr. Diane Marie Henderson, Thesis Honors AdvisorBee Yan Roberts, Faculty Reader
28. Traditional-style vs. Roth-style 401k Plans: Calculating the Optimal Savings Rate for Consumption-smoothing Open Access Author: Bader, David Andrew Title: Traditional-style vs. Roth-style 401k Plans: Calculating the Optimal Savings Rate for Consumption-smoothing Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: financeretirementsavings401kconsumption-smoothing File: Download FINAL_Version_of_Thesis_Submission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: James Alan Miles, Thesis SupervisorJames Alan Miles, Thesis Honors AdvisorLouis Gattis Jr., Faculty Reader
29. How the Financial Markets Reacted to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Crisis Open Access Author: Truitt, Gregory Edward Title: How the Financial Markets Reacted to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Crisis Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: financefinancial market reactionsnuclear crisis File: Download Truitt_Greg_Japanese_Nuclear_Crisis_FINAL_SUBMISSION.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michelle Lowry, Thesis SupervisorJames Alan Miles, Thesis Honors AdvisorJames Alan Miles, Faculty Reader
30. The effect of bioconjugation of calcium phosphosilicate nanoparticles on breast cancer cell association under shear conditions Open Access Author: Harter, Lauren Michele Title: The effect of bioconjugation of calcium phosphosilicate nanoparticles on breast cancer cell association under shear conditions Area of Honors: Bioengineering Keywords: nanoparticlesbreast cancershear conditions File: Download Harter_Lauren_bioconjugationCPSNPsbreastcancer.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Cheng Dong, Thesis SupervisorPeter J Butler, Thesis Honors Advisor