311. Design By Example: a Web-based Tool for Context-driven Design of Biomedical Devices Open Access Author: Dzombak, Rachel Victoria Title: Design By Example: a Web-based Tool for Context-driven Design of Biomedical Devices Area of Honors: Bioengineering Keywords: medical devicesdeveloping countriescontextdesignbioengineeringafricaKenya File: Download Dzombak_Rachel_DesignByExample_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Peter J Butler, Thesis Honors AdvisorPeter J Butler, Thesis SupervisorKhanjan Mehta, Faculty ReaderMargaret June Slattery, Faculty Reader
312. Characterization of H2S as a vasodilator in human cutaneous vasculature Open Access Author: Davin, Marikah I Title: Characterization of H2S as a vasodilator in human cutaneous vasculature Area of Honors: Kinesiology Keywords: hydrogen sulfideskin blood flowvasodilation File: Download Davin_Marikah_hydrogensulfide.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Lacy Alexander Holowatz, Thesis SupervisorStephen Jacob Piazza, Thesis Honors AdvisorWilliam Lawrence Kenney Jr., Faculty Reader
313. The Value-added Tax: Exploring Whether Spain's Vat Could Work in the United States Open Access Author: Bower, Vanessa Amber Title: The Value-added Tax: Exploring Whether Spain's Vat Could Work in the United States Area of Honors: Accounting Keywords: VATvalue-added taxtaxSpainAccounting File: Download bower_vanessa_thesisacctgvatsubmissionrevised.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Orie Edwin Barron, Thesis SupervisorOrie Edwin Barron, Thesis Honors AdvisorSajay Samuel, Faculty Reader
314. Characterization and Scale-up of Water Treatment via Adsorbed Moringa Oleifera Protein Open Access Author: Smith, Eric Thomas Title: Characterization and Scale-up of Water Treatment via Adsorbed Moringa Oleifera Protein Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: Moringa OleiferaMoringa Oleifera Cationic ProteinWater Treatment File: Download Smith_Eric_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Darrell Velegol, Thesis Honors AdvisorAndrew Zydney, Faculty ReaderDarrell Velegol, Thesis Supervisor
315. The effect of strain and exercise on hypothalamic gene expression in C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice Open Access Author: Irizarry, Nicole Title: The effect of strain and exercise on hypothalamic gene expression in C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice Area of Honors: Kinesiology Keywords: hypothalamusexerciseinbred micegenetics File: Download Irizarry_Nicole_The_effect_of_strain.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Teresa Caroldean Lang, Thesis SupervisorStephen Jacob Piazza, Thesis Honors Advisor
316. A novel protein-engineering approach for enhancing the crystallization of recalcitrant proteins Open Access Author: Hostetler, Zachary M Title: A novel protein-engineering approach for enhancing the crystallization of recalcitrant proteins Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: structural biologyx-ray crystallographyproteincrystallizationrecombinantfusionGFPSUMOhRCC1 File: Download Hostetler_Zachary_aNovelProteinEngineeringApproach.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Song Tan, Thesis SupervisorDavid Scott Gilmour, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Wendy Hanna-Rose, Faculty Reader
317. Building Resilience in Children of Poverty and Trauma Open Access Author: Dillard, Clare Elise Title: Building Resilience in Children of Poverty and Trauma Area of Honors: Elementary and Kindergarten Education (Berks/Lehigh) Keywords: resiliencypovertytraumapositive reinforcementengagementRwandaAfrica File: Download Clare_Dillard_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Kira Baker Doyle, Thesis SupervisorDr. Sandy Feinstein, Thesis Honors Advisor
318. The Thermal Conductivity of Solid 4he in Vycor Open Access Author: Omelchenko, Stefan Thomas Title: The Thermal Conductivity of Solid 4he in Vycor Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in Engineering Science and Physics Keywords: heliumVycorsupersolidsuperfluid File: Download omelchenko_stefan_thermalconductivityofHeinvycor.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Moses Hung Wai Chan, Thesis SupervisorMichael T Lanagan, Thesis Honors AdvisorJudith A Todd Copley, Faculty ReaderProf. Richard Wallace Robinett, Thesis Honors Advisor
319. Best Practices in Collaborative Logistics Open Access Author: Trinh, Monica Title: Best Practices in Collaborative Logistics Area of Honors: Supply Chain and Information Systems Keywords: CollaborationSupply chain managementtransportationCPFRforecastingreplenishmentwarehousing File: Download Monica_Trinh_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Robert Alexander Novack, Thesis SupervisorDr. John C. Spychalski, Thesis Honors Advisor
320. Feasibility of Seismic Retrofit Techniques for Bridges Subjected to Scour Open Access Author: Kukoda, Bryan Jeffrey Title: Feasibility of Seismic Retrofit Techniques for Bridges Subjected to Scour Area of Honors: Civil Engineering Keywords: seismic retrofit techniquesbridge designearthquakesfloodinglocal scour File: Download Kukoda_Bryan_seismicretrofitofbridges.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Swagata Banerjee Basu, Thesis SupervisorEric Todd Donnell, Thesis Honors Advisor