Search Results
53. A Metabolomic Investigation Into Clostridium Difficile Infection

Open Access
55. Charge Carrier Transmission in Bilayer Graphene

Open Access
58. Communication Comfort and Adolescent Risk Behavior

Open Access
62. Vesicles Protect Activated Acetic Acid

Open Access
63. Common factors that motivate Autism employment in the workplace

Open Access
74. Making and Maintaining Friendships on the Autism Spectrum

Open Access
75. Business Analysis For Outsourcing To South African Economy

Open Access
78. An Empirical Analysis of Demand in Collegiate Football

Open Access
85. Comprehension in Codeswitching: Do Complementizers Matter?

Open Access
93. Needle Insertion Force Model For Haptic Simulation

Open Access
96. Fock Spaces

Open Access
100. The Role of Activist Investing in Today's Financial Markets

Open Access