5621. Investigating the Role of 1Q21.1 in Neurological Disease-Related Behaviors Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Thieu, Thanh Mai Title: Investigating the Role of 1Q21.1 in Neurological Disease-Related Behaviors Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: Autism Spectrum DisorderASDSchizophreniaSCZNeurodevelopmental Diseases1q21.1Copy Number VariantNeuroscienceBehavioral Science File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Yingwei Mao, Thesis SupervisorBernhard Luscher, Thesis Honors Advisor
5622. Effect of ZNF804A Knockout on A-βeta Formation in 5FAD Mice Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Temmer, Katherine Title: Effect of ZNF804A Knockout on A-βeta Formation in 5FAD Mice Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: BiologyNeuroscienceMolecular modelsTransgenic MiceAlzheimer's disease File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Yingwei Mao, Thesis SupervisorTimothy J Jegla, Thesis Honors Advisor
5623. Adsorption of Red Dye 40 from Wastewater via a Moringa Oleifera Coated Cotton Filter Open Access Author: Terceiro, Kathryn Title: Adsorption of Red Dye 40 from Wastewater via a Moringa Oleifera Coated Cotton Filter Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: AdsorptionMoringaRed Dye File: Download Adsorption_of_Red_Dye_40_from_Wastewater_via_a_Moringa_Oleifera_Coated_Cotton_Filter_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Stephanie Butler Velegol, Thesis SupervisorDarrell Velegol, Thesis Honors Advisor
5624. Detecting Type II-P Supernova Precursor Emission via Machine Learning Open Access Author: Tartaglia, Anna Title: Detecting Type II-P Supernova Precursor Emission via Machine Learning Area of Honors: Astronomy and Astrophysics Keywords: Transient AstronomySupernovaeMachine Learning File: Download anna_tartaglia_thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Donald P Schneider, Thesis SupervisorCindy Yuexing Gulis, Thesis Honors Advisor
5625. An Analysis of Floquet Mode Control as a Station-Keeping Strategy for L2 Halo Orbits Open Access Author: Thornton, Ian Title: An Analysis of Floquet Mode Control as a Station-Keeping Strategy for L2 Halo Orbits Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: orbitstation-keepingastrodynamics File: Download Thornton_Thesis__2_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Puneet Singla, Thesis SupervisorRobert G. Melton, Thesis Honors Advisor
5626. Longitudinal Survey on Ticks and Rodents in Central Pennsylvania Open Access Author: Tegge, Kristian Title: Longitudinal Survey on Ticks and Rodents in Central Pennsylvania Area of Honors: Entomology Keywords: . I. scapularistickwhite-footed miceChipmunkred-backed vole File: Download longitudinal_survey_on_ticks_and_rodents_in_Center_County__Pennsylvania.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Erika T. Machtinger, Thesis SupervisorRobert John Vansaun, Thesis Honors Advisor
5627. The Potential Impact of Small Modular Reactor Introduction on Energy Supply Open Access Author: Tatcher, William Title: The Potential Impact of Small Modular Reactor Introduction on Energy Supply Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: small modular reactorsenergy supplymarket analysisoptimization problem File: Download Honors_Thesis__5_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Karl Schurter, Thesis SupervisorNima Haghpanah, Thesis Honors AdvisorBee Yan Roberts, Faculty Reader
5628. Error correcting codes for distributed non-linear function computation Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Tapha, Thitiwat Title: Error correcting codes for distributed non-linear function computation Area of Honors: Electrical Engineering Keywords: Communication systemoptimizationgradient descentalternating optimizationlogistic regressionloss functionmatrix-multiplication File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Viveck Ramesh Cadambe, Thesis SupervisorJulio Urbina, Thesis Honors Advisor
5629. Comparative Cross-Sectional Analysis of Body Composition, Energy Status, and Triad-Related Symptoms in Japanese and American Female Distance Runners Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Vijaya Krishnan, Maha Lakshmi Title: Comparative Cross-Sectional Analysis of Body Composition, Energy Status, and Triad-Related Symptoms in Japanese and American Female Distance Runners Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: Female Athlete TriadRacial differencesEthnic differencesFemale Athlete TriadCultural differencesBody CompositionEnergy AvailabilityEnergy DeficiencyMenstrual FunctionBone Mineral DensityFemale Athlete File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Mary Jane De Souza, Thesis SupervisorStephen Wade Schaeffer, Thesis Honors Advisor
5630. Comparing the Catalytic Activity of High Entropy Oxides and their Parent Compounds in the Oxygen Evolution Reaction Open Access Author: Vincent, William Title: Comparing the Catalytic Activity of High Entropy Oxides and their Parent Compounds in the Oxygen Evolution Reaction Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: ElectrochemistryRenewable EnergyOER File: Download Vincent_Schreyer_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Raymond Edward Schaak, Thesis SupervisorMargaret Louise Byron, Thesis Honors AdvisorDerek M Hall, Faculty Reader
5631. The Role of SR Splicing Protein 9G8 in Regulating Lipid Metabolism in Drosophila Intestine Open Access Author: Voskoboynikov, Roman Title: The Role of SR Splicing Protein 9G8 in Regulating Lipid Metabolism in Drosophila Intestine Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: Drosophila9G8SR proteinIntestineMetabolismSplicing File: Download Voskoboynikov_4.02_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Justin Di Angelo, Thesis SupervisorJeanne Marie Rose, Thesis Honors Advisor
5632. Purification and Characterization of Chromatin Remodeler SNF2L Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Waldt, Hannah Title: Purification and Characterization of Chromatin Remodeler SNF2L Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: BiochemistryStructural BiologyChromatinISWISNF2LNegative Stain EMCryo-EM File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Jean-Paul Armache, Thesis SupervisorSanthosh Girirajan, Thesis Honors Advisor
5633. The Effect of Matrix Viscoelasticity on Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition, Apoptosis, and Genomic Instability. Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Vaneman, Zachary Title: The Effect of Matrix Viscoelasticity on Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition, Apoptosis, and Genomic Instability. Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: Disease ProgressionEpithelial-Mesenchymal TransitionCell MigrationViscoelastic Hydrogels File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Esther Gomez, Thesis SupervisorMichael John Janik, Thesis Honors Advisor
5634. Evaluating Random Forest Model Performance in Predicting Photovoltaic Power Generation Across Puerto Rico Open Access Author: Vitti, Caden Title: Evaluating Random Forest Model Performance in Predicting Photovoltaic Power Generation Across Puerto Rico Area of Honors: Energy Engineering Keywords: Puerto Ricoresiliencemicrogridrandom forestsolar powerclimate change File: Download Evaluating_Random_Forest_Model_Performance_in_Predicting_Photovoltaic_Power_Generation_Across_Puerto_Rico.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Renee Obringer, Thesis SupervisorNelson Yaw Dzade, Thesis Honors Advisor
5635. What is the Impact of Teaching Business Ethics on the Incidence of Accounting Fraud? Open Access Author: Vanriele, Victoria Title: What is the Impact of Teaching Business Ethics on the Incidence of Accounting Fraud? Area of Honors: Accounting Keywords: businessbusiness ethicsaccountingaccounting fraudimpact of teaching business ethics File: Download Final_Schreyer_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ed Ketz, Thesis SupervisorSamuel Burton Bonsall, IV, Thesis Honors Advisor
5636. Single-Print Rolling Contact Joints to Minimize Fatigue in Additively Manufactured Prosthetic Fingers Open Access Author: Wilson, Mary Title: Single-Print Rolling Contact Joints to Minimize Fatigue in Additively Manufactured Prosthetic Fingers Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: compliant mechanismsrolling contact jointprostheticsprosthetic finger jointsengineering designTPUcontact-aided jointfinger jointsadditive manufacturing3d printing3d-printmechanical designfatigue analysisjoint fatigue File: Download SHC_THESIS_-_Mary_K._Wilson.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jared Butler, Thesis SupervisorMargaret Louise Byron, Thesis Honors Advisor
5637. Thermodynamic Parameters of Non-Watson-Crick Base Paired Structures in In-vitro and In-Vivo-Like Conditions Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Winemiller, Atlas Title: Thermodynamic Parameters of Non-Watson-Crick Base Paired Structures in In-vitro and In-Vivo-Like Conditions Area of Honors: Chemistry Keywords: RNAthermodynamicsnon-Watson-Crickin vivo-like File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Philip C Bevilacqua, Thesis SupervisorStewart Anthony Mallory, Thesis Honors AdvisorElizabeth A Jolley, Faculty Reader
5638. Full Information Model: A Comprehensive Approach to Zero Forcing Open Access Author: Willman, Mason Title: Full Information Model: A Comprehensive Approach to Zero Forcing Area of Honors: Mathematics Keywords: graph theoryzero forcinginteger programming File: Download Full_Information_Model.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Thomas Robert Cameron, Thesis SupervisorWen-Li Wang, Thesis Honors AdvisorJoseph Peter Previte, Faculty Reader
5639. Financial Education Informs Literacy Through Mandates Open Access Author: Wilkins, Mikayla Title: Financial Education Informs Literacy Through Mandates Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: financial literacymandated financial educationNFCS File: Download Mikayla_-_Honors_Thesis__Final_Version_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ewout Verriest, Thesis SupervisorNima Haghpanah, Thesis Honors AdvisorBee Yan Roberts, Faculty Reader
5640. Sexual and gender minority college student disparities in biobehavioral health outcomes: a call to action Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Yerger, Jordan Title: Sexual and gender minority college student disparities in biobehavioral health outcomes: a call to action Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: Sexual and gender minorities (SGM)health disparitiesbiobehavioral health outcomescollege students File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Laura Cousino Klein, Thesis SupervisorKari Christine Kugler, Thesis Honors Advisor