5351. Quantifying the Carbon Potential of Carbon Capture Cubes in Kenya Open Access Author: Chu, Katherine Title: Quantifying the Carbon Potential of Carbon Capture Cubes in Kenya Area of Honors: Environmental Resource Management Keywords: carbon sequestrationagroforestrybiocharKenyasoil organic carbonclimate change File: Download Katherine_Chu_Quantifying_the_Carbon_Potential_of_Carbon_Capture_Cubes_in_Kenya.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David Hughes, Thesis SupervisorRobert David Shannon, Thesis Honors Advisor
5352. Effects of Reactants’ Solvation Shell Compositions on Pyrene Fluorescence Quenching by Iodide Anion Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Chettle, Brian Title: Effects of Reactants’ Solvation Shell Compositions on Pyrene Fluorescence Quenching by Iodide Anion Area of Honors: Chemistry Keywords: Physical Chemistrysolvationphotophysicsphotochemistrylaser photolysisspectroscopyfluorescencepyreneiodideheavy atom effect File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Bratoljub Milosavljevic, Thesis SupervisorAndrew Zydney, Thesis Honors Advisor
5353. Genetic, Behavioral, and Health-Related Associations in the Journal on Drug and Alcohol Dependence: A Scoping Review Open Access Author: Coates, De Jah Title: Genetic, Behavioral, and Health-Related Associations in the Journal on Drug and Alcohol Dependence: A Scoping Review Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: substance usehealth disparities File: Download Coates_Thesis_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Alexis R Santos, Thesis SupervisorMarie P Cross, Thesis Honors Advisor
5354. A Case Study on Lean Implementation in Northwestern Pennsylvania Manufacturing Companies Open Access Author: Chwatek, Gracie Title: A Case Study on Lean Implementation in Northwestern Pennsylvania Manufacturing Companies Area of Honors: Industrial Engineering Keywords: Lean ManufacturingManufacturing OperationsIndustrial EngineeringNWPANorthwestern Pennsylvania File: Download Gracie_Chwatek_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Paul Carl Lynch, Thesis SupervisorPaul Carl Lynch, Thesis Honors AdvisorJulia Zhao, Faculty Reader
5355. How Brand Activism Influences Consumer Perception of The Celebrities, Companies, and Advertisements That Contain Controversial Content Open Access Author: Cochran, Abigail Title: How Brand Activism Influences Consumer Perception of The Celebrities, Companies, and Advertisements That Contain Controversial Content Area of Honors: Marketing (Behrend) Keywords: Brand PreferencePurchase IntentionControversial AdvertisementsBrand ActivismPolitical Ideology File: Download Abby_Cochran_Format_Document_Thesis_Revised_Copy.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Eunjoo Han, Thesis SupervisorMichael Edward Brown, Thesis Honors Advisor
5356. Investigating the Role of C-type Lectin Receptor Dectin-2 in Schistosome Immunopathology Open Access Author: Colon, Maria Title: Investigating the Role of C-type Lectin Receptor Dectin-2 in Schistosome Immunopathology Area of Honors: Immunology and Infectious Disease Keywords: SchistosomiasisDectin-2Inflammasome File: Download Maria_Colon_2024_Thesis_Final_Draft.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Parisa Kalantari, Thesis SupervisorRobert Paulson, Thesis Honors Advisor
5357. A mean-field theory for quantum neural networks Open Access Author: Cohen, Ryan Title: A mean-field theory for quantum neural networks Area of Honors: Mathematics Keywords: Quantum computingNeural networks File: Download Cohen_Ryan_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Xiantao Li, Thesis SupervisorCarina Pamela Curto, Thesis Honors Advisor
5358. Energy Availability and Sleep Quality on Training Responses and Sport Performance in Collegiate Division I Swimmers Open Access Author: Conklin, Megan Title: Energy Availability and Sleep Quality on Training Responses and Sport Performance in Collegiate Division I Swimmers Area of Honors: Kinesiology Keywords: energy availabilitysleepsport performanceathletic performanceslow-wave sleepREM sleepsleep qualitytraining response File: Download MeganEConklinHonorsThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Nancy Williams, Thesis SupervisorMark Dyreson, Thesis Honors Advisor
5359. Resilience of the Symbiosis Between Vibrio fischeri and Euprymna scolopes Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Cook, Rachel Title: Resilience of the Symbiosis Between Vibrio fischeri and Euprymna scolopes Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: SymbiosisTransgenerational effectDietReproductionEuprymna scolopesVibrio fischeri File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Wendy Hanna-Rose, Thesis Honors AdvisorTimothy Iwao Miyashiro, Thesis Supervisor
5360. The 2021 West Coast Port Congestion, and Vulnerabilities in Global Shipping Strategy Open Access Author: Cote, Charles Title: The 2021 West Coast Port Congestion, and Vulnerabilities in Global Shipping Strategy Area of Honors: Supply Chain and Information Systems Keywords: Supply ChainPort CongestionGlobal Shipping File: Download The_2021_West_Coast_Port_Congestion_and_Vulnerabilities_in_Global_Shipping_Strategies__2_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert Alexander Novack, Thesis SupervisorSaurabh Bansal, Thesis Honors Advisor