Search Results
5502. Investigating Masculinity and Femininity Effects on Work-Family Conflict

Open Access
5505. Structure and Mechanical Properties of Embryonic Murine Bone and Cartilage

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5506. Trends in ESG Rating Changes Following Corporate Risk Incidents

Open Access
5512. The Influence of Partisanship on Social Studies Education and Curriculum

Open Access
5515. Mechanisms Regulating Blood Vessel Growth in the Early Bovine Placenta

Open Access
5516. Investigating Strain Level Diversity Among Natural Co-Isolated Vibrio Fischeri

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5517. The Effects of Dobbs v. Jackson on Poverty in the United States

Open Access
5522. A Handheld 3D Bioprinter for in situ Tissue Regeneration

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5524. Adult Attachment and the Perception of Interpersonal Dynamics

Open Access
5527. Leveraging Graph Neural Networks for Efficient Word Representations

Open Access
5529. Determining the sire fertility of lost Y-Chromosome lineage in Holsteins

Open Access
5530. Evaluation of Decentralized Cryptosystems for Cyber Credit Scoring in a Security Context

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5533. Advanced Techniques for Fraudulent Transaction Detection: A Statistical and Machine Learning Approach

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5534. De-dollarization Efforts in BRICS Nations

Open Access
5535. Enhancing Capability Deployment Efficiency through Stack Safety Analysis

Open Access
5536. Provisional Ksp Determination of Calcium Phosphosilicate Nanoparticles

Open Access
5538. Core-shell commensal biocapsules for in situ gut microbiome engineering

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5539. Athletic Injury and the Effects on Division III Athletes' Identity and Mental Health

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5540. APOBEC3A Mutation and Intein Expressions for Cytotoxic Enzymes

Open Access
5541. An Economic Analysis of the Pink Tax

Open Access
5546. Bridging the Gap: Studying Dialectal Differences in Interactions

Open Access
5547. The Effect of the 2023 SNAP Benefits Reduction on Food Insufficiency

Open Access
5550. Reconstruction Attacks on Aggressive Relaxations of Differential Privacy

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5553. The Impact of Just-In-Time Prompts in Student Usage of Unit Checking

Open Access
5557. Analyzing Disruptions in the Global Transportation Trade Network

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5563. Mutant Nipah Virus-like Particles as a Protein Delivery Technology

Open Access
5567. The Functional and Structural Characterization of Novel Diiron Oxidases

Open Access
5570. An Analysis of Influencer Marketing and Supply Chains

Open Access
5577. The impact of delayed puberty on anxiety and depression in adolescents

Open Access
5580. Fabrication of ERGO/PEDOT Layers on Etched Platinum-Iridium Wires for Future Flexible Sensing Applications

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5585. Creating an Inclusive Mural Painting with Elementary School Students

Open Access
5587. Investigating the Evolution of Inward and Outward Rectifying Phenotypes in Plant Voltage Gated Potassium Channels

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5588. Classification and Quantification of Consumer Drink Products Using Solution Gated Graphene Field Effect Transistors

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5590. Analyzing the Impact of Microcredit Programs in Asia: A Meta-Regression Analysis Framework

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5591. Gender Differences in Nonverbal Communication In Autistic Adults

Open Access
5593. Understanding and Identifying the Learning Impediments of the Linux Operating System

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5594. The Harsh Reality of Gambling Advertising

Open Access
5598. An In-depth Analysis on Vulnerability Discovery Systems for Embedded Systems

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5600. Exploring Corporate Tax Dynamics: The Case of the United Arab Emirates

Open Access