1. The Retroit Project: A new Intergenerational Model for American Housing Open Access Author: Miller, Daniel John Title: The Retroit Project: A new Intergenerational Model for American Housing Area of Honors: Architecture Keywords: brushparkdetroitretroitintergenerationalarchitecturedesign File: Download miller_daniel_theretroitproject3.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jawaid Haider, Thesis SupervisorScott W Wing, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Cultivated Justice: A Model for Place-based Community Building Open Access Author: Johnson, Katherine Banks Title: Cultivated Justice: A Model for Place-based Community Building Area of Honors: Architecture Keywords: Mushroomfarmworkershumanitarianhousingarchitecturedesignmaterialdignitymigrant File: Download 1-KatherineBJohnson_SHC_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Darla V Lindberg, Thesis SupervisorJames Gill Cooper, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Retail Fluidity: Bridging Physical and Digital Commerce Open Access Author: Novielli, Bridget Eileen Title: Retail Fluidity: Bridging Physical and Digital Commerce Area of Honors: Architecture Keywords: sustainabilitywanamaker buildingretaildigital globalizationconsumerismpreservationhistoric preservationarchitecturegreen architecturedesign File: Download Bridget_Novielli_final_thesis_book.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Pep Avilés, Thesis SupervisorChristine Lee Gorby, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Seeing the Sidewalk: Giving New Terms to an Everyday Urban Space Open Access Author: Rangaswamy, Cara Parry Title: Seeing the Sidewalk: Giving New Terms to an Everyday Urban Space Area of Honors: Architecture Keywords: sidewalkurban fabricphotomontagerepresentationobservationdesign File: Download Rangaswamy_Cara_SeeingTheSidewalk.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Christine Lee Gorby, Thesis Honors AdvisorDarla V Lindberg, Thesis Supervisor
5. Designing Through Community Open Access Author: Evans, Emma Title: Designing Through Community Area of Honors: Architecture Keywords: Co-Housinghousingdesignarchitectureresidentialaffordability File: Download Designing_Through_Community_Emma_Evans2.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Darla V Lindberg, Thesis SupervisorPep Aviles, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Reaching New Heights: Exploring Mass Timber in City-Making Open Access Author: Petersen, Alex Title: Reaching New Heights: Exploring Mass Timber in City-Making Area of Honors: Architecture Keywords: mass timberarchitecturewoodtimberurbanstructural systemssustainabilitydesignconstructionPittsburghTall Wood Buildings File: Download Petersen_SchreyerThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Darla V Lindberg, Thesis SupervisorOrsolya Gaspar, Thesis Honors Advisor