1. Intoxication of Power: Impacts of Coal Powered Development on American Views Towards Limits, Progress, and the Environment in the Mid-19th Century Open Access Author: McGrath, Sean James Title: Intoxication of Power: Impacts of Coal Powered Development on American Views Towards Limits, Progress, and the Environment in the Mid-19th Century Area of Honors: Geography Keywords: coaldevelopmentenvironment19th centurysocietal viewsunited states File: Download McGrath_Sean_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Brian Hastings King, Associate Professor Of Geography, Thesis SupervisorBrian Hastings King, Thesis SupervisorRoger Michael Downs, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Menus Objets Ou Menus, Objets D’art?: Les Menus D’alphonse Mucha Open Access Author: Schrank, Julia Victoria Title: Menus Objets Ou Menus, Objets D’art?: Les Menus D’alphonse Mucha Area of Honors: French and Francophone Studies Keywords: Art Nouveaumenugastronomydecorative artAlphonse MuchasociabilityBelle Époquefin-de-siècle19th century File: Download Schrank_Menus_Objets.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Willa Zahava Silverman, Thesis SupervisorWilla Zahava Silverman, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Heather McCoy, Faculty Reader