1. Comparison Of Volatility Models of The S&P 500 Index Open Access Author: Nguyen, Lam Hoang Title: Comparison Of Volatility Models of The S&P 500 Index Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: volatilityARCHGARCHARIMAUnit Root testData-snoopingS&P 500 Index. File: Download Lam_Nguyen_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: James Alan Miles, Thesis SupervisorJames Alan Miles, Thesis Honors AdvisorJingzhi Huang, Faculty Reader
2. Implications for Stacked Insurance in Pennsylvania following Gallagher v. GEICO (2019) Open Access Author: Van Schaik, Juliette Title: Implications for Stacked Insurance in Pennsylvania following Gallagher v. GEICO (2019) Area of Honors: Risk Management Keywords: ARIMABernoulli TrialBeta-Binomial DistributionContract of AdhesionDoctrine of Reasonable ExpectationsHousehold Vehicle ExclusionIndemnificationInsurance FraudInsuredInsurerMoral HazardMotor Vehicle Financial Responsibility LawPlurality DecisionStacked InsuranceTortfeasorUnderinsured MotoristUninsured Motorist File: Download Implications_for_Stacked_Insurance_in_Pennsylvania_following_Gallagher_v._GEICO__2019_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David Arthur Cather, Thesis SupervisorDavid Russell Hunter, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Gender Differences in U.S. Life Expectancy Forecasts: A State-Level Analysis Open Access Author: Morrison, Justin Title: Gender Differences in U.S. Life Expectancy Forecasts: A State-Level Analysis Area of Honors: Actuarial Science Keywords: Life ExpectancyMortalityUnited StatesTime SeriesDouble-Gap Life Expectancy ModelARIMAGenderActuarial ScienceInsuranceDemography File: Download morrison_justin_thesis_final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Nan Zhu, Thesis SupervisorAmanda W Hammell, Thesis Honors Advisor