1. Development of a Relational Heat Transfer Model for Additive Manufacturing Open Access Author: Park, Joshua Zane Title: Development of a Relational Heat Transfer Model for Additive Manufacturing Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: Additive Manufacturing3D PrintingDirected Energy DepositionCalorimetryThermal ResponseEnergy BalanceEnergy Absorption File: Download JZP-Thesis_revised_APA_references_ESM_submitted.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Richard Martukanitz, Thesis SupervisorJudith A Todd Copley, Thesis Honors AdvisorAlbert Eliot Segall, Faculty Reader
2. Investigation of Additive Manufacturing Based Tissue Engineering Open Access Author: Paul, Elisa Catherine Title: Investigation of Additive Manufacturing Based Tissue Engineering Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Tissue EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringAdditive ManufacturingBioprinting File: Download Final_Thesis_Elisa_Paul.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mary I Frecker, Thesis SupervisorDomenic Adam Santavicca, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Repeatability and Counterproliferation of Metal Additive Manufacturing Technologies in Aerospace Applications Open Access Author: Maley, Siri Katrina Title: Repeatability and Counterproliferation of Metal Additive Manufacturing Technologies in Aerospace Applications Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: Additive ManufacturingSolid Freeform FabricationCounterproliferationCybersecurityQuality AssuranceAerospaceAir Force File: Download MaleyThesis23Jul-sgbbtcrgm-skm.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Sven G Bilén, Thesis SupervisorRobert Graham Melton, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Additive Manufacturing of Polysulfone and Polyaniline Composites by Solvent-cast 3d Printing Open Access Author: Miao, Ziyi Title: Additive Manufacturing of Polysulfone and Polyaniline Composites by Solvent-cast 3d Printing Area of Honors: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: 3D printingAdditive ManufacturingPolymerMaterial SciencePolysulfonePolyanilineSolvent-Casting File: Download Ziyi_Miao_Honors_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Michael Anthony Hickner, Thesis SupervisorJoan Marie Redwing, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Role of Additive Manufacturing in Supply Chains Today Open Access Author: Rosenbaum, Sarah Weiss Title: Role of Additive Manufacturing in Supply Chains Today Area of Honors: Supply Chain and Information Systems Keywords: Additive Manufacturing3D Printing File: Download Sarah_Rosenbaum_Thesis_2016.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Robert Alexander Novack, Thesis SupervisorDr. John C. Spychalski, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. POROSITY DETECTION AND ANALYSIS USING MATLAB OF THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES FABRICATED USING POWDER BED FUSION AT DIFFERENT ANGLES WITH RESPECT TO THE RECOATER BLADE Open Access Author: Dolack, Matthew Edward Title: POROSITY DETECTION AND ANALYSIS USING MATLAB OF THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES FABRICATED USING POWDER BED FUSION AT DIFFERENT ANGLES WITH RESPECT TO THE RECOATER BLADE Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Additive ManufacturingPowder Bed FusionPorosityDefect DetectionPart Fabrication AngleRecoater Blade File: Download Matthew_Edward_Dolack_-_SHC_Thesis_Spring_2017.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Timothy William Simpson, Thesis SupervisorDr. Sean N Brennan, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. THE MODELING, FABRICATION, AND TESTING OF A METAL 3D PRINTED GOLF CLUB DRIVER USING 3D SCANNING TECHNIQUES AND POWDER BED FUSION Open Access Author: Goyal, Suryan Prakash Title: THE MODELING, FABRICATION, AND TESTING OF A METAL 3D PRINTED GOLF CLUB DRIVER USING 3D SCANNING TECHNIQUES AND POWDER BED FUSION Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: 3D printingGolfSportsPowder Bed FusionCADPrototypingAdditive ManufacturingManufacturingCallawayGolf ClubsTitaniumMetal Additive Manufacturing File: Download Goyal_Suryan_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Timothy William Simpson, Thesis SupervisorDr. Sean N Brennan, Thesis Honors Advisor
8. Embedding Electromagnetic Components into CubeSat Structures Using Additive Manufacturing Open Access Author: Arenson, Rebecca Ann Title: Embedding Electromagnetic Components into CubeSat Structures Using Additive Manufacturing Area of Honors: Electrical Engineering Keywords: AntennasAdditive Manufacturing3D PrintingElectromagneticsCubeSat File: Download Arenson_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Sven G Bilén, Thesis SupervisorDr. Sven G Bilén, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Timothy Joseph Kane, Faculty Reader
9. ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING OF TEXTURED ALUMINA VIA MICRO-STEREOLITHOGRAPHY Open Access Author: Christensen, Victoria Leah Title: ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING OF TEXTURED ALUMINA VIA MICRO-STEREOLITHOGRAPHY Area of Honors: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: CeramicsAdditive ManufacturingTextureStereolithography File: Download THESIS_VLC_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Elizabeth Rader Kupp, Thesis SupervisorDr. Robert Allen Kimel, Thesis Honors Advisor
10. Advanced Hybrid Rocket Propulsion Unit for CubeSats (PUC): Development and Testing of a Titanium Tank Open Access Author: Kerr, Evan M Title: Advanced Hybrid Rocket Propulsion Unit for CubeSats (PUC): Development and Testing of a Titanium Tank Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: CubeSatHybrid RocketAdditive ManufacturingDirect Metal Laser Sintering File: Download Kerr_Thesis_SHC_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David Bradley Spencer, Thesis SupervisorDavid Bradley Spencer, Thesis Honors AdvisorAmy Ruth Pritchett, Faculty Reader
11. Discrete Element Method (DEM) Model Calibration Techniques for Additive Manufacturing Open Access Author: Meihofer, Kristen Nicole Title: Discrete Element Method (DEM) Model Calibration Techniques for Additive Manufacturing Area of Honors: Industrial Engineering Keywords: Additive ManufacturingPowder Bed FusionCalibrationDiscrete Element MethodDEMDesign of ExperimentsAngle of ReposeShear ModulusScaling File: Download Meihofer_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Sanjay Joshi, Thesis SupervisorDr. Catherine Mary Harmonosky, Thesis Honors Advisor
12. SURFACE METHODOLOGY FOR 3D PRINTED MULTISPECTRAL SYSTEMS Open Access Author: Davidson, Joshua Title: SURFACE METHODOLOGY FOR 3D PRINTED MULTISPECTRAL SYSTEMS Area of Honors: Electrical Engineering Keywords: Additive ManufacturingIRInfraredMillimeter WaveImagingMultimodalSharedCombined ApertureFreeform opticsGradient IndexGRINPulse ElectroplatingAdditive ManufacturingIRInfraredMillimeter WaveImagingMultimodalSharedCombined ApertureFreeform opticsGradient IndexGRINPulse ElectroplatingAdditive ManufacturingIRInfraredMillimeter WaveImagingMultimodalSharedCombined ApertureFreeform opticsGradient IndexGRINPulse Electroplating File: Download thesisfinal.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Timothy Joseph Kane, Thesis SupervisorDr. Timothy Joseph Kane, Thesis Honors AdvisorRam Mohan Narayanan, Faculty Reader
13. Additively-Manufactured Circuit-Analog Absorbers Printed From Two Materials Open Access Author: Prince, Theodore Jackson Title: Additively-Manufactured Circuit-Analog Absorbers Printed From Two Materials Area of Honors: Electrical Engineering Keywords: PrinceElectromagneticsAdditive Manufacturing3D PrintingReflectionComplex PermittivityX-BandKu-BandPolylactic AcidPLACircuit-Analog AbsorberAbsorberMaterials CharacterizationTransmission Line ModelMetal PowderGraphite File: Download Prince_Thesis_Absorbers.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Erik Henry Lenzing, Thesis SupervisorDr. Julio V. Urbina, Thesis Honors Advisor
14. Determining the Thermal Conductivity of Additively Manufactured Materials Constructed Using Stereolithography Open Access Author: Trautman, Jacqueline Lee Title: Determining the Thermal Conductivity of Additively Manufactured Materials Constructed Using Stereolithography Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Additive ManufacturingThermal ConductivitySLA File: Download JTrautman_Thesis_Spring_2019.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Karen Ann Thole, Thesis SupervisorDr. Jacqueline Antonia O'Connor, Thesis Honors Advisor
15. Investigating the Relationship Between Digital Prototyping Tool Use and Student Designers’ Perceptions of Design Processes Open Access Author: Berlin, Andrew Title: Investigating the Relationship Between Digital Prototyping Tool Use and Student Designers’ Perceptions of Design Processes Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Additive ManufacturingDfAMPrototypingEngineering Design EducationAdditive ManufacturingDfAMPrototypingEngineering Design Education File: Download AMB_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jessica Dolores Menold, Thesis SupervisorAnne Elizabeth Martin, Thesis Honors Advisor
16. Investigation of Structure-Property Relationships of Additively Manufactured 316L Stainless Steel Open Access Author: Caputo, Alexander Title: Investigation of Structure-Property Relationships of Additively Manufactured 316L Stainless Steel Area of Honors: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: Additive ManufacturingMetalsStructure Property Relations File: Download Caputo_Alexander_Investigation_of_Structure_Property_Relationships_of_Additively_Manufactured_316L_Stainless_Steel.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Allison Michelle Beese, Thesis SupervisorRobert Allen Kimel, Thesis Honors Advisor
17. Evaluation of the Energy Absorbed by Additively Manufactured Contact-Aided Compliant Mechanisms Under Compression Open Access Author: Mc Cartney, Carrie Title: Evaluation of the Energy Absorbed by Additively Manufactured Contact-Aided Compliant Mechanisms Under Compression Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Compliant MechanismsPsuedo Rigid Body ModelEnergy AbsorptionAdditive ManufacturingC3MContact-aided Compliant MechanismsCompression File: Download McCartney_Thesis_FinalSubmission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mary I Frecker, Thesis SupervisorAnne Elizabeth Martin, Thesis Honors Advisor
18. Optimal Design of Two-Phase Flow Channels for Additive Manufacturing Using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms Open Access Author: Evich, Nicholas Title: Optimal Design of Two-Phase Flow Channels for Additive Manufacturing Using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Homogeneous Equilibrium ModelAdditive ManufacturingGenetic Algorithms File: Download Evich_Nicholas_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Matthew J Rau, Thesis SupervisorJean-Michel Mongeau, Thesis Honors AdvisorMary I Frecker, Thesis Supervisor
19. Leveraging Additive Manufacturing and Engineering Design Methods to Improve Ballet Pointe Shoes Open Access Author: Nicolich, Keri Title: Leveraging Additive Manufacturing and Engineering Design Methods to Improve Ballet Pointe Shoes Area of Honors: Industrial Engineering Keywords: Pointe shoesAdditive ManufacturingPrototypingHuman-Centered Design3D printingFinite Element Analysis (FEA)Compliant MechanismBalletEngineering Design File: Download Nicolich_Keri_Leveraging_Additive_Manufacturing_and_Engineering_Design_Methods_to_Improve_Ballet_Pointe_Shoes__.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jessica Dolores Menold, Thesis SupervisorSanjay Joshi, Thesis Honors Advisor
20. Analyzing the Implementation of TPMS Lattices in Non-Pneumatic Tire Design Open Access Author: Vitagliano, Nicolas Title: Analyzing the Implementation of TPMS Lattices in Non-Pneumatic Tire Design Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: LatticesTPMSAdditive ManufacturingNon-pneumatic Tires3D PrintingDigital Light Processing File: Download Vitagliano_Nicolas_SHC_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Guhaprasanna Manogharan, Thesis SupervisorBo Cheng, Thesis Honors Advisor