1. Sensitivity Analysis of One-dimensional Descent Profiles for Low Altitude Lunar Landings Open Access Author: Harmon, Jason Scott Title: Sensitivity Analysis of One-dimensional Descent Profiles for Low Altitude Lunar Landings Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: AerospaceEngineeringLunar landingSensitivity analysis File: Download Thesis-_FINAL_COPY-_FINAL_MICROSOFT-_FINAL_FINAL-_NO_SIGNATURE_PAGE.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David Bradley Spencer, Thesis SupervisorDr. Mark David Maughmer, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. George A Lesieutre, Faculty Reader
2. A Human-Powered-Aircraft Propeller Design Open Access Author: Zhang, Xiaomo Title: A Human-Powered-Aircraft Propeller Design Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: AerospaceSailplaneHuman-Powered AircraftPropulsionAerodynamics File: Download Schreyer_Honors_Thesis_by_Xiaomo_Zhang.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Mark David Maughmer, Thesis SupervisorDr. George A Lesieutre, Thesis Honors AdvisorDennis K Mclaughlin, Faculty Reader
3. Repeatability and Counterproliferation of Metal Additive Manufacturing Technologies in Aerospace Applications Open Access Author: Maley, Siri Katrina Title: Repeatability and Counterproliferation of Metal Additive Manufacturing Technologies in Aerospace Applications Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: Additive ManufacturingSolid Freeform FabricationCounterproliferationCybersecurityQuality AssuranceAerospaceAir Force File: Download MaleyThesis23Jul-sgbbtcrgm-skm.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Sven G Bilén, Thesis SupervisorRobert Graham Melton, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. An Experimental Collsion of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with Aircraft Lifting Surfaces Open Access Author: Shaw, Matthew Joseph Title: An Experimental Collsion of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with Aircraft Lifting Surfaces Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: AerospaceStructuresCollisionUAVUnmannedAerialVehicleImpactAircraft Lifting Surfaces File: Download Shaw_Matthew_AnExperimentalCollisionofUnmannedAerialVehicleswithAircraftLiftingSurfaces.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jose Palacios, Thesis SupervisorPhilip John Morris, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. George A Lesieutre, Faculty Reader
5. An Efficient CFD Approach for Co-Axial Rotor Simulations Open Access Author: Cornelius, Jason Kyle Title: An Efficient CFD Approach for Co-Axial Rotor Simulations Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: CFDComputational Fluid DynamicsAerospaceCo-axialRotorcraftRotorcraft AeromechanicsDragonflyAerodynamicsSimulationSTAR-CCM+MultirotorMulticopter File: Download Cornelius_Jason_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Sven Schmitz, Thesis SupervisorDr. George A Lesieutre, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. FERROMAGNETIC COATING AND MAGNETIC ASSEMBLY OF CARBON NANOTUBES AS NANO-ADDITIVES INTO POLYMER MATRICES Open Access Author: Ceneviva, Steven Michael Title: FERROMAGNETIC COATING AND MAGNETIC ASSEMBLY OF CARBON NANOTUBES AS NANO-ADDITIVES INTO POLYMER MATRICES Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: AerospaceAerospace EngineeringCompositesCarbon NanotubesCNTsMagnetic AssemblyPolymer NanocompositeMaterials File: Download SCeneviva17_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Namiko Yamamoto, Thesis SupervisorPhilip John Morris, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. Application of Acoustic Black Holes To Rotorcraft Structures for Vibration and Noise Control Open Access Author: Veltre, Robert Anthony Title: Application of Acoustic Black Holes To Rotorcraft Structures for Vibration and Noise Control Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: AcousticsVibrationAerospaceRotorcraft File: Download Veltre_Thesis_OFFICIAL_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Stephen Clarke Conlon, Thesis SupervisorDr. George A Lesieutre, Thesis Honors Advisor
8. Pressure Measurements in a Supersonic Jet with Fluid Inserts Open Access Author: Falcone, James Michael Title: Pressure Measurements in a Supersonic Jet with Fluid Inserts Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: AerospaceFluid InsertsFluid Corrugations File: Download Falcone_SHCThesis_v4-9-18_FINAL_Vita.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Philip John Morris, Thesis SupervisorDennis K Mclaughlin, Thesis Honors Advisor
9. NEAR-EARTH ASTEROID-MINING VENTURE: RESOURCES, METHODS, AND ECONOMICS Open Access Author: Kamdar, Kartik Title: NEAR-EARTH ASTEROID-MINING VENTURE: RESOURCES, METHODS, AND ECONOMICS Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: Asteroid miningNEA miningAsteroidNEAMining ventureAerospaceSpaceAstronomyEntrepreneurship File: Download Honors_Thesis_Kartik_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Sven G Bilen, Thesis SupervisorKenneth Steven Brentner, Thesis Honors Advisor
10. Parallelized Particle Swarm Optimization for Minimum-Time Satellite Orientation Maneuvers Open Access Author: Rich, Sean Daniel Title: Parallelized Particle Swarm Optimization for Minimum-Time Satellite Orientation Maneuvers Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: Particle Swarm OptimizationAerospaceParallel Computing File: Download thesis-final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert Graham Melton, Thesis SupervisorRobert Graham Melton, Thesis Honors AdvisorAmy Ruth Pritchett, Faculty Reader
11. Low-Power Water-Vapor Generation using Ultrasonic Atomizer for Use with Microwave Electrothermal Thrusters Open Access Author: Detwiler, Jonathan Title: Low-Power Water-Vapor Generation using Ultrasonic Atomizer for Use with Microwave Electrothermal Thrusters Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: METElectric PropulsionAtomizerUltrasonicMicrowaveWater VaporAerospacePropulsion File: Download Jonathan_Detwiler_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Sven G Bilen, Thesis SupervisorRobert G. Melton, Thesis Honors Advisor
12. Design of a rotor test stand for use in a compressed test facility Open Access Author: Gudall, Casey Title: Design of a rotor test stand for use in a compressed test facility Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: AerospaceVLRCOERotorcraft File: Download Schreyer_Honors_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mark A Miller, Thesis SupervisorKenneth Steven Brentner, Thesis Honors Advisor
13. Evaluating Aerodynamic Performance of Coaxial Rotor Separation Distance Open Access Author: Funkhouser, Aden Title: Evaluating Aerodynamic Performance of Coaxial Rotor Separation Distance Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: AerospaceCoaxial RotorsThrustTorqueEngineering File: Download Evaluating_Aerodyanmic_Performance_of_Coaxial_Rotor_Separation_Distance_Final_Submission_Document.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jose Palacios, Thesis SupervisorNamiko Yamamoto, Thesis Honors Advisor
14. Collision Avoidance of Dynamic Obstacles Utilizing a Potential Flow Theory Approach Open Access Author: Pence, Jack Title: Collision Avoidance of Dynamic Obstacles Utilizing a Potential Flow Theory Approach Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: Aerospacecollision avoidanceflight testautonomyautonomous flightcontrols and dynamicsnavigationcontrolsimulationguidancedroneuavuam File: Download COLLISION_AVOIDANCE_OF_DYNAMIC_OBSTACLES_UTILIZING_A_POTENTIAL_FLOW.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jacob Willem Langelaan, Thesis SupervisorSven Schmitz, Thesis Honors Advisor
15. Accurate State Uncertainty Propagation for a Spacecraft in the Cislunar Regime Open Access Author: Glenn, Andrew Title: Accurate State Uncertainty Propagation for a Spacecraft in the Cislunar Regime Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: AerospaceCislunarCircular Restricted Three Body ProblemConjugate Unscented Transform File: Download Glenn_Andrew_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Puneet Singla, Thesis SupervisorRobert G. Melton, Thesis Honors Advisor