1. THE ROLE OF CLC-3 CHLORIDE CHANNELS IN THE PROGRESSION OF THE 5XFAD ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE MOUSE MODEL Open Access Author: Parry, Matthew Title: THE ROLE OF CLC-3 CHLORIDE CHANNELS IN THE PROGRESSION OF THE 5XFAD ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE MOUSE MODEL Area of Honors: Biomedical Engineering Keywords: CLC-3Chloride ChannelsAlzheimer's diseaseAmyloid BetaAβ42β-secretaseBeta SecretaseBACE1 File: Download thesis_formatted_Honors.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Gong Chen, Thesis SupervisorJian Yang, Thesis Honors AdvisorKevin Douglas Alloway, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Data Analysis on Raman Spectroscopy of Alzheimer's Disease Using Machine Learning methods Open Access Author: Wang, Ziyang Title: Data Analysis on Raman Spectroscopy of Alzheimer's Disease Using Machine Learning methods Area of Honors: Computer Science Keywords: Raman SpectroscopyAlzheimer's diseaseMachine learningk - nearest neighbors File: Download thesis_ziyang_wang.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Shengxi Huang, Thesis SupervisorDanfeng Zhang, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. A Mixed Method Review of Cognitive Decline in the Older Incarcerated Adult Population Open Access Author: Mazer, Chloe Title: A Mixed Method Review of Cognitive Decline in the Older Incarcerated Adult Population Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: cognitive declineincarcerated older adultAlzheimer's diseaseincarcerationmixed method review File: Download Mazer_Thesis_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Linda Ann Wray, Thesis SupervisorMarie P Cross, Thesis Honors AdvisorSusan Jayne Loeb, Thesis Supervisor
4. Examination of Baseline Physical Activity and Cognitive Function Data in Middle-Aged and Older Adults Open Access Author: Chaffee, Camryn Title: Examination of Baseline Physical Activity and Cognitive Function Data in Middle-Aged and Older Adults Area of Honors: Kinesiology Keywords: physical activitycognitionAlzheimer's diseasedementiafeasibility trial File: Download Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David E Conroy, Thesis SupervisorMark Dyreson, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Characterizing rescue of an Alzheimer's disease model in Drosophila by downregulation of heparan sulfate biosynthetic enzymes and treatment by bosutinib Open Access Author: Swanson, Lindsey Title: Characterizing rescue of an Alzheimer's disease model in Drosophila by downregulation of heparan sulfate biosynthetic enzymes and treatment by bosutinib Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: Alzheimer's diseaseHeparan sulfateLipid metabolismAutophagyMitochondriaPresenilin File: Download Swanson_Lindsey_HonorsThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Scott Brian Selleck, Thesis SupervisorSarah Mary Assmann, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Effect of ZNF804A Knockout on A-βeta Formation in 5FAD Mice Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Temmer, Katherine Title: Effect of ZNF804A Knockout on A-βeta Formation in 5FAD Mice Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: BiologyNeuroscienceMolecular modelsTransgenic MiceAlzheimer's disease File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Yingwei Mao, Thesis SupervisorTimothy J Jegla, Thesis Honors Advisor