1. Constructed Re-evaluation: A Design/Build Investigation Open Access Author: Catanzaro, Anthony John Title: Constructed Re-evaluation: A Design/Build Investigation Area of Honors: Architecture Keywords: SweetPrimitive HutDesign/BuildArchitecture File: Download _FINAL_THESIS_BOOK_AJC.pdf Thesis Supervisors: James Theodore Kalsbeek, Thesis SupervisorJames Theodore Kalsbeek, Thesis SupervisorChristine Lee Gorby, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Disaster Relief: A Psychological Approach to Temporary Shelter Open Access Author: McDonough, Colleen Marie Title: Disaster Relief: A Psychological Approach to Temporary Shelter Area of Honors: Architecture Keywords: ArchitectureDisaster ReliefPsychology File: Download McDonough_Colleen_disasterreliefshelter.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Christine Lee Gorby, Thesis SupervisorChristine Lee Gorby, Thesis Honors AdvisorKatsuhiko Muramoto, Faculty Reader
3. Cultivating Community: Healing Through Cultural Renewal Open Access Author: Leung, Gloria Chung-Hang Title: Cultivating Community: Healing Through Cultural Renewal Area of Honors: Architecture Keywords: ArchitectureRwandaCommunity File: Download Cultivating_Community_Thesis_GLEUNG.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Katsuhiko Muramoto, Thesis SupervisorKatsuhiko Muramoto, Thesis SupervisorChristine Lee Gorby, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. The Kigoma Catalyst: Delivering Innovative Healthcare Open Access Author: Rotondi, Nicholas Anthony Title: The Kigoma Catalyst: Delivering Innovative Healthcare Area of Honors: Architecture Keywords: TanzaniaSchreyerContainersHospitalArchitecture File: Download NicholasRotondiHonorsSubmission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jawaid Haider, Thesis SupervisorJawaid Haider, Thesis SupervisorChristine Lee Gorby, Thesis Honors AdvisorScott W Wing, Faculty Reader
5. Meditation Sanctuaries: Multi-faith Architecture for the Individual Open Access Author: Polacheck, Lauren Elizabeth Title: Meditation Sanctuaries: Multi-faith Architecture for the Individual Area of Honors: Architecture Keywords: Spiritual ArchitectureMeditation SanctuariesMeditationPrayerArchitectureSanctuariesSanctuaryElementsNature File: Download POLACHECK_Honors-Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Darla V Lindberg, Thesis SupervisorChristine Lee Gorby, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Villes Nouvelles et une Nouvelle Ville: Exemples d'aménagement du Territoire en France, 1965-2012 Open Access Author: Tuttle, Dylan Frysinger Title: Villes Nouvelles et une Nouvelle Ville: Exemples d'aménagement du Territoire en France, 1965-2012 Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in French and Francophone Studies and History Keywords: FrenchHistoryCity PlanningMontpellierArchitectureNew TownsVilles NouvellesFrance File: Download Tuttle_Dylan_villesnouvelles.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Monique Yvonne Yaari, Thesis SupervisorCatherine Wanner, Thesis Honors AdvisorVera Mark, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. Material and Immaterial: Designing an Architecture of Cognitive Systems Open Access Author: Graham, Matthew Robert Title: Material and Immaterial: Designing an Architecture of Cognitive Systems Area of Honors: Architecture Keywords: ArchitecturePenn StationNew YorkCognitivePsychologysystemssystem theorynetwork theorycognitive architecturema File: Download Graham_Matthew_SHC_2012.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Darla V Lindberg, Thesis SupervisorChristine Lee Gorby, Thesis Honors Advisor
8. The Berghof and the Discourse of Domesticity in Hitler's Architecture Open Access Author: Dice, Emily Ann Title: The Berghof and the Discourse of Domesticity in Hitler's Architecture Area of Honors: Art History Keywords: Adolf HitlerBerghofArchitectureInternational StyleMies van der RoheNazi propaganda File: Download Emily_Dice_SHC_Thesis_2013.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Craig Robert Zabel, Thesis SupervisorBrian A Curran, Thesis Honors AdvisorCharlotte Marie Houghton, Faculty Reader
9. Research Facility Core and Shell- Prefabrication of Exterior Façade, Solar Panel Implementation, and Integration of Mobile Technology in Construction Open Access Author: Maffett, Timothy Franklin Title: Research Facility Core and Shell- Prefabrication of Exterior Façade, Solar Panel Implementation, and Integration of Mobile Technology in Construction Area of Honors: Architectural Engineering Keywords: TimMaffettHonorsThesisPrefabricateMobile TechnologyTablet ComputersSolar PanelsPhotovoltaicConstructionCostScheduleArchitectural EngineeringArchitectureEnergyInnovation File: Download Honors_Submission_COMPLETE.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Robert Michael Leicht, Thesis SupervisorRichard George Mistrick, Thesis Honors AdvisorJohn Messner, Faculty Reader
10. CITY UNDISCOVERED: Artistic Revolution and the Rehabilitation of the Philadelphia Viaduct Open Access Author: Bruce, Alexander David Title: CITY UNDISCOVERED: Artistic Revolution and the Rehabilitation of the Philadelphia Viaduct Area of Honors: Architecture Keywords: Architectureurban artstreet artcultureinstitution File: Download Bruce_SHC_Submission_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: James Newton Wines, Thesis SupervisorScott W Wing, Thesis Honors Advisor