1. Detection And Tracking Of multiple Targets In Crowded Scenes Open Access Author: Degol, Joseph Michael Title: Detection And Tracking Of multiple Targets In Crowded Scenes Area of Honors: Computer Engineering Keywords: Mean Shift Belief PropagationTrackingDetectionFeature PointsComputer VisionComputer ScienceArtificial Intelligence File: Download DeGol_Joseph_MultiTargetTracking.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Robert Collins, Thesis SupervisorLee David Coraor, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. DIAGNOSIS OF RELATIVE PERMEABILITY CHARACTERISTICS FROM RATE TRANSIENT DATA: AN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE APPROACH Open Access Author: Case, Nathan Joseph Title: DIAGNOSIS OF RELATIVE PERMEABILITY CHARACTERISTICS FROM RATE TRANSIENT DATA: AN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE APPROACH Area of Honors: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Keywords: Artificial Neural NetworksRelative PermeabilityReservoir EngineeringRate Transient DataArtificial IntelligencePetroleum Engineering File: Download Case_Nathan_DiagnosisOfRelativePermeabilityCharacteristics.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Turgay Ertekin, Thesis SupervisorTurgay Ertekin, Thesis Honors AdvisorZuleima T. Karpyn, Faculty Reader
3. Future Application of Internet of Things (IoT) in Supply Chain of Company D Open Access Author: Gupta, Shonaq Title: Future Application of Internet of Things (IoT) in Supply Chain of Company D Area of Honors: Supply Chain and Information Systems Keywords: supply chainIoTInternet of ThingsArtificial IntelligenceDemand SensingPrescriptive TechnologyPredictive Technologyfuture technologiessupply chain management File: Download Gupta_Shonaq_Future_Application_of_Internet_of_Things__IoT__in_Supply_Chain_Of_Company_D.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Robert Alexander Novack, Thesis SupervisorDr. John C. Spychalski, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. THE TAX CUTS AND JOBS ACT AND ITS IMPACT ON AUTOMATION AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Open Access Author: Chiappa, Christopher John Title: THE TAX CUTS AND JOBS ACT AND ITS IMPACT ON AUTOMATION AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Area of Honors: Accounting Keywords: Tax Cuts and Jobs ActTCJAAutomationArtificial IntelligenceTaxesAccountingUnemploymentDepreciationCorporate Tax Rate File: Download Chris_Chiappa_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Barbara Yener, Thesis SupervisorSamuel Burton Bonsall IV, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. MOSCH: A MULTI-OBJECTIVE SPATIAL CLUSTERING ALGORITHM WITH CONSTRAINT-HANDLING METHODS Open Access Author: Baksa, Bridget Marie Title: MOSCH: A MULTI-OBJECTIVE SPATIAL CLUSTERING ALGORITHM WITH CONSTRAINT-HANDLING METHODS Area of Honors: Information Sciences and Technology Keywords: Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningData ScienceClusteringAlgorithmsInformation ScienceTechnologyNYCCitiBikeBig DataSoftware EngineeringPython File: Download Bridget_Baksa_-_Schreyer_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Abdullah Konak, Thesis SupervisorDr. Sandy Feinstein, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Metrics to Compare Question-Answering Datasets Open Access Author: Eckman, Leah Title: Metrics to Compare Question-Answering Datasets Area of Honors: Computer Science Keywords: Natural Language ProcessingArtificial IntelligenceQA systemsQA datasetslanguage modeling File: Download Leah_Eckman_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rebecca Jane Passonneau, Thesis SupervisorDr. John Joseph Hannan, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND MACHINE LEARNING: APPLICATIONS IN ARMY LOGISTICS Open Access Author: Wonderling, Benjamin Jordan Title: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND MACHINE LEARNING: APPLICATIONS IN ARMY LOGISTICS Area of Honors: Supply Chain and Information Systems Keywords: Artificial IntelligenceAIMachine LearningLogisticsSupply ChainInternet of ThingsIndustry 4.0Army LogisticsMilitary LogisticsChange Management File: Download Wonderling_Thesis_Final_Submission__2019-_ARTIFICIAL_INTELLIGENCE_AND_MACHINE_LEARNING__APPLICATIONS_IN_ARMY_LOGISTICS_1_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Robert Alexander Novack, Thesis SupervisorDr. John C. Spychalski, Thesis Honors Advisor
8. Deep Ensemble Learning for Robust Defense Against Adversaries Open Access Author: Adams, Ethan Title: Deep Ensemble Learning for Robust Defense Against Adversaries Area of Honors: Information Sciences and Technology Keywords: AIArtificial IntelligenceMLMachine LearningTensorFlowKerasPythonAI SecurityEnsemble LearningDeep LearningNeural NetworksAdversarialAdversaries File: Download Adams_ThesisFinal.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mahdi Nasereddin, Thesis SupervisorSandy Feinstein, Thesis Honors Advisor
9. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning: Supply Chain Risk Management Open Access Author: Pan, Tina Title: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning: Supply Chain Risk Management Area of Honors: Supply Chain and Information Systems Keywords: AIMLSCRMArtificial IntelligenceMachine LearningSupply Chain Risk ManagementAI in SCRMRisksSupply Chain File: Download Tina_Pan_Thesis_AL_MLinSCRM.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert Alexander Novack, Thesis SupervisorJohn C Spychalski, Thesis Honors Advisor
10. PairBoost: Gradient Boosted Classification from Pairwise Data Open Access Author: Ashtekar, Neil Title: PairBoost: Gradient Boosted Classification from Pairwise Data Area of Honors: Computer Science Keywords: Machine LearningEnsemble LearningGradient BoostingData ScienceArtificial Intelligence File: Download Ashtekar_Neil_PairBoost.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mehrdad Mahdavi, Thesis SupervisorRebecca Jane Passonneau, Thesis Honors Advisor