1. DEVELOPMENT OF AN ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK FOR PREDICTION OF FLOWING BOTTOMHOLE PRESSURE IN VERTICAL OIL WELLS Open Access Author: Rodge, Mohnish Title: DEVELOPMENT OF AN ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK FOR PREDICTION OF FLOWING BOTTOMHOLE PRESSURE IN VERTICAL OIL WELLS Area of Honors: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Keywords: Pressure gradient curvesArtificial Neural NetworkWell Test AnalysisPetroleum and Natural Gas EngineeringMultirate Well TestWellhead PressureBottomhole PressureWellbore PressureOilNatural Gasartificial liftmultiphase flow File: Download Final_Thesis_MohnishRodge.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Turgay Ertekin, Thesis SupervisorTurgay Ertekin, Thesis Honors AdvisorHamid Emami-Meybodi, Faculty Reader
2. ANALYSIS OF THE EFFICACY OF CARBON DIOXIDE SEQUESTRATION IN DEPLETED COALBED METHANE RESERVOIRS Open Access Author: Liu, Liyang Title: ANALYSIS OF THE EFFICACY OF CARBON DIOXIDE SEQUESTRATION IN DEPLETED COALBED METHANE RESERVOIRS Area of Honors: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Keywords: coalbed methaneCO2 sequestrationArtificial Neural Network File: Download Liyang_Liu_Thesis__1_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Turgay Ertekin, Thesis SupervisorTurgay Ertekin, Thesis Honors AdvisorLuis F. Ayala, Faculty Reader
3. Pressure Transient Analysis of Shale Gas Reservoirs with Horizontal Boreholes: An Artificial Intelligence Based Approach Open Access Author: Zhong, Xuwei Title: Pressure Transient Analysis of Shale Gas Reservoirs with Horizontal Boreholes: An Artificial Intelligence Based Approach Area of Honors: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Keywords: Pressure Transient AnalysisArtificial Neural NetworkShale Gas ReservoirPTAANN File: Download Zhong_Thesis_Schreyer.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Turgay Ertekin, Thesis SupervisorJohn Yilin Wang, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. The Prediction of Coronavirus Cases and an Analysis of the Factors Contributing to its Spread Across Universities in the United States Open Access Author: Vo, Christopher Title: The Prediction of Coronavirus Cases and an Analysis of the Factors Contributing to its Spread Across Universities in the United States Area of Honors: Statistics Keywords: CoronavirusArtificial Neural NetworkDeep LearningMultiple Linear RegressionSupport Vector Regression File: Download ChrisVo_Honors_Thesis.pdfDownload ANN_Covid_College_pred.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Lingzhou Xue, Thesis SupervisorLe Bao, Thesis Honors Advisor