1. Access to the Karnak Temple: How the Public Perceived the Pharaonic Battle Scenes of Sety I and Ramesses II Open Access Author: Lee, Alisia Title: Access to the Karnak Temple: How the Public Perceived the Pharaonic Battle Scenes of Sety I and Ramesses II Area of Honors: Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies Keywords: Sety IRamesses IIKarnak TempleHypostyle HallPublicBattle ScenesVictorious PharaohFestivalsCanalsOpet FestivalValley FestivalSokar FestivalModern ReconstructionPublic View File: Download Lee_Seung-Ju_Access_to_the_Karnak_Temple_Battle_Scenes_of_Sety_I_and_Ramesses_II.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Elizabeth J Walters, Thesis SupervisorErin Mc Kenna Hanses, Thesis Honors Advisor