1. The State Of Higher Education: Tuition And Faculty Salaries Open Access Author: Popovich, Marie Elizabeth Title: The State Of Higher Education: Tuition And Faculty Salaries Area of Honors: Accounting Keywords: tuitionfacultyfaculty salariesfaculty compensationtuition ratestuition increasescollege costsPenn StateBig Tencorporate university File: Download Popovich_Marie_TheStateofHigherEducation.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Sajay Samuel, Thesis SupervisorOrie Edwin Barron, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Evolution of the Big Ten Brand Open Access Author: Dassatti, Reagan Ann Title: Evolution of the Big Ten Brand Area of Honors: Marketing Keywords: EvolutionBig TenBrand File: Download Dassatti_Reagan_Evolution_of_the_Big_Ten_Brand.pdf Thesis Supervisors: John C Powell, Thesis SupervisorJennifer Chang Coupland, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Chasing The Narrative: An Analysis of Penn State's Actions During the Sandusky Scandal Open Access Author: Catena, Olivia Title: Chasing The Narrative: An Analysis of Penn State's Actions During the Sandusky Scandal Area of Honors: Advertising/Public Relations Keywords: sportscrisis communicationsBig Tenscandals File: Download Catena_Olivia_ChasingTheNarrative.pdf Thesis Supervisors: John R Affleck, Thesis SupervisorAnn Marie Major, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. IMPACT OF THE TAX CUTS AND JOBS ACT OF 2017 ON CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS TO BIG TEN INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS Open Access Author: Purnell, Emily Title: IMPACT OF THE TAX CUTS AND JOBS ACT OF 2017 ON CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS TO BIG TEN INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS Area of Honors: Accounting Keywords: taxTCJAathleticsfundraisingaccountingcharitydonationstaxpayersBig TenPenn Statefootball File: Download Purnell_Emily_TCJAOnAthletics.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Edward Rowland Jenkins, Jr., Thesis SupervisorSamuel Burton Bonsall IV, Thesis Honors Advisor