1. The Effect of Social Media on Crowdsourcing Investigation Open Access Author: Ji, Kaeun Title: The Effect of Social Media on Crowdsourcing Investigation Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: Social MediaBoston Marathon BombingCrowdsourcingInvestigationTwitter File: Download JI_Kaeun_Theeffectofsocialmediaoncrowdsourcinginvestigation.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Andrea H Tapia, Thesis SupervisorDr. Gretchen G Casper, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. The Social Function of Twitter Toward a Theory of Generic Constraints Open Access Author: Rush, Elizabeth Thornton Title: The Social Function of Twitter Toward a Theory of Generic Constraints Area of Honors: Communication Arts and Sciences Keywords: TwittercrisisrhetoricgenreBoston Marathon BombingAntonio Martin File: Download Rush_Elizabeth_TheSocialFunctionOfTwitter.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kirtley Hasketh Wilson, Thesis SupervisorLori Ann Bedell, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. LAW ENFORCEMENT AND LAWMAKERS’ REACTIONS TO LONE WOLF TERRORISM Open Access Author: Petras, Brandon Scott Title: LAW ENFORCEMENT AND LAWMAKERS’ REACTIONS TO LONE WOLF TERRORISM Area of Honors: Political Science (Behrend) Keywords: lone wolf terrorismterrorismdomestic terrorismOklahoma City BombingFort Hoot ShootingBoston Marathon BombingOrlando ShootingAnthraxUnabomberSan Bernardino Shootinglaw enforcementMuslim banGlobal War on Terror File: Download Brandon_Petras_Thesis_b.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kilic B Kanat, Thesis SupervisorRobert W. Speel, Thesis Honors Advisor