1. FUTURE IMPLICATIONS OF GPU ACCELERATION ON PRESENT CRYPTOGRAPHIC STANDARDS Open Access Author: Miller, Garrett Michael Title: FUTURE IMPLICATIONS OF GPU ACCELERATION ON PRESENT CRYPTOGRAPHIC STANDARDS Area of Honors: Information Sciences and Technology Keywords: CPUGPUCryptographyPasswordsHashesGPU AccelerationRSAECCMD5SHAWPAWPA2AESCUDANVidiaATICloudDistributed Computing File: Download GarrettMillerThesisFinal.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Stanley G Aungst, Thesis SupervisorStanley G Aungst, Thesis SupervisorJames A Leous, Thesis SupervisorDr. Brian Harold Cameron, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. A Framework For 3D Ultrasound Imaging For HIFU Tissue Ablation Using OpenGL Open Access Author: Fesel, Harrison Title: A Framework For 3D Ultrasound Imaging For HIFU Tissue Ablation Using OpenGL Area of Honors: Computer Science Keywords: ultrasoundcomputer sciencesoftwaremedicine3D imagingHIFUtissue ablationcancer treatmentultrasound therapyOpenGLQtmedical technologyhigh-intensity focused ultrasoundCUDA File: Download harrison_fesel_honors_thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mohamed Khaled Almekkawy, Thesis SupervisorDr. Jesse Louis Barlow, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Performance Study of General-Purpose GPU Computations Using Kernel Fusion Open Access Author: Paluda, Michael Title: Performance Study of General-Purpose GPU Computations Using Kernel Fusion Area of Honors: Computer Science Keywords: GPUCUDAKERNELDYNAMIC PARALLELISM File: Download thesis_final_draft.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Anand Sivasubramaniam, Thesis SupervisorDanfeng Zhang, Thesis Honors Advisor