1. A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF HOW TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS AFFECT SPATIAL SEGREGATION IN BRASÍLIA, BRAZIL AND TORONTO, CANADA Open Access Author: De Morais, Andrew Taylor Title: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF HOW TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS AFFECT SPATIAL SEGREGATION IN BRASÍLIA, BRAZIL AND TORONTO, CANADA Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in Civil Engineering and Architecture Keywords: transportationtransportation engineeringurban planningpublic transitspatial segregationBrasíliaBrazilTorontoCanada File: Download Thesis_Andrew_de_Morais.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Venky Shankar And Madis Pihlak, Thesis SupervisorVenkataraman Shankar, Thesis SupervisorMadis Pihlak, Thesis SupervisorPatrick Reed, Thesis Honors AdvisorScott W Wing, Thesis Honors AdvisorPeggy Ann Johnson, Faculty Reader
2. Federal Gun Control Regulation and its Effect on Firearm Homicide Open Access Author: Frederick, Allison Leigh Title: Federal Gun Control Regulation and its Effect on Firearm Homicide Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: gun controlfirearmhomicideUnited StatesUnited KingdomAustraliaCanadaInterrupted Time SeriesRegulationPolicy File: Download Frederick_Allison_federalguncontrol.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David Lynn Lowery, Thesis SupervisorDr. Gretchen G Casper, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Economic Margnialization on Migrants From Host Country Resettlement Programs: An International Comparative Analysis Open Access Author: Adams, Zachary Michael Title: Economic Margnialization on Migrants From Host Country Resettlement Programs: An International Comparative Analysis Area of Honors: International Affairs Keywords: RefugeesRefugee ResettlementEuropean UnionCanadaUnited StatesEconomic MarginalizationPoverty RiskMigrant IncomeMigrationAsylum SeekersLabor MarketResettlement Programs File: Download Economic_Marginalization_on_Migrants_from_Resettlement_Programs.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Sophia A Mcclennen, Thesis SupervisorEleanor Marie Brown, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Glassdoor's Best Places to Work International: Are They Best for Shareholders? Open Access Author: Warnaka, Matt Alan Title: Glassdoor's Best Places to Work International: Are They Best for Shareholders? Area of Honors: Finance (Behrend) Keywords: FinanceGlassdoorEmployee SatisfactionCanadaFranceGermanyUnited KingdomBest Places to WorkAbnormal Returns File: Download GLASSDOOR_S_BEST_PLACES_TO_WORK_INTERNATIONAL_ARE_THEY_BEST_FOR.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Greg Filbeck, Thesis SupervisorGreg Filbeck, Thesis Honors AdvisorJessica Zhao, Faculty Reader