1. Aberration Open Access Author: O'neill, Katherine Ann Title: Aberration Area of Honors: Creative Writing (Behrend) Keywords: PhotographyfictionHodgkin's LymphomaCatholicism File: Download 2-Katherine_ONeill_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Thomas Noyes, Thesis SupervisorThomas Noyes, Thesis Honors AdvisorGeorge Looney, Faculty Reader
2. The Architecture of the Catholic Church: Late Antiquity to the Early Medieval Open Access Author: Michael, Amanda Title: The Architecture of the Catholic Church: Late Antiquity to the Early Medieval Area of Honors: Art History Keywords: Art HistoryArchitectureChurchCathedralChristianityCatholicismEuropeMedieval ArtMedieval ArchitectureRoman ArtRoman ArchitectureLiturgy File: Download Amanda_Michael_FINAL_THESIS.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Heather C Mccune Bruhn, Thesis SupervisorAmara Leah Solari, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Religious Mestizaje in Guatemala and its Sociopolitical Impact Open Access Author: Mull, Eliza Title: Religious Mestizaje in Guatemala and its Sociopolitical Impact Area of Honors: Latin-American Studies Keywords: MayaCatholicismMaya Catholicismeffigiesliberation theologyreligious mestizajecofradíascosmovisiónPentecostalismsaint File: Download MULL_RELIGIOUS_MESTIZAJE_GUATEMALA.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Amara Leah Solari, Thesis SupervisorMatthew Bennett Restall, Thesis Honors Advisor