1. Discrepancy in Hospitalization Charges and Length of Stay between Children with and without Obesity Open Access Author: Chiang, Timothy Title: Discrepancy in Hospitalization Charges and Length of Stay between Children with and without Obesity Area of Honors: Health Policy and Administration Keywords: Childhood ObesityHospitalization ChargesLength of Stay File: Download Chiang_Timothy_discrepancyinhospitalizationchargesandlengthofstaybetweenchildrenwithandwithoutobesity.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Marianne Messersmith Hillemeier, Thesis SupervisorDr. Rhonda Be Lue, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. IMPACT OF AGE AND VITAMIN A SUPPLEMENTATION ON THERMOGENIC FACTORS IN A RAT MODEL OF CHILDHOOD OBESITY RISK Open Access Author: Weaver, Alexis L Title: IMPACT OF AGE AND VITAMIN A SUPPLEMENTATION ON THERMOGENIC FACTORS IN A RAT MODEL OF CHILDHOOD OBESITY RISK Area of Honors: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: Vitamin AChildhood ObesityThermogenesisRat ModelNutrition File: Download Weaver_Alexis_VASupp.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. A. Catharine Ross, Thesis SupervisorAlison Diane Gernand, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. "CAULIFLOWER POWER" STORYBOOKS AND CRUCIFEROUS VEGETABLE CONSUMPTION IN PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN: EXAMINING THE EFFECT OF REPEATED EXPOSURE ON ACCEPTANCE AND CONSUMPTION OF CAULIFLOWER, BROCCOLI, AND BRUSSELS SPROUTS Open Access Author: Canova, Anna Claire Title: "CAULIFLOWER POWER" STORYBOOKS AND CRUCIFEROUS VEGETABLE CONSUMPTION IN PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN: EXAMINING THE EFFECT OF REPEATED EXPOSURE ON ACCEPTANCE AND CONSUMPTION OF CAULIFLOWER, BROCCOLI, AND BRUSSELS SPROUTS Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: NutritionNutrition EducationVegetablesChildren's storybooksChildrenExposuresObesity PreventionCauliflowerBroccoliBrussels SproutsPTC Genetic TestBiology and EnvironmentCruciferous CrewChildhood Obesity File: Download Anna_Canova_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Lori Anne Francis, Thesis SupervisorDr. Lori Anne Francis, Thesis Honors AdvisorJoseph Peter Gyekis, Faculty Reader
4. The Impact of Self-Regulation Training on Preschool Children's Body Mass Index and Behavioral Regulation: The Added Influence of the Home Environment Open Access Author: Montanez, Natalie Title: The Impact of Self-Regulation Training on Preschool Children's Body Mass Index and Behavioral Regulation: The Added Influence of the Home Environment Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: Childhood ObesitySelf-RegulationHome Environment File: Download NATALIE_MONTANEZ_FINAL_THESIS.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Lori Anne Francis, Thesis SupervisorHelen Marie Kamens, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Associations of maternal stress and maternal feeding practices at child aged 6 years Open Access Author: Aluquin, Lindsay Title: Associations of maternal stress and maternal feeding practices at child aged 6 years Area of Honors: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: Feeding PracticesMother-Child RelationshipChildhood ObesityMaternal StressHousehold Chaos File: Download 4.15.24_Thesis_Lindsay_Aluquin_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jennifer Savage Williams, Thesis SupervisorAlison D Gernand, Thesis Honors AdvisorAmy Moore, Faculty Reader
6. Exploring Executive Functioning as a Moderator of the Association between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adolescents’ Risk for Obesity Open Access Author: Hawthorne, Yani Title: Exploring Executive Functioning as a Moderator of the Association between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adolescents’ Risk for Obesity Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: Childhood adversityACEsExecutive FunctionExecutive DysfunctionChildhood ObesityObesityAdolescent ObesityModeratorWaist Circumference File: Download YaniHawthorne_finalthesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Lori Anne Francis, Thesis SupervisorKari Christine Kugler, Thesis Honors Advisor