1. STUDENTS’ CORN ETHANOL PERCEPTIONS Open Access Author: Nicholson, Rosemary Title: STUDENTS’ CORN ETHANOL PERCEPTIONS Area of Honors: Biorenewable Systems Keywords: Corn EthanolAlternative FuelPerceptionConsumerStudentBiofuel File: Download Nicholson_Students__Corn_Ethanol_Perceptions.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Paul Smith, Thesis SupervisorJudd Michael, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Financial Indicators Predictability on Measures of Success During the Covid-19 Pandemic Open Access Author: Calibeo, Elena Title: Financial Indicators Predictability on Measures of Success During the Covid-19 Pandemic Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: Covid-19Financial indicatorsSharpe RatioJensen's AlphaEVAConsumer File: Download THESIS_ElenaCalibeo.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Brian Spangler Davis, Thesis SupervisorBrian Spangler Davis, Thesis Honors AdvisorJ. Randall Woolridge, Faculty Reader