1. Design of Arduino Instrumentation for a Thermal Management Testbed Open Access Author: Glunt, Jonah Title: Design of Arduino Instrumentation for a Thermal Management Testbed Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: ArduinoMATLABSimulinkInstrumentationTestbedThermal ManagementData acquisitionControls File: Download Jonah_Glunt_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Herschel C Pangborn, Thesis SupervisorDaniel Humberto Cortes Correales, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Learning Koopman Bilinear Models using Bi-level Optimization for Quadcopter Control in Complex Dynamic Environments Open Access Author: Prasetyo, Bayu Title: Learning Koopman Bilinear Models using Bi-level Optimization for Quadcopter Control in Complex Dynamic Environments Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: KoopmanQuadcopterControlsModeling File: Download Bayu_Prasetyo_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Junyi Geng, Thesis SupervisorCharles E Bakis, Thesis Honors Advisor