1. Variable Costing Theory: Useful Managerial Tool or Pariah of the World? The Case of China Open Access Author: Meier, Philip Nathan Title: Variable Costing Theory: Useful Managerial Tool or Pariah of the World? The Case of China Area of Honors: Accounting Keywords: AccountingVariable CostingChinaManagerialDumpingGAAPCostConvergenceStandardsPricingManufacturingDifferences File: Download MeierPhilip_Variable_Costing_Theory-_Useful_Managerial_Tool_or_Pariah_of_the_World.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Sajay Samuel, Thesis SupervisorOrie Edwin Barron, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Survey of Traffic Models and Analysis of a Nonlocal Particle Model Open Access Author: Chien, Jereme Title: Survey of Traffic Models and Analysis of a Nonlocal Particle Model Area of Honors: Mathematics Keywords: Traffic FlowFollow-the-LeadersParticle ModelTraveling WavesStationary Wave ProfilesExistence and UniquenessStabilityConvergence File: Download Chien_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Wen Shen, Thesis SupervisorLeonid N Vaserstein, Thesis Honors Advisor