1. Linearity Measurement of Photomultiplier Tubes Open Access Author: Yin, Zhiyu Title: Linearity Measurement of Photomultiplier Tubes Area of Honors: Physics Keywords: Photomultiplier TubesScintillatorsElementary particlesLinearity measurementCosmic Rays File: Download thesis_zhiyu_Yin.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Stephane Coutu, Thesis SupervisorProf. Richard Wallace Robinett, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. The Optimization and Construction of the High Energy Light Isotope Experiment Open Access Author: White, Tyler Title: The Optimization and Construction of the High Energy Light Isotope Experiment Area of Honors: Physics Keywords: HELIXCosmic RaysIsotopic AbundanceParticles File: Download White_Tyler_The_Optimization_and_Construction_of_the_High_Energy_Light_Isotope_Experiment.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Stephane Coutu, Thesis SupervisorProf. Richard Wallace Robinett, Thesis Honors Advisor