1. Comprehensive Review of the Default-mode Network and Directions for Future Research Open Access Author: Waters, Lee M Title: Comprehensive Review of the Default-mode Network and Directions for Future Research Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: Default-mode networkDMNfMRIPET File: Download Waters_Lee_reviewofdefaultmodenetwork.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Frank Gerard Hillary, Thesis SupervisorDr. Stephen Wade Schaeffer, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Effect of DMN on Genes Associated with Ethylene Signaling and Metabolism in Solanum tuberosum Open Access Author: Hannah, Summer Title: Effect of DMN on Genes Associated with Ethylene Signaling and Metabolism in Solanum tuberosum Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: Solanum tuberosumDMNRNA-seqGene expressionEthylene Response Factorethylene signalingethylene metabolism File: Download Completed_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michael A Campbell, Thesis SupervisorDiane Parente, Thesis Honors AdvisorElisa Wu, Faculty Reader