1. MOVIE ANALYTICS – PREDICTIVE MODELING FOR MOVIE SUCCESS Open Access Author: Soepranoto, Preston Adrian Title: MOVIE ANALYTICS – PREDICTIVE MODELING FOR MOVIE SUCCESS Area of Honors: Industrial Engineering Keywords: MovieData AnalyticsPredictive ModelingData ScienceBig DataMachine Learning File: Download SchreyerHonorsThesis_Preston_Soepranoto.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Soundar Rajan Tirupatikumara, Thesis SupervisorDr. Catherine Mary Harmonosky, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. MOSCH: A MULTI-OBJECTIVE SPATIAL CLUSTERING ALGORITHM WITH CONSTRAINT-HANDLING METHODS Open Access Author: Baksa, Bridget Marie Title: MOSCH: A MULTI-OBJECTIVE SPATIAL CLUSTERING ALGORITHM WITH CONSTRAINT-HANDLING METHODS Area of Honors: Information Sciences and Technology Keywords: Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningData ScienceClusteringAlgorithmsInformation ScienceTechnologyNYCCitiBikeBig DataSoftware EngineeringPython File: Download Bridget_Baksa_-_Schreyer_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Abdullah Konak, Thesis SupervisorDr. Sandy Feinstein, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. A Comparative Analysis on the Ability of Machine Learning Models to Create a Housing Price Index Using Integrated New York City Housing and School Performance Data Open Access Author: Gault, William Title: A Comparative Analysis on the Ability of Machine Learning Models to Create a Housing Price Index Using Integrated New York City Housing and School Performance Data Area of Honors: Data Sciences Keywords: Data ScienceMachine LearningFeature EngineeringLinear RegressionNeural Network File: Download William_Gault_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: John Yen, Thesis SupervisorJohn Yen, Thesis Honors AdvisorSuhang Wang, Faculty Reader
4. Using Data Mining to Detect Hate Speech on Twitter Open Access Author: Ciccarelli, Joshua Title: Using Data Mining to Detect Hate Speech on Twitter Area of Honors: Data Sciences Keywords: Machine LearningTwitterData MiningData ScienceCyber AgressionCyber Bullying File: Download Thesis_Ciccarelli_Joshua.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Anna Cinzia Squicciarini, Thesis SupervisorJohn Yen, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. PairBoost: Gradient Boosted Classification from Pairwise Data Open Access Author: Ashtekar, Neil Title: PairBoost: Gradient Boosted Classification from Pairwise Data Area of Honors: Computer Science Keywords: Machine LearningEnsemble LearningGradient BoostingData ScienceArtificial Intelligence File: Download Ashtekar_Neil_PairBoost.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mehrdad Mahdavi, Thesis SupervisorRebecca Jane Passonneau, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Fantasy Football Profitability: Using Machine Learning to Construct Optimal Teams and See Consistent Returns Open Access Author: Baak, Andrew Title: Fantasy Football Profitability: Using Machine Learning to Construct Optimal Teams and See Consistent Returns Area of Honors: Data Sciences Keywords: Machine LearningData ScienceSports GamblingFantasy Sports File: Download Baak_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Francis C Wham, Jr., Thesis SupervisorJohn Yen, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. Modeling of Discrete Dynamic Systems Using an Integrated Operator-and Control- Theoretic Method Open Access Author: Pandey, Abhinav Title: Modeling of Discrete Dynamic Systems Using an Integrated Operator-and Control- Theoretic Method Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: Machine LearningKoopman Operator TheoryAnalytical BackpropogationData ScienceData Driven ModelingImitation LearningLinear Quadratic Regulator File: Download Abhinav_Pandey_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Daning Huang, Thesis SupervisorNamiko Yamamoto, Thesis Honors Advisor
8. Understanding Undergraduates' Perceptions of Student Debt Visualizations: A Human-Centered Approach Open Access Author: Hubbard, Glenn Title: Understanding Undergraduates' Perceptions of Student Debt Visualizations: A Human-Centered Approach Area of Honors: Data Sciences Keywords: Data ScienceVisualizationDebtStudent DebtHuman-Computer InteractionHCIDSCSPythonExcelPsychologyInterpretivistGrounded TheoryUndergraduateStudyHuman-CenteredFinanceAmortizationChartGraphLine GraphBar GraphStacked Bar GraphPlotlyMortgageDebt CrisisDesign File: Download Hubbard_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Syed M. Billah, Thesis SupervisorJohn Yen, Thesis Honors Advisor
9. Advanced Techniques for Fraudulent Transaction Detection: A Statistical and Machine Learning Approach Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Kakkar, Sagan Title: Advanced Techniques for Fraudulent Transaction Detection: A Statistical and Machine Learning Approach Area of Honors: Statistics Keywords: Machine LearningStatisitical AnalysisFraud DetectionData ScienceStatisitcs File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Yubai Yuan, Thesis SupervisorJohn Yen, Thesis Honors AdvisorCindy Lin, Faculty Reader
10. Using COVID 19 Healthcare Misinformation to Develop a System to Detect Future Fake News Open Access Author: Denenberg, Allison Title: Using COVID 19 Healthcare Misinformation to Develop a System to Detect Future Fake News Area of Honors: Data Sciences Keywords: Data ScienceMachine LearningMisinformationFake NewsCOVID-19 File: Download Thesis_Final_Submission_-_Allison_Denenberg.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Suhang Wang, Thesis SupervisorMarc Aaron Friedenberg, Thesis Honors Advisor