1. Supervised Learning of StarCraft 2 Game Prediction Using RNN Open Access Author: Lu, Sen Title: Supervised Learning of StarCraft 2 Game Prediction Using RNN Area of Honors: Computer Science Keywords: Supervised LearningDeep LearningRTS GameStarCraft 2RNNGRUKerasdata generatorpartial observation File: Download StarCraft_2_SHC_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Daniel Kifer, Thesis SupervisorRebecca Jane Passonneau, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. SOCCER ANALYTICS: AN EXAMINATION OF CURRENT APPROACHES FOR GAME OUTCOME PREDICTION AND THE POTENTIAL OF DEEP LEARNING WITH ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS Open Access Author: Gomez Lorente, Juan Title: SOCCER ANALYTICS: AN EXAMINATION OF CURRENT APPROACHES FOR GAME OUTCOME PREDICTION AND THE POTENTIAL OF DEEP LEARNING WITH ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS Area of Honors: Industrial Engineering Keywords: Machine LearningDeep LearningNeural NetworksArtificial Neural NetworksPoisson RegressionSoccerSports AnalyticsBettingPredictive ModellingMoneyball AnalyticsSoftMax ClassifierRegressioneffects encodingfeed-forward networksbackpropagationgradient descentresilient backpropagationNewton's MethodTaylor Series expansionManhattan RuleBroyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno algorithmBFGSQuasi-Newton Methods File: Download Juan_GomezLorente.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Hui Yang, Thesis SupervisorDr. Catherine Mary Harmonosky, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Deep Ensemble Learning for Robust Defense Against Adversaries Open Access Author: Adams, Ethan Title: Deep Ensemble Learning for Robust Defense Against Adversaries Area of Honors: Information Sciences and Technology Keywords: AIArtificial IntelligenceMLMachine LearningTensorFlowKerasPythonAI SecurityEnsemble LearningDeep LearningNeural NetworksAdversarialAdversaries File: Download Adams_ThesisFinal.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mahdi Nasereddin, Thesis SupervisorSandy Feinstein, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Using a UAV and Edge Computing to Identify and Throw Away Trash Open Access Author: Eden, Grant Title: Using a UAV and Edge Computing to Identify and Throw Away Trash Area of Honors: Computer Engineering Keywords: UAVDroneMachine LearningEdge ComputingDeep Learning File: Download ThesisHonorsGrantEden.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Vijaykrishnan Narayanan, Thesis SupervisorJohn Morgan Sampson, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. UNDERSTANDING DOUBLE DESCENT BEHAVIOR IN DEEP LEARNING NEURAL NETWORKS Open Access Author: Dutta, Shubhangam Title: UNDERSTANDING DOUBLE DESCENT BEHAVIOR IN DEEP LEARNING NEURAL NETWORKS Area of Honors: Computer Engineering Keywords: Deep LearningNeural NetworksDouble DescentMachine Learning File: Download SHC_thesis_Double_Descent.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mehrdad Mahdavi, Thesis SupervisorJohn Morgan Sampson, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Ultrasound Temperature Estimation Using Generative Adversarial Networks Open Access Author: Safri, Muayyad Title: Ultrasound Temperature Estimation Using Generative Adversarial Networks Area of Honors: Computer Engineering Keywords: High-intensity focused ultrasoundUltrasound Temperature EstimationGenerative adversarial networksDeep Learning File: Download Honors_Thesis_final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mohamed Khaled Almekkawy, Thesis SupervisorRobert Collins, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. Improving Trust in Deep Learning by Augmented Deep K-Nearest Neighbors Open Access Author: Tickner, Sarah Title: Improving Trust in Deep Learning by Augmented Deep K-Nearest Neighbors Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: Machine LearningDeep LearningNeural NetworksTrustDKNNKNN File: Download Tickner_Thesis_SHC.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Bruce Einfalt, Thesis SupervisorGary L Gray, Thesis Honors Advisor
8. The Prediction of Coronavirus Cases and an Analysis of the Factors Contributing to its Spread Across Universities in the United States Open Access Author: Vo, Christopher Title: The Prediction of Coronavirus Cases and an Analysis of the Factors Contributing to its Spread Across Universities in the United States Area of Honors: Statistics Keywords: CoronavirusArtificial Neural NetworkDeep LearningMultiple Linear RegressionSupport Vector Regression File: Download ChrisVo_Honors_Thesis.pdfDownload ANN_Covid_College_pred.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Lingzhou Xue, Thesis SupervisorLe Bao, Thesis Honors Advisor
9. An Enhancer-Based Deep Learning Approach for Studying Viral Regulation Open Access Author: Cooper, Rachel Title: An Enhancer-Based Deep Learning Approach for Studying Viral Regulation Area of Honors: Computer Science Keywords: Deep LearningBioinformaticsGene RegulationEnhancersVirusHSV-1 File: Download Cooper_Rachel_An_Enhancer-Based_Deep_Learning_Approach_For_Studying_Viral_Regulation.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Shaun Mahony, Thesis SupervisorJohn Joseph Hannan, Thesis Honors Advisor
10. Predicting Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury in Rookie Major League Baseball Pitchers Open Access Author: Rendar, Sean Title: Predicting Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury in Rookie Major League Baseball Pitchers Area of Honors: Data Sciences Keywords: Machine LearningDeep LearningInjury PredictionUlnar Collateral LigamentMajor League Baseball File: Download Rendar_Sean_Predicting_Ulnar_Collateral_Ligament_Injury_in_Rookie_Major_League_Baseball_Pitchers.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Fenglong Ma, Thesis SupervisorJohn Yen, Thesis Honors Advisor