1. Optimizing the Solar Water Disinfection Method to Produce Potable Water from Ecologically-treated Wastewater Using Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate Bottles Open Access Author: Sheehan, M. William Title: Optimizing the Solar Water Disinfection Method to Produce Potable Water from Ecologically-treated Wastewater Using Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate Bottles Area of Honors: Civil Engineering Keywords: solar water disinfection method (SODIS)eco-machineE. colitotal coliformsultraviolet-A rays File: Download Will_Sheehan_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rachel Alice Brennan, Thesis SupervisorPatrick Reed, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Synthetic DNA Promoters to Control Gene Expression Based on the Presence of Oxygen in E. coli Open Access Author: Kirk, Andrew Title: Synthetic DNA Promoters to Control Gene Expression Based on the Presence of Oxygen in E. coli Area of Honors: Biological Engineering Keywords: synthetic biologygenetic engineeringE. coliDNAoxygen-sensitive promotersArcAFNRdcuC File: Download Kirk_Andrew_Synthetic_DNA_Promoters.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Howard M Salis, Thesis SupervisorAli Demirci, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. target identification and analysis of trans-translation inhibitor KKL-35 Open Access Author: Hosangadi, Divya Title: target identification and analysis of trans-translation inhibitor KKL-35 Area of Honors: Microbiology Keywords: antibiotictrans-translationbiochemistryE. coli File: Download Final_Undergraduate_Thesis_DHOSANGADI.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kenneth Charles Keiler, Thesis SupervisorDr. Sarah Ellen Ades, Thesis Honors AdvisorScott Brian Selleck, Faculty Reader
4. CUSTOM ANGSTROM-SCALE SEPARATIONS WITH HIGHLY PERMEABLE BIOMIMETIC MEMBRANES Open Access Author: Prabhakar, Jeevan Title: CUSTOM ANGSTROM-SCALE SEPARATIONS WITH HIGHLY PERMEABLE BIOMIMETIC MEMBRANES Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: OmpFMembranesBiomimeticDesalinationSeparationsPoreDesignerMutantFiltrationGeneticAquaporinTEMAngstromE. coliPurificationProteoliposome File: Download Thesis_Jeevan_Prabhakar.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Manish Kumar, Thesis SupervisorDarrell Velegol, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Characterizing the Epigenomic Heat Shock Response in E. coli with ChIP-exo Open Access Author: John, Jordan Denny Title: Characterizing the Epigenomic Heat Shock Response in E. coli with ChIP-exo Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: E. coliChIP-exoEpigenomeSigma FactorsHeat ShockTranscription Factors File: Download John_Jordan_CharacterizingtheEpigenomicHeatShockResponseinE._coliwithChIP-exo_fixed.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Benjamin Franklin Pugh, Thesis SupervisorDr. Michael Axtell, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Is there a Trade-off? Impacts of Antibiotic Treatments on Gut Microbiota and Immune Gene Expression in Honey Bees (Apis Mellifera) Open Access Author: Tomasko, Nicholas Title: Is there a Trade-off? Impacts of Antibiotic Treatments on Gut Microbiota and Immune Gene Expression in Honey Bees (Apis Mellifera) Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: Apis melliferaOxytetracyclineE. coliMicrobiomeAntimicrobial peptidesImmune genesImmune response File: Download Tomasko_Nicholas_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Margarita Maria Lopez-Uribe, Thesis SupervisorJoseph C. Reese, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. Effect of Storage Conditions on Stability of Laminated Antimicrobial Films Open Access Author: Mencl, Heidi Title: Effect of Storage Conditions on Stability of Laminated Antimicrobial Films Area of Honors: Food Science Keywords: Lauric arginatelaminated antimicrobial filmsantimicrobialE. coliListeriafood File: Download Mencl_Thesis_-_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Catherine Nettles Cutter, Thesis SupervisorFederico Miguel Harte, Thesis Honors Advisor