1. THE IMPACT OF ENDOGENOUS RETROVIRUS S2220 ON MULE DEER ISY1 GENE EXPRESSION Open Access Author: Bogale, Kaleb Tadesse Title: THE IMPACT OF ENDOGENOUS RETROVIRUS S2220 ON MULE DEER ISY1 GENE EXPRESSION Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: Endogenous retrovirusERVLTRlong terminal repeatsolo LTRsolo long terminal repeatgene expressionmule deerOdocoileus hemionusRNASplicingretroviruspre-mrna splicing geneISY1 geneisy1gene regulationhardy-weinberg equilibriumpopulation geneticsBos taurusdomestic cowOvis arissheep File: Download KalebBogale_ThesisFinal.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Mary Poss, Thesis SupervisorDr. Bernhard Lüscher, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Williams_Stephanie_The Diversity of Endogenous Retroviruses in Wyoming Mule Deer Open Access Author: Williams, Stephanie Nicole Title: Williams_Stephanie_The Diversity of Endogenous Retroviruses in Wyoming Mule Deer Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: Endogenous RetrovirusesERVMule DeerGeneticsCrERVintegrationvirusvirusesphylogenetic tree File: Download Williams_Stephanie_The_Diversity_of_Endogenous_Retroviruses_in_Wyoming_Mule_Deer.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mary Poss, Thesis SupervisorDaniel J Cosgrove, Thesis Honors Advisor